
Recipe: Ayam dan kentang panggang bersama Rosemary.


My first thought about this recipe it's actually from lebihan sambal kisar dalam peti ais... and i try marinate ikut suka hati.
Kebetulan memang stock rosemary memang ada,
So i choose western style!
Like you know, grilled rosemary potatoes and chicken ala Malay style.
And the result is rocking me to the sky.
: )

Main herbs, rosemary.
You can get this from any supermarket.
Tesco or also available at small mart.
The smell is so refreshing.
Dia punya kegunaan like ketumbar, cengkih.
Pembangkit bau dan rasa masakan.

I have done this recipes quite a lot and it's so delicious.
Even my friends fans of it so much.
My family?
Not yet surprising them. May be later.
I can make it when dinner time.
My ayah surely love this.

Orait, Bahan-bahannya adalah:
1) Sambal yang dimasak, yang telah diletak bawang dalamnya. Banyak? Ikut suka kepedasan masing-masing. Or if malas nak masak-this bahan boleh skip. But the onion/bawang can put together while you grilled.
2) A chicken. Ayam seekor or ayam itu boleh dipotong. I prefer ayam yang dipotong but in big chunk. Selain cepat masak, the marinate is more lovely.
3) Kentang. Potatoes as much as you like. I cut in half all of them.
4) Bit of salt. Garam depends on how much your chicken are.
5) Rosemary as the main herbs. How much? May be a perfect chicken/seekor penuh, you can put a spoon and half of rosemary.
6) Oil. Little only minyak. Sebab your chicken will cried out their juice so we limited it.

1) Marinated all from no 1-5. Those sambal, ayam, kentang, salt and rosemary in one bekas dan tutup. Put in a fridge a day/half day. Untuk bagi meresap rasanya.
2) Then heat up your pan/oven. And put all inside.
3) Cooked until masak.
4) Done! Grillled Rosemary Potatoes and Chicken!

So dem satisfying!
My own pix 90% like this but minus the lemon. And replace with potatoes.
Selamat mencuba.

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