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Friday, October 23, 2015

Other woman and you


Quotes above is a very good one.
Fans of it.
... I called this as inspiration.
Like when i see my idol, start to follow her, update everything about her... just to be like her.
Inside and outside.
And continued of this, 
I deeply think that... 
Until when i want to follow her.
Why not i be the one that others follow?

Super dubber big dream.
May be will take around three to four years, but better try than never...  right.
So, bring it on.
Welcoming those society.
And make my life spinning 360 degree.

You know... society.
With weird manners and minded.

But that's a real treasure.
Where i will how hard life is.
Experience teach me best.

Oh Allah,
Let me take this baby step,
Keep me guided and right way.
Tranquilize me.
And bring the peace upon me.
: ) 

Thursday, October 22, 2015



Yesterday, my sister WhatsApp me about my neighbor condition.
He's ill and admitted.
And this morning, she WhatsApp me again to tell that my neighbor already pass away...
Al Alfatihah.

He's a very good man.
He also my father's BFF.
As my sister massage, my father had visiting him on last monday.
Touching here and there to wake up him.
But the condition is very bad.
He don't want talked to my father.
And my father looked very sad.

Even I'm not really close to him.
But I respect him.
... When i was at school, he and his family helping us a lot.
Be guarantor for my father and vice versa.
Such a good man.

After my subuh, i take time to recite Yassin.
Pray my best for him.
And ready to work.


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Bus: Bad experience.

This post is not to condemn anyone.
But my right and also as reminder to others.
Sorry if you don't like.

Yesterday after finishing my work... i took a taxi and go to the nearest LRT. 
And then changed to KTM to go to TBS.
From there, i bought a ticket bus to JB.
I choose 02:30pm Konsurtrium, since that the earliest time i can get. 

Remain about 15minutes more, i rushing go to pray and toilet.
Sharp 02:30 pm, i go down at departure area. 
And luckily my bus not arrive yet.
So, i took a seat and rambling around with my internet line.
WhatsApp my sister... call my parents.

Time passing by, after 30minutes... they announced that my bus are delayed.
So as I'm not lunch yet, i go to small stall over there and bought some bread.
After 30minutes, means is one hour already and still delayed.
What the fish!

I go to girl who uniformly look like staff TBS, to get an explanation.
But to my surprised they don't reply me back.
Passing over my problem to another friends who seems don't care about it.
Take a sweet time with their gang.
I'm very disappointed.

May Allah bless them.

After 15minutes, 03:45 pm, then and then another Konsurtrium bus arrived and my group can joined them.
Because of same destination.
Next problem is struggling with them to get a seat.
What you expect when you are the second line team.
Whatever's i still get single seat.

So, after i received no apologies from TBS staff and behalf bus site.
I just okayyy.
But then what make my blood boiled and give them disgusting look after i seen that small tv show a Chinese story and it's 18sx.
What's wrong with this people?!
Are you horny or stupid?

I just pray that second driver will changed it or turn it off.
What if we had an accident, and die.
That the last thing you see?
The hell is your last destination bro.

I just open my mp3 and close my eyes and heard zikir... praise Allah and Prophet Muhammad.
These are my bad experience with the bus things.
Really and really bad.

May you can questioning why not i choose flights over this.
Sorry, as you know me and read my previous blog .
My first flight is go to Mecca.
That i swear to myself and the Creator.

To the staff TBS, i know how professional your image. With blazer and so on.
But if your manners and treat your clients like this.
You still not impressed me.
And that announcement system, please do something about it. 
Look like you heard a hard rock trailer.
Not clear and mumbling around.

To the bus driver and co pilot.
You're the worst.
Look like Malay but I don't think you are Islam.
Just feel bit relieved because i can used that USB connector at beside seat.
Keep me save my power bank battery.
I'm as a passenger have the right, duh.
Please improve your quality.


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Sell dunya for akhirah


When i wore more than a cap at my working place.
Some of non muslim, which my leader, have an argument about it.
Like i did something juveniles to them.

Sorry to say...
I'm very disappointed.
Felt they against my religion, Islam.
Start to think that did i still live on Malaysia?
Who are free country and majority of us are Islam.
What the fish!

I still give they chance to understand me. 
If they still cannot accept my right.
Then why i should i be here.

I'm not gonna begging,
Either cry nor felt down.
Maybe it's a time for me to take my own way.
Which can accept me practice Islam.
: )

Friday, October 09, 2015

Secret admire


Nothing more awkward than the moments you know, you have a secret admire.
Like LOL.
Someone has a crush on... me?
I don't think so.
Maybe somewhere something not right.

When my friends told me this.
... I donno what expression should i show.
Or should i be panic?

Best feeling?
Nah...i felt unsecured..

FYI... I'm the one not eager to talk anything related to 'L' words.
To that man, 
Don't waste your time for admiring me. I'm is nothing. 
If you're gentlemen enough. 
You know what should you do.

I hope he doesn't one of a scary secret admire...
Those who are stalker much that being harmful to me and everyone i love.
If so i will kick him out.
: )

Thursday, October 08, 2015



Every beginning of my day.
I always hope and pray for the best... or at least, please be nice to me.
Sound crazy, but why do i care
'Cause who wants a bad day?

Lucky me, my work option is not as i called something bored.
It's depends on case i facing of.
And also people i attach to.
No offense.

My unexpectedly best moments can be here,
Which i'm 50:50 sure.
But can be a worst moments.
As i previously said, depends on case i facing of.

Blah. Blah. Blah.
As i through my other routine...

And at the end of my day.
When i already pull my blanket.
To sleep.
And nothing special happens.
I said to myself,
Be patient.
Be patient and always be patient.
This best moments happen at unexpectedly time, and place.
And your heart can widely smile again.
: )

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

LIFE: It's okay to be stubborn


Let's get it straight to the point. Do you ever in a situation that you feel that you're to stubborn to say even a yes? A nod that everyone want you to follow and follow the system, but you're too hard to approach? U-huh, I can said that whatever you're in my condition...if you feel right in your own path, just go on with it and move on.

They can isolate you from normal routine, not going for lunch together or even let you make fun of yourself. This is where true friends really come in handle, and you can remove this toxic relationship to the rubbish bin. You don't need them in your life because if they can respect you in this situation, how can they support you in worse case? Why still waiting a hope?

Keep your head up, chest forward and straight body because this is you! This is what your identity and your pathway. This is what you are doing right now. If they can move on, you the one that move. This is what it is, the history already happened. A trusty, a sincerely is from the heart...just pray for the best about you and luck for them.

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Please recover fast, Anas!

I knew Anas was admitted last few days because URTI.
(Upper respiratory tract infection)
Affected by haze i guess.
When my sister sent this picture. I was like... Oh my sweet pie.
"Let him sleep. He need it. "
He looks super tired and exhausted.
I pray and wish him the best.
Please recover fast, Anas!

P/s: Your sister and brother cannot wait to fight with you.
: ) 

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Novel: Kisah yang sempurna (Prolog)


Dear my future husband,

Directly I want to say that when we meet later. Don't proposing me to be your girlfriend.
I don't want to be your girlfriend.
Massively no.
I may reject that red roses, shining ring and become all such a awful moments.
Because I just want to be the one you call as your wife.

I may to rush in this things.
By the way this difference between me and other
women, is that, all they wanted to have all those.
Me on the other hands...
I indeed who wishing and dreaming.
Just as i know my limit to Allah and lower my gaze.
And when to said no.

I pray you understand me.
That I still wishing you'll be my ‘halal’ prince charming.
Who holding onto the Quran in your right hand and the Sunnah in the left hand.
And riding your horse of Taqwa.
Tame me and save me.
On the spot.
I hear you're worth the wait, so I’ll wait.

I not aspect that you are a perfect husband in future.
'Cause I’m also not a perfect person.
But I aspect you,
Who is not the one who calls me for only romantic talk... but he who calls me five times for prayer.
As my rules...
That a man who cannot lead me in Salah,
Cannot lead me in life.

My apologize,
I don't make my wedding day a pleasant memory in this life, but source of misery in the next.
Which when you do marry me,
I hope you do it so with the intention of Jannah where you plan to hold my hand and carry me together.
Just like some said, true love doesn't end... it continues in Jannah,

And then i know you love me endlessly.

Our stories may not as others lover,
Non a grateful to share.
Since when do love stories end in weddings?
Because we only just started from here.
This second.
And you become my chills.

From all above.. they may will said,
Someone like this? I never found a man good enough for this.
Or i will never get married.
May never or who know.
I plan, Allah is the master mind.
No one can against it.

Let me tell you one secret
I am a hard person to love but when i'm in love... i love really hard,
Allah is my only one.
Prophet of Muhammad is my strength.
And my family are my prove.
One day you not only a love, a strength, a inspired to me.
But everything to me.
One fine day.

From your future wife.


So this one is from my previous blog post actually.
I donno how to write the intro-i used this. 
I'm not sure if i really that talented enough. May i looks like randomly wrote i like and don't care if anyone will read about this or not. 
Hahhaha... I don't know this novel will take how long to complete. Why just take a seat, enjoy and wait for next entries. 

My link post is here.

Saturday, October 03, 2015

Be cool


In this life, 
One thing I really want myself to be reminded everytime and everyday ... that wasting time is no need.
In subjective of to prove which i was a good enough.
Like i seen those who addicted posting at FB, Instagram, Twitter for every kindness they are doing.

I'm not a God's daughter to say all this are wrong.
That between you and Allah.
Just the uncomfortable feeling for me.
Where there will 'lil encounters for ikhlas/sincere vs riak/show of...
I hope this is not a trend.

People will not get it what my truly inside soul.
Same goes to everyone.
We only contactly by physical appearance.
That's a bias.
But I believe someday someoneone will know me or you by outside and inside.
The good and bad side.
Because it's dangerous if people realize the best of us instead, ourselves being caught by shadow from the worst side.
Oh Masyaallah.
May Allah bless me and you.

For now, 
In this case...
My family is whom i guaranteed know me well.
Yeah, that's normal.
And may some of my friends also.
I think.

Profit of being a good person is worth it.
Like a treasure a gold @ pahala.
Some may smooth, some may adventurer.
So when you're a winner.
Why must we show of those gold?
For what reason?
Neither you want to be respect, get more friends or you want people take advantage of you.
Be careful dear.
Like I said previously, we only knew by physical appearance...

My last words...
Just stay good.
Be good.
And be cool.

Friday, October 02, 2015

I am free


Yesterday night, i was at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa. 
Me and three more friends.
My colleagues...
I'm cycling over there for the third time.
Still awesome as always.
: )

Maked it more adventure.
You know like when at night, 'lil rainy.
No parents will took their child to playground.
Like no one there except ours.
So why not we take that opportunity and bringing back childhood memories!
And we did.
Try all those spring rider, see saw, swing seat, jungle gym, monkey bar, and slide part too.

I am free, and happy.
I play, i smile, i laugh.
Like i don't have any major problem, and fear.
Refresh back my life.

Thanks to my friends. 
You all are the best.
Especially who the one pop up with this cycling idea.
Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. 
If one only remembers to turn on the light.

Those tranquility just make a sense.
One time, i will need away from others.
Escaping from this room, 
This city, 
This country, 
This universe, 
This life.

I know i am free.. when inside me will feel like one.

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Adam is so cute!

This is Adam.
Adam Haris...  his full name.
He is shy, caring and not to much talking type of boy.
 But to me, he still cute.
Very cute one.
So innocent face and i bet in future, his face that drop gorgeous!
Very hardworking too...
So focus on, cleaning grandparents house with that big slippers.
Cute as a button!
Oh my...Too cute to take it.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Strong enough?


Let me make it clear. Everyone.
The quote above is really close to me.
Close enough like a phone with his internet.
And this is my truly express what i feeling through from the past.
Actual one.

I know,
People may seen me as a tough and strong person.
To any of my friends.
Even my own family members too.
But the real...
I just act strong, be strong. ..but inside i'm broken.
And dying.

When they know i'm strong. No one will ask if i'm okay or what.
That the worst of it.
But i'm quiet okay with it.
To me, as long as i can independence with my inside soul.
So far, i'm okay.

But, did i strong enough every time?
The answer is i didn't!
The always solution are prying and cried.
That what make me today.
Allah and Islam.

For those who heart broken, think you alone in this world.
Said others don't know what you feel.
I understood.
But logically, we really don't know your condition because we are not in your shoes.
But may try to be in your shoes.
Are you clear?

What ever religions you are.
Pray and believe to the Creator.
He know the better faith of you and me.
And us.
In. Future.


P/S: I think this character i get from my emak/mother. Who i seen as a strong women. And i admire how strong she is. She inspired me!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Ziqa, Apiz dan Anas


Tiga orang budak daripada anak Kakak aku.
Yang si kecik boleh aku maintain cak ba-cak ba.
Acah acah sikit, bagi minum susu...tidor la bila penat.
Tapi yang lagi dua tuh.
Tersangatlah degil and susah nak paham.
Aku nak menyampaikan pon tak tahu camne.

Yang si kakak... kalau kau layan dari pagi petang, siang malam pon memang tak abis lah.
Dengan statement dia yang, okayyyy.
Logic nya pon ada.
Contoh la kan.
Masa tu si adik, Apiz ni demam and muntah-muntah.
Aku tak tahulah dia mkan apa.
Si kakak ni pon cakaplah.
"Apiz tahu tak, apiz sakit kenapa?"
Adik dia pon geleng-gelang innocent.
"Sebab Apiz tak sembahyang! Apiz pergi ambil wuduk, kakak ajar Apiz sembanyang."
Maka, si kakak pon ajorlah si adik sembahyang ikut style dia even kiblat pon salah.
Hah... logik gak kan.

Si Apiz ni plak. Dia categori active terlebih.
Semua benda dia nak karate.
Aku rasa ni kalau masok takewando. Boleh terus dapat black belt for kids.
Memang sumpah ganasnya.
Adik dia si Anas berapa kali dah kena.

Sebab tu si kakak bila tahu dapat baby boy, Si Anas, dia tak nak.
Nak tukar... nak baby girl.
Sebab tak ada orang main dengan barbie dia.
Kalo ajak Apiz, sure kaki dan tangan entah kemana... and tak nak adik lagi yang ganas macam Apiz.
Tapi Apiz and Anas just like whatever sist.
We're sibling.
No one can change that.

And baru-baru nih, 
Si kakak reminds adik lelakinya, bahawasanya:
Anas bila dah besar duduk rumah nenek dengan Apiz.
Anas pon terkekeh ketawa bila kakak dia cakap.
Macam lagaknya paham lah.
Maka si kakak pon menarik nafas lega.
Ziqa, ziqa.

Tapi whatever it is...
Even aku boleh naik gila jaga mereka nih.
They still taming my heart in their own way.
So cute.

Si Anas and polka-dot

Tetiba datang si kakak nak interframe!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Beauty me


One thing about me you need to know is i don't like wearing any make up.
Believed or not,
I'm may just stick with my one and only natural collagen lipstick and that's all.
No those compact powder..
No eyeliner or, 
Freaking colorful eye-shadow! 

My combination skin not have so much probs.
May as my hormone in good level.
So i can survive with simple cleanser, and mask.
Or i can said the cheapest.
To keep it in best condition.

I don't like feeling of double layer to my face
I don't like making any 'stupid' art to my face.
I like it go with what it goes.
Me and my natural beauty.
I don't care what people say...
No glowing or whatever it is,
Because I'm not gonna wasting my time to clean up everything after end of the day or for praying time.
I can save that for my sleeping time.

In addition,
Even i'm the glasses type.
But i'm not wearing any contact lenses.
Not dare to try and act like wanna poke my own eyes.
Scary enough!
May on my big day i will think about it.
Or maybe not in millions years.

Nail polish?
No, no...
Not fans of it.

For those muslimah who like wore those make up.
I'm not against all of you.
I'm not say it wrong.
Because i know some may wore this as their confident booster.
That can cover any panda eye, scars, pimples.
And luckily it works!
Happy for them.

Just my advises keep it medium or don't over.
People may don't said anything but maturity tells.
And be watch out if you want to pray.
Make sure your face and body are clear.
You know what i mean right.
Water can freely flow...
To make sure that anyone will not judge you.
: )

Yeah! Indeed.

Sunday, September 27, 2015



None i follow on Instagram,
But I likes stalking around.
And it's really interesting. May added as my fav hobbies in future.
I'm not sure if you're following one of the Prince of Johor's Instagram, Tunku Idris (TTJ).
And aware the statement about his sister, TTA (Tunku Aminah).
Who being judge by others.

Here I wrote back for those who miss:

"When i see comments about my sister not wearing a tudong it does tick me off.
I know that she prays more than some of those that covers their heads, she wears 'selendang' at all religious events.
Is it not good enough? Isn't it between her and Allah?
Isn't that a sinful things to do to her?
Why don't we turn our heads and not look if it's such a sin?
Some people tends to forget about culture as well, we are Malays and not Arabs.
Dressing up like an Arab doesn't make us any more religious. 
Burkas, yea it's to cover the 'aurat' but it's also a cultural attire and not just religious, in the middle east it protects those wearing it from the elements such as sand storms and also the scorching heat.
One 'orang alim' told me once, you cover your face if you're really beautiful and could cause distraction to others.
I know TTA doesn't care about what people think of her but as brother i do. 
I'll stand for her and also my beloved mother, aunts, cousins and sister in law.
Reminds those who are around you first before reminding someone who you don't even know personally."

Behalf of my opinion about this things are.
...I hope non will misunderstand with my next words...
Wow and just wow.
Very well said Tunku!
I called this is as a modern idea and companionship of siblings.
The idea of it is basically the same as protection.
Protection means that he do the best from everything, from sadness, from difficulty.
For his lovely sister.
Two thumbs up for him protecting her in every single way.

Even i know cover the aurah/aurat is a serious commitment.
That it's wajib/ a must.
But i believe, he also know, she also know... we also know this fact. No need for me to explain why.
Neither i nor my magical keyboard will fight over this.
Not really wants offended anyone.
Because what he said is reasonable.
That it's between her and Allah.
Like people always pretend, kubur lain-lain. Azab lain-lain.

This remind me about a prostitute who protect and care a dog.
That you know about that stories?
How Allah is a forgiver.

For me,
Just like i always said, 
Please love Allah more.
Try your very best and have faith to Allah.

Little things will start adding up to this issues.
Trust me.
People like blame, judging and think themselves are better.
This are common manners.
Not only Malay... but everywhere.
If he/her or us have mercy of Allah.
Regret and never lose hope...Never decline even may of some commit sins.
Then Allah may a space between those hope.
Times will change everything.

Like those some who not agree with me.
That i'm not brave enough to deal with what's wrong and right with Islam.
As law may arrest me to fight with royal class.
Just remember, I also not perfect,
But try hard to be one.
I'm not against him or anyone. I'm also Johorean.
I respect him, his statement, his right and value.
And his life.

Just let me...
Share you a very good advises from Mufti Ismail Manek.
May Allah bless TTJ,TTA and ours.

P/S: An honor to put him as my first person i follow.

When you see a female dresses in a manner that is unacceptable Islamically, do not for a moments think that she is lower than you spiritually. If you do that, you are lower than her. Believe me, that is the teaching of your religion. She might have a link with her creator that you do not know about. She might have a heart that is tons better than yours. She might have one weakness that is outward, and you have 50 weakness that are hidden. Mufti Ismail Menk.
: )

Friday, September 25, 2015

Swim, peah...swim...

Look at that face! How eager she can be.
: )
Not bad, Peah.
Next time your Baba will let you go by your own.
In one fine day...
May after you learnt how to crawl and take a first step.

Peah will be pro swimmer later.
Will teach aunt how to swim also.
And it's a must!

Japan trip 2

Hai, Hari kedua Di Jepun, bangun pagi plan asal aku mahu tengok sunrise dekat Gion District. Tapi Emak aku jetlag sikit jadi aku...