
G1: Islamic & Health

Me at Madinah.



Bismillah, firstly I'm just a normal practitioner Muslim in Malaysia. Nothing much and nothing more about me to be share here-basically forever a student. 

Around 2005, I still can remember my school teacher said: ''please raise your hand if you think solah is hard.'' A statement that I think pretty crazy questions for 15 years old because we follow rules and regulation within home and school so schedule fixed with prayer time and meals session. So smooth and at that time no one said anything but my teacher raise his hand and he said one day you all will understand what I'm talking about... After I start first work experiences, then I fully agreed what my teacher means,  it's so hard! Balancing work-life and prayer time. 

In 2018, I'm in my 28 years old-I think my prayer and Islam bit quite far and I attended Sheikh Hussein Yee class "Perfecting my Salah''-I really need it. And totally fall for it, and then I start to think that dhunya is a great challenge and solid barrier. Why? because it is a open up map and living rationally and rules within Islam. Looks easy but then there are your neighbour Christian or Buddhism and always party hard, alcoholic...the unwanted noises that slowly affect your daily routine. "Tepuk dada, tanya Iman."

I bought special Quran around 2015 -normally contain 30 juz, and 114 surrah, and 604 pages, and 6,236 ayyah. In between 2020-2023, I try to make myself useful by learn tafseer Quran. Alhamdulillah, with discipline and hard work I finished all and to me, it not ended here but need to remind every time and should be revise everyday before sleep-this is how I dream I ended my day in future. InsyaAllah. Because the thought of ...When the time is coming, every single action and intention in dhunya will be reveal-everything. You will hold a ticket to heaven or hell? So, do it the right way and with Allah blessing.

Alhamdulillah, I'm work in Makkah since 2021 till now-I try to be a good Muslimah and learn much I can be here. Learn Arabic language, learn their good manners, the sunnah and try to spent my time to Masjidil Haram. So bless, and I pretty appreciate Ramadhan and Hajj session-most wanted months every years. Thank you Allah for all this experiences and decision. I try to share what I can get and make them a pretty good memories later on. InsyaAllah to a better Muslimah!

Here are G1: Islamic topics:  

My Makkah journey:

''My First Umrah stories'':

1-Air Zam Zam 




5-Tolong temankan aku menangis depan Kaaba

6-This is my decision


8-Big project for akhirah investment

9-What I expect for those who already go to Mecca?


11-Pengalaman terindah Satu

12-Pengalaman terindah Dua


14-Tabung Haji





1-Top 5 stimulating reasons why I work at Mecca.


As a person who works in medical line, I likes to raises any topics to be discuss for public awareness. On behalf of a normal nurse and still learning with adaptation to advance technology, I will go for it. I try my best to be open about everything and surely against viral foods video-oh man. Don't hate me. It is not only a reminder but a good advice. Take it or leave it? Up to you all. A poor and not healthy, obviously double game over! So, stay strong and have good immune system.

Here are G1: Health topics:  

-Plant based diet and Islam?

-Are you sure cereal are healthy?

-Oral health 2021

-Bone health check up with Anlene

-Bai bai lychee

-Experience about braces part one, Experience about braces part two



1. Meal Rendang Tok

2. Korean Sweet and Spicy Chicken

3. Meal Chicken Potatoes Rosemary'

4. Dessert Bread Pudding

5. Dessert Green Apple Pickles

6. Dessert Steam Chocolate Cake

7. Malaysian Potatoes Curry Puff 

8. Dessert Banana Chocolate Muffin

9. Meal Nasi Ayam / Chicken Rice

10. Breakfast Scramble Eggs

11. Snack Heathy Peanut Butter

12. Drink weight loss by lemon water 



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