
Bai bai lychee


Pretty sad.
I will no longer akan order laici as my favorite drink.
Can you imagine it.
Tissue mana tissue?

My normal roti and the BFF to it, the one and only... peanut butter.
Selalu intake untuk breakfast every morning tuh. Kena kurangkan pengambilan.
Oh no.
Give us some time yeah.
I try.

Then, no oatmeal. Guess what my breakfast would be?
Nasik lemak?
Nasik kerabu?

Also no broccoli, asparagus, cabbage.
No corn. No potatoes. Why them, why? Oh my fried fries. Gonna miss you.
Onions? Nasib not in my list.
Soft drinks. Memang not in million years nak telan. Perfect.
And some other foods lah.

Those are healthy foods duh. Just macam kena be aware jer.
I can't.
But i have too.
For my health purpose.

Sebab my digestive system got some irritation sikit. Maksudnya, my bowel movement tersangatlah aktif.
Diorang lagi more excited buat peristaltic exercise than dia punya owner.
Ni kes balas dendam ke apa?
Lempang sorang-sorang nak?

Like macam every morning orang usually buang air besar sekali every morning.
But not me. I can tiga empat kali masuk toilet.
Sampai kategori kata orang tuh, ceret ar. Cair jer. Tak tahu nak keluar apa dah.
Sorry. But that's me.

Pedih. Sakit. Few nausea lah. Pastu confirm la dehydrated.
Sebab semua dah out.
Air jela jadik peneman.
Sebab tu my water bottle dua kat rumah. Dua kat tempat kerja.
On the way... tu period masa yang penting untuk jadik peneman.

Pastu pergi pantry, breakfast cukup-cukup lah kan.
Dengan niat.
Untuk bekalan seterusnya.
Sebelum dia ada sign untuk keluar lagi ke apa.
Itu yang dilalui hari-hari.

Next, perut akan sentiasa berbunyi. Yang nih jangan cakap ar.
Lapar, keluarlah drum sound dia.
Lepas makan pon boleh tahan kuat gak.
Kadang-kadang malas nak layan.
Tapi orang sebelah boleh dengar.
Gelak je lah.

Tapi nak elak macam mana pon, if makanan. Kita panggil rezeki depan mata.
Susah nak tolak.
Just again i said.
Be aware!
Tahu makan. Terimalah padah.
Ala-ala... Cheat sikit. Ceret esoknya.

Hokay. Bye!
Stay healthy guys.
= )


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