
Showing posts from 2021


Mall of Arabia Jeddah Female Prayer Room

Assalamualaikum sr,  Anyone who's looking for the female prayer room in this mall, me too. So it's located at 2nd floor with near virgin mega store then next to h&m and you will straight and see the signboard. Insyaallah, we don't missed our salah. 

Dream home: What my house will look like in future?

 Hai, I really like to talk about the future, which it excites me than ever. From there I know what to aspect and maybe prepare for it. FYI, I only had a house that my dad give me this year. A resident for public affordable area near the city of Johor. I honoured he give it to me, and paid total for it. But I still not stay there, my brother used it with her wife. Yeah, from it empty while I worked aboard so never mind. It's useful enough. About the house, in future...I will rent it for good because it will make a good profit. In the same time, I actually plan to buy a new house. A small house that contain two room with spacious backyard. I love gardening and I look forward for minimalist theme. To make it real, until now-I really detailing about my purchases because I don't want unnecessary things follow me blindly. It's surely felt like a burden that you're not realized. So, buy a quality one and long term use. Additional points, I plans to quiet from healthcare field...

My Booklist: October 2021

Hai, i know its late already but these are my books review for October. Quite a challenging to search for a good book, but once you get what you interest... Its make me so happy. So keep on searching and learn new things, guys. Nothing impossible if you want it. Make a time and train your brain hard. Speak about brain, lately I think this subject need to be open especially for mental health field. Guys, if I have a time... I will do keep on track what i get and share here for everyone acknowledged and beneficial. Happy day and forever.  My booklist here: 1. Noise, Daniel Kahneman.  2. The alchemist, Paulo Coelho 3. Zero sugar diet, David Zinczenko 4. The art of war, Sun Tzu Obviously not reach five books per month target, oh no. What I'm busy at? Maybe because last month I got a big exam, so I just focus on that. Hahahhaha, true and forgivable answer. But, but... This month I will make it top five! Gambate! 

H A Y A A T project

 Assalamulaikum,  Updated from my G project, guys. Alhamdulillah it has a clear vision and mission now but it is a long journey to go through. However, whatever challenge is now it has a name. Let you guess what a unique name that I pick? More to sophisticated or fun way or weird style?  -H A Y A A T- This is my name for my project. Hayaat, deep meaning right. Why I choose this name? This is because it is about life and obviously same arabic meaning with bahasa. InsyaAllah, this project will be bit limited production but very sincerely from my heart.  InsyaAllah, I will release it on Syaaban when I'm in Malaysia and it will be distribute on Ramadhan. InsyaAllah, pray me the best and smoothness progress!

G project: Hint by hint

Hai, My recent activities these few days are created some brand logo for new project and keep up with some ideas. I will reveal it soon okay, still on process. I can said it is a bit challenging for me but it is a good step for better life in my future. Please wish me the best! Here I shows you my slightest spoiler about the project. I played with the theme colour, the details and target audiences. I really like this and hope if I came back to Malaysia this will be my main job and then I can fully retired from medical field. Not that I don't like what Im doing right now but I want something to feel alive and need more time for myself also possibly family too. I'm done with work non stop and too focused in my carrier. I rhink its the time for me to think and care about myself.  Please, I really hope it will be a great hit and make me proud of myself. This later will so beneficial to the communities and not forget to my religion too. This is what can I said 'till now, I can...

My Booklist: September 2021

Hai, Here are my booklist for September, not much only five listed until now. So, they're: 1. Meditation, Marcus Aureluis. 2. A calendar of wisdom, Leo Tolstoy. 3. The law of wealth, Daniel Crosby. 4. The big fat surprise, Nina Teicholz. 5. Becoming, Michelle Obama. They're all awesome books to explore and more self survival for ourselves. You can get the hard copy at nearest book shop or e-book at online website today. I just found a new website for recent books, and it's heaven. You can go to Z library -a largest e-book project. Check it out guys! #zlibrary #e-booklibrary

Haramain Mecca train experiences

  Assalamualaikum. Today I'm gonna about talk my experiences travel by train from Mecca to Madinah and round return. Actually there are several way to go to Madinah from Mecca, either by bas that took around five to six hours or by flight. Saudia flight from Jeddah to Madinah airport now around 450 Riyal round trip. Or, you can choose the travel by train!  "The Haramain Highspeed Railway provides a significant leap forward in the methods of transportation around the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in terms of providing a safe, convenient and fast methods of traveling linking the two Holy Mosques through Jeddah, King Abdulaziz International Airport and King Abdullah Economic City along the 450 km route.'' From Mecca to Madinah it will cost you only 175 Riyal one trip for Economy class and maybe 250 Riyal for Business class. It then faster then ever, took two hours and half only. You can book a ticket online at Haramain website.  Click here!  Go to the website and click at Tra...

Pengalaman Madinah Sept 2021

 Assalamualaikum, Alhamdulillah, syukur buat Allah Yang Maha Esa kerana diberikan masa dan tenaga untuk menjalankan umrah dan ziarah selama dua hari bercuti kerja. Walaupun banyak dugaan sebelum bercuti, iaitu cuti tidak diluluskan seperti yang dirancang. Yelah, walaupun kita hanya merancang tetapi Allah yang menentukan. Tetapi hasil doa dan usaha tukar ganti hari, berjaya juga. Alhamdulillah, saya bersama kawan-kami berdua memulakan hari dengan membuat Umrah pada 13 haribulan sebelum kami bertolak ke Madinah keesokan harinya. Pengalaman Umrah nanti saya kongsikan di laman lain ya. Pada 0600 pagi-14 haribulan, kami keluar daripada hotel Movenpick Mecca dan terus berjalan kaki ke bahagian teksi dan menuju ke stesen keretapi laju Mina "Train Station Jamarat Mina 3'' sejauh 10 minit. Tambang ke sana lebih kurang dalam 16 Riyal dengan Uber dan Taxi maksima adalah 30 Riyal. Jika mereka meminta lebih sehingga 80 Riyal seperti kami ''kena'', hanya hulur 30 Riyal d...

Cara mencapai kesihatan mental optimal

 Hai, Tatkala semua orang terlalu fokus untuk kesihatan fizikal, badan tegap dan berketul-ketul. Tetapi, ramai yang lupa untuk menjaga kesihatan dalaman iaitu mental. Seperti buah epal, luar boleh nampak merah dan ranum tetapi adakah isi dalamnya rangup? Elok bentuknya? Ulat? Lebam? Begitulah dengan perbezaan antara kita sebagai manusia. Bukan hanya kecantikan secara luaran yang elok teratur tetapi jagalah diri pada emosi dan kemahiran minda. Yeah, sila jaga diri anda sendiri. Kenali diri, kawal ia dan dalam bentuk hati yang beremosi atau pemikiran di minda. Beberapa hari lepas, saya ada terlihat rakamna di YouTube daripada  Dan Banos , physiologist. Menurut beliau dalam rakaman di TED Talk, terdapat beberapa perkara yang perlu diambil perhatian untuk mencapai optimum kesihatan mental. Antaranya ialah: 1-Melalui nutrisi: dicadangkan untuk ''plant-based diet'' atau kurangkan pengambilan daging. 2-Air: pengambilan air yang cukup. Badan terdiri daripada 70% air dan 80% o...

Who's Ibn Taymiyyah ?

Assalamualaikum, Again I change my blog theme because I do something bad then I want to start fresh in my life. I want to keep it simple but in nice presentation. I hope this one will last longer than previous one. My sin, my uncontrolled sin that I done it once, twice, thrice and I regret it. But still I do it under sober mind and right now I really-really want to move on! I want to forget it, to revise my mind and said... that it's okay it happened, maintained the relationship to your Creator and apologizes sincerely. Do your best to block or stay away from it, don't trigger that not nice things in my next life. Uhuh-and say NO.  In my life or your life, there are lots of barriers or stone in between. Everyone wants world truly happiness, the biggest smile and a peace of heart. I do too. And, how hard or how deep we think we going to sacrifices it for all those dream? I knows it's not easy but always said it will paid of. I pray this time it's real and forever. And, I...

My Booklist: August 2021

Hai, As expected here I come for this month booklist that I already done explored. Like I mention before I will reduced my book per month to seven minimum then I can focus on another project. And as you can see, I make it to eight best books: 1. Greenlights, Matthew McConaughey 2. Predictably irrational, Dan Ariely   3. How champions think, Bob Rotella 4. Bullshit Jobs, David Graeber  5. Who moved my cheese? Spenser Johnson 6. Built to serve, Evan Carmichael 7. The four agreement, Don Miguel Ruiz 8. Ikigai, Hector Garcia Above are mixture of personal development and life organising. I always like a book about fixing yourself to become better version in next day! Alright, whatever genre you're fav of just go with it because that's what nerd do. Hihhi...Bye.

Sleep & Me

Hei, I love to fall asleep and it make me peaceful from inner to outer distraction. This is because I belief that the world will fine spinning even without me. When I don't want to think about something, rather than do something stupid and will regret later...I prefer go to my bed and close my eyes. But before that I will said to myself, stop overthink and let all go. Forgive and forget, a new day will come.  Yup, this is how I copes in barrier and down life until now. So, when you see I took a simple nap or sleep earlier this is me. Just stay by my side and stay quiet. If not, you can go. Please if you want to talk about that, keep the discussion for later. I appreciate my space and time alone, and thank you so much for that.  My best quality of sleep is when night time. Since kids, I'm proudly said that I'm a morning person and not late stay people. I keep this routine until now and my time of sleep reduced from 8-9 hours to 5-6 hours only. This is what my habit be traine...

My Booklist: July 2021

Hai, Again we talk about my book list per month. Here for July I only finished around 10 books, best of the best that I can get. I started already my shift scheduled and had to adjust with the time and environment. I somehow skipped my lunch time, and took it at 5.00 pm because work frame. So, this book summaries and review got distracted with fatigue and weak mental health. At first, let me show you the book list that I done: 1. The third door, Alex Banayan 2. How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie 3. Think and grow rich, Napoleon Hill. 4. Deep work, Cal Newport 5. The hard thing about hard things, Ben Horowitz 6. The perfect day formula, Craig Ballanytyne 7. Do the work, Steven Pressfield 8. The daily stoic, Ryan Holiday 9. Thinking fast and slow, Daniel Kahneman 10. Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Coleman From here, I think I will starts my own parameters... Seven books per month. How is it? Sound not bad right. Maybe in a year I collect 84 books! Still more than 50 t...

Raya and raya again

Assalamualaikum. Salam Hari Arah dan Salam Raya Haji buat semua. This is my first time celebrated Hajj day at outside Malaysia with pandemic still going on. This 2021, they limits Hajj for 60,000 local people only with strict rule and regulation to follow. They are lots of police car and road block everywhere. Two weeks before Hajj, no one can enter Mecca without guarantee letter and limit time to do prayer at Masjidil Haram too.  I worked at night time day before Eid, and my roommate at the morning shift. In the end of that day, I got three pieces of chocolates and I'm happy with it. Alhamdulillah. After work, directly videocall my parents and siblings about their Eid celebration. They still stay at home and not even wore the Baju Raya because can't go anywhere. We share the pictures of ''juadah Raya'' and it looks lovely. My parents still makes this ''ketupat'' and those kuah kacang, lodeh, ayam masak merah and so on. They gives to nearest neig...

Where the ''rubbish'' come from?

 Hey, You should throw your rubbish at end of the day. Don't keep a rubbish in your home. Who's the one like rubbish? No one. I also don't like rubbish. It smelly and dirty, and more microorganism. If you're not throw it away, the next day your house smell like 'has own fragrant'. So, nope to rubbish. But, what is rubbish and where are they come from and become like that?  Rubbish is from material that we use and later don't need it or rejected, or become worthless then wasted. Can you imagine, if you're the one can make one plastic bag rubbish per day then how about 7.9 billion people worldwide (July 2021 statistic) produce? That is not included the big companies with generated product and so on. In one research said, every year we throw away around 2.12 billion tons of waste! What the things going on here? This really need to be change. Did you know, Canada is the largest total waste produce by mostly 1,325,480,289 metric tons annually. Follow by Bul...

What are good manners for kids?

 Hai,  Let's get a deal, I'm not married yet and I don't have a kids. I know this topic maybe not for me, but I still wants to talk about it. Because I'm surely thought that if I have them one day, the first thing they should know is to learn a good manner. Bold and protective, yeah. I'm not a super patient type of person and the crying non stop from them will make more tension relationship between us. I don't want to stress out myself, and that kids should know the manners by one years old! Can they? For parents who want to have a kid, think again. Are you responsible and ready enough? This is because I knows having a kid is not easy full time job. Especially for single mother or father. You're tougher than everyone else. There somehow not always the rainbow or baby laughter but what if I want both of it while raises them? Why flight the reality if you can fight for what you deserved? They are memories that you will missed and loved when they are getting bi...

Third Pillar of Islam (Rukun Islam 3)

Assalamualaikum, InsyaAllah today is all about our Third Pillar of Islam; Zakat. This is individual consideration of obligatory respond on own slave duty to the Creator each year of Islamic Calendar. This self-purification type where when He give you basic things in life then He also provides more than you expected likes income, wealth or commodities. Then with sincerity, you give it back to community because there always have someone poor or need it more than you expected.  I'm not saying you should give all you have, in zakat terms there are percentage for it. In Malaysia, there are differences types zakat you can find. Or you can go to Malaysian Zakat Web   for more information. Another country, I don't know but I'm sure they also have the right way to do it. Randomly, if the government can taxes you for their benefit of return to public infrastructure or economy, thus zakat is like your charity for Muslims population.  Besides, there are many others benefit of gi...

My Booklist: June 2021

Hai, How are you guys right now? I hope you're doing well. I know Malaysia still lockdown in certain places and the cases still in between 5,000 to 6,000 per day. The government wants 4,000 cases and below to lift up the movement control.  Keep strong all people in there, you all can do it. Everyone will have a mental distress because of this but please maintains free mental health. Pray to your Creator and cried your heart out. Or, built close relationship with trusted people around you and let all the feeling go. Don't burden yourself with unnecessary things and influenced by mental judgmental. You have own right to be happy! 1. The richest man in Babylon, George Samuel 2. The secret of Millionaire mind, T Harv Eker 3. Capitalism and freedom, Milton Friedman 4. Das Kapital, Karl Max.  5. The general theory of employment, interest and money, John Maynard Keyness.  6. The 48 laws of power, Robert Greene 7. The champion's mind, Jim Afremov 8. Man's search for meaning, Vi...

What's to plan for retirement?

Hello, Are you ready for retires in any time right now? Some may say no, and less say yes at the question. The real answer? It's up to you, dude. Randomly, people works at mid 20's until at their age 60's. But, do you really want to work until that and then spend next 20 years just to start enjoy yourself? What does energy left at that time? Are your friends or kids still be around? How about your partner or lover? Oh my, such a wasted 40 years path.  Please, I don't be one of them. Hardly said, I don't want above scenario and I really against that system. I don't care what people talk in my back because this is my story and I'm the author. Now I'm in early 30's and already work for less more to nine years, still I want to retire early as soon as possible. I would said its process of playing with pain, cries and suffering. Also I need to start from below, alertness myself little by little with all the management adaptation.   To me; whatever age are ...

Recipe Curry Puff

Recipe curry puff  Inside stuff: Potatoes 2 pieces, cut into small cubes.  Tuna or chicken 1 small tin Curry powder 1 spoon Onion 1 + 3 garlic (chopped) Green chillies 1 pieces (chopped) - depend spiciness.  Oil to cook Salt 2 pinch  Water 1 cup Steps: 1. A pan with oil, then hot put in onion, stir until nice smells.  2. Put in curry powder, garlic and chillies. For only 15 seconds like that then put in water half cup.  3. Pour potatoes, and stirred then close the lid. Add water little by little until potatoes cook well.  4. Add salt and keep it until dry.  5. Done, and let it less warm in room air.  Outside layer:  Flour 2 cup Melt butter 5 spoon @  3/4 cook oil.  Cold water 2 cup  Salt 1 pinch.  Steps: 1. Pour flour in a container, put butter and salt. Mixed it by hand or spoon.  2. Put in cold water and mixed with hand, dough well until not stick around fingers.  3. Let the dough r...

My weight loss lemon drinks

 Hey, I like to drink a plain water a lots to stay hydrated. And to level up my flavor and get nutrition, I starts to add some lemons with no sugar. If you really want some sweetness, just add one spoon of natural honey or three dates. If you want some spice taste, put a mint leaves or mixed with tea. The recommendation is to drink it at morning time with hot water. Usually for one lemon, I can cut into three part and use it for straight three days. That one part, it depends in your style; cutting in small slices and squeezy it or just dumped it in a water bottle. So maybe in three days per week, quite enough.  Don't drink it too often because the acidic will cause enamel erosion and tooth decay, heartburn, unwanted nausea and vomiting.  There are several benefits in lemon drink; boost immune system . And for sure it good sources of vitamin C. I like it 'till now and it will detoxifying process for my body and soften stool from constipation . It also supports weight los...

Don't sigh my friend

Hi. Are you sighing person? If yes, please stop it my friend.  I personally feel the person who always sigh in everything is a rude person!  Sigh equally a deep audible expressing of negative aura likes sadness, annoyed, or t iredness because of something or even about someone.  Yeah. If you always sigh, you will do that in any places and surrounding. It is already become the automatic responds of bad little habits without you realized it. Then I hope after you have done read this article, please change it. In Islam, when you expressed a sigh is like a reflect of you're not happy with what Allah give you. MayaAllah. I t figures a model that issues you're facing is not what you expect to be. Actually, he or she obviously really don't want it, or really hate it? Why would you do like that? Allah's encourage all Muslims to be patient and grateful, not to be impatience or unacceptance for any barrier and challenges happens. Rather than a sigh, say Alhamdulillah instead...

Second Pillar of Islam (Rukun Islam 2)

Assalamualaikum, Today we're going to deeply talk about second Pillar of Islam; called as pray or salah or muslim ritual . It must be performed everyday for all believer  of Muslims.  And it has been mentioned in Quran for 99 times , The last dialogue post,  12 times in verb Salah-83 times in nouns Salawat-1 time in noun Musolah, 3 times in participle Musallin. Here some of it; ''O you who believe, seek help through patient and prayer. Surely Allah is with those who is patient.'' (2:153). ''Surely the hypocrites try to deceive Allah while He is the One who leave them in deception. And when they stand for Salah, only to show people, and do not remember  Allah but a a little.'' (4:142).  There are nine requirements criteria for whom must do the prayer :  1- Islam, only for Muslims. 2-Sanity/al-Aql, conscious and alert. 3-Puberty/ al-Tamyeez, know the responsibility. 4-In ablution/ wudu, state of purity. 5-Clear from dirt/uncleanliness. 6-Cover aurah, f...

First Pillar of Islam (Rukun Islam 1)

Assalamualaikum, Answer these questions: Do you familiar with Five Pillar of Islam?  Do you know why we need to know it? Can you tell me the first Pillar of Islam? Alhamdulillah if you can answer all the questions. You will see some thread in this blog about Five Pillar of Islam, which is basic acts in Islam that considered necessary on every Muslim. Say shahadah is the first part between Five Pillar of Islam, and in here InsyaAllah some explanation to it. Then, what is shahadah? Shahadah is like a vow that you make during a wedding day, you put a belief understand and whole heart to it. In Islam, ''The Shahadah'' is word said- ā€œAshadu an la ilaha illa illa-ilah, wa ashadu anna muhammadan rasul ullah.ā€   Every Muslim give above a two vow to Allah, first one ''I stated there is no God but Allah''. In deeper, the person belief there is only one Creator, Allah, and has no right to be worshiped  other than that. He also belief Allah has neither has a par...