
What's to plan for retirement?


Are you ready for retires in any time right now? Some may say no, and less say yes at the question. The real answer? It's up to you, dude. Randomly, people works at mid 20's until at their age 60's. But, do you really want to work until that and then spend next 20 years just to start enjoy yourself? What does energy left at that time? Are your friends or kids still be around? How about your partner or lover? Oh my, such a wasted 40 years path. 

Please, I don't be one of them. Hardly said, I don't want above scenario and I really against that system. I don't care what people talk in my back because this is my story and I'm the author. Now I'm in early 30's and already work for less more to nine years, still I want to retire early as soon as possible. I would said its process of playing with pain, cries and suffering. Also I need to start from below, alertness myself little by little with all the management adaptation.  

To me; whatever age are you right now, the early kick or younger stage is the better result. Personally, I got own pre retirement to next full retirement aim. Now is 2021, so I will spent next five to ten years with this project! I work hard plus smart for it to become myself the real one and succeed in any angle. More books, seminar or coaching to strive for the better future and better me. Stated below are what are management involved for my retirement part: 

1. Financial / Money management

Know your target number! How? You must know your real expenses per month and then you times month you will need in retirement period. As an example; my target number under this primary subject is average Rm 2 millions or any minimum amount but with clean return profit around Rm 60k/year equally Rm 5k/month. I think it's modest enough to cover my monthly expenses. We don't know what inflation rate, world crisis, currency changes, and etc. But, these are expected expenses amount I can think when my 40's and above era comes. 

One more important things that need to be considered is about debt management. That need to differentiate between good or debt one. The house with mortgage payment for own living house will stay as a bad debt, because you can't receive any return from it. Buying a house is a big deal because first part need to pay for deposit and all fees required, and renovation part then stick with it for at least 20 to 30 years, then you need to pay also for maintenance and etc. So, don't buy a house when you feel to buy one or need comforts, buy only when you're ready to these commitments. 

2. Health management

This is the second important to considered when lead to retirement topic. When I'm are at age of 40 and above, obviously my body will change to less level of strength from now. As a medical line, prevent of fall and safety from injury is the most suggested. Use the adequate light, clear floor, and don't go too much adrenaline pump activities! You're not younger anymore. Also need secure myself with enough insurance coverages. The early cover and less used, make the less payment you will contribute. 

Also, recommended to take care of my good exercises, posture and diet intake. Start the healthy and natural organic products. Avoid consume too much fast foods, the less dairy, the sugar amount and etc. The good way is you join all family members in this purpose and much easier. Another one is mind exercises, to workout the brain in maintain it's engine and to delayed the dementia. Good relationship with physical body workout to avoid obesity, stiff muscle or wasted it. 

What need to be considered are the disease vs optimum digest movement, the dentures vs strong teeth, the beauty vs physical wrinkles, the fall vs bone density and etc. Everyone will said you will get one of that, but if you can prevent to the optimum until age 70's or 80's, then why not go for it? Who doesn't want to still be handsome or beautiful even at that older age? You should proud for what you dream and be that one. 

3-Kids management

When you decide to get a partner and be married, then you should think about that one person future. Next when you add a kid in the house, then you must know what to do. To figure out what their future relate and you are part of it. Don't just considered of the hard time only form birth and until they walk, the parents responsible as a guide and coach. What you feed your child mind is what they become, remember that. My advice is aim for a good manners and social relationship too. 

Lot's of people think, oh don't worry...when you at that age, your kids will support you. Nah, nope. I  Who's come with this nonsense? I don't like this stupid ideas. Please, I don't give birth them to work and give me money. It is my responsibilities to raise and give them education, then to be a success human and do whatever they wants. It's their picks and way. And it my choices to be a proud mother and supportive parents they can have.

4-Society management

This subject is the most less people talk about, but not for me. Since small, I learnt that your neighbor is your personality and unlimited helper. They will be there because they living near you then don't be shy to be kind and keep the mingle around well. When you retired fully with no activities for example, the community will bring up the volunteering or any other events. The contribution can be done with money, energy or time. Please spend it wisely!

Somehow when your friends or families to busy to get time with you, you can open the chance to your society. Maybe they are like you who likes to travel and from there you can go along. Maybe not directly be a travel buddy but perhaps sharing some experiences or ideas. In this case, the story will follow by any other public issues too. In the end, your circle also will become big and bigger. When you wake up in the morning, you not going to pull the blanket back.

Alright, that's all I can think. If I got any new ideas I will share in part two or detailing it in another post. Please keep tune on and plans your better future.



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