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Monday, February 08, 2021

Cara buat Pengekalan Nama / Retention of Name

Hello nurses, 

This post special for you all who want to update or first time nak buat RON / pengekalan nama. I hope this post will acknowledge us step by step about how to do RON. I share this because lots of post outside there are not too updated, and because I follow them lah my address is wrong... 

New Address:
Ministry of Health Malaysia, 
Malaysia Nursing Board, 
Lobby 3, Block E7, Parcel E, Precint 1,
Federal Government Administrative Centre, 
62590 Putrajaya, Malaysia. 

Old Address:
Ministry of Health Malaysia, 
Malaysia Nursing Board, 
Lobby 3, Block E1, Parcel E, Precint 1,
Federal Government Administrative Centre, 
62590 Putrajaya, Malaysia.

FYI, LJM already change their office from E1 to E7, Block E. Siapa nak hantar by hand, before go to lobby 3, must get a pass from Lobby 2 or Lobby 4. Baru boleh teruskan perjalanan ke reception Lobby 3. Siapa nak by post, kasik alamat betul-betul nah. 

For their form, beside our copy of certificate nursing... now is a must to file together your resignation letter or last APC, or last retirement letter to do this. Bagi yang fresh graduate nak buat RON, rasa kejururawatan tu tak hujung tiba lagi... Hantar la surat graduate korang.  

Last but not least, they now preferred for bank draft because long period rather than postal money (pos laju rm 10, additional charge pulak 3.00 satu. Surat pon dah rm 7-12).Better go to any bank, said you want to do bank draft and bagi together with copy of RON form for bank reference... Additional charge baru rm 5.00. Bijak! Yang ni ikut la berapa tahun nak retain nama tu, pastu multiply lah. Mine 2 years, Rm 50.00.

So how? Rightttt... I know, i know... Jangan pening-penibg dulu. Untuk yang first time, I share mana boleh ok.

And, also new form starting Feb 2020:

So, for reference... Attachment below are how I filled up the form. You can see also the criteria needed from Nursing Board. After that, masuk dalam envelope and write atas tu... Self pick up (put phone number sekali) or by post. Untuk yang by post tu, better put right address again, cek colum consignment note tu betul-betul. Semua dah kepulkan, baca doa dan masukkan lah dalam kotak post tu. 

So, good luck guys. Ni so far apa setakat 2020-2021... Ada perubahan, kasik share ya. And, tunggu la dalam 2 weeks will get the resit. Then, wait until 2,3 weeks will get the certificate RON or LJM will call you. Diorang tak kol, korang kol lah dia. Mudah-mudahan semuanya berjalan lancar.


** update: Link borang, press here. 

Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Budak ini nak jadi alim!


Pemberitahuan di sini, anda akan perasan ada beberapa topik telah diturunkan dan di tukar dengan beberapa topik yang baru. Hal ini kerana, pihak yang menaip tengah belajar untuk memelihara hidupnya. Sedikit-sedikit cerita yang tidak terlalu penting akan menjadi penting terutamanya untuk dijadikan sebagai rutin harian. Fokus utama si penaip sekarang untuk tahun 2021 adalah untuk mendapatkan aktiviti hari-hari yang sihat dan bermanfaat. Budak ini nak jadi alim! Hihi. 

InsyaAllah, tengah mencari topik-topik yang nampak kecil tetapi digunakan setiap hari. Contohnya macam cara tidur dalam Islam, sembahyang, Rukun Islam Rukun Iman, buku-buku yang pernah baca, dan seterusnya. Tolong doakan si penaip ini mendapat keberkatan hidup akan apa yang dilaluinya. Perubahan menjadi titik untuk melangkah lebih jauh, terutama sekali jika berkaitan hidup dan Islam. Ynag menaip suka kongsi tentang ilmu yang diperolehi, si pembaca itu adalah si penangkap isi.

Di bawah ini adalah yang pernah di paparkan ceritanya dahulu. Di sebabkan bagus untuk dijadikan pengajaran, maka dipaparkan balik. Terimalah;

''Bukan mengaku hebat di atas pentas pidato. Bukan seorang pendakwah yang ingin dipandang mulia 24jam. Bukan syeikh yang ingin dilihat sebagai ketua agama. Tapi hanya orang biasa yang ingin mencuba menjadi luar biasa mahupun sebaiknya... Mengikut aturan al Quran dan Sunnah Rasulullah saw. Kehidupan kita di dunia ini tidak menjanjikan satu jaminan yang berkekalan... Apa yang ada hanyalah percubaan, cabaran dan pelbagai peluang... Jaminan yang kekal abadi hanya dapat ditemui apabila kita kembali semula ke pada Ilahi...


Saya tidaklah setabah Ummu Khadijah , tidaklah semulia Fatimah Az-Zahra , apa lagi sesabar Masyitah dan Sumaiyah , maupun sehebat ummu Sulaim dan seteguh Aisya Humaira . Kerana diri cuma wanita yang cuba untuk menjadi solehah di akhir zaman ini yang dimana aurat semakin dibuka , dimana syahadah hanya pada nama , dimana dunia yang terus dipuja , dimana nafsu fana menjadi santapan utama , dimana batas sentiasa dileraikan , dimana ukhuwah sentiasa di pinggirkan . Ya Rabb , selamatkan dunia ini dari dosa dan maksiat . 

Wahai kaum Hawa kita cuma An-Nissa . Para pendosa yang terbanyak di neraka . Wahai muslimahku walau kamu tak setabah para Mujahidah . Namun tabahlah pada ketetapan Allah kerana padanya ada syurga . Walau tidak semulia para wanita sirah tetapi muliakan diri dengan agama yang memelihara . Kerana padanya ada pahala . Walau tak sesabar para wanita solehah . Namun sabarkan jiwa pada nafsu dunia yang menyiksa kerana padanya ada bahagia . Jadilah seorang wanita solehah di dunia akhir zaman ini , jadilah sebutir permata dalam berjuta pasir yang menimbun 

Aku bukan malaikat. Dia bukan nabi. Kau bukan Tuhan. Kita cuma manusia biasa. Cukuplah Allah saja yang tahu niat aku. Tak perlulah kau hendak tahu..Aku bukan sesetia Khadijah. Aku bukan setakwa Fatimah. Aku bukan sepintar Aisyah. Aku bukan sehebat Sumayyah. Aku hanyalah pendosa tanpa noktah..

Aku tidaklah semulia Khadijah, Tidaklah setaqwa Aisyah, Pun tidaklah setabah Fatimah.. Aku cuma seorang wanita akhir zaman yg mempuyai cita-cita mnjadi solehah. Saya bukan Ustazah. Tapi saya hanya Gadis yang duhulu jahil dan ingin kembali ke pangkal jalan. InsyaAllah. Permudahkanlah ya Allah. InsyaAllah.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Tafseer Quran Surrah An Nas, 114

''My Tafsser al Quran Project''

Surrah an Nas (The Mankind)

Assalamualaikum wbt. Hi?

Bismillah. Today I'm going to do tafseer Quran for surrah An Nas. The surrah with six ayyah and it's Madaniyyah. Since from previous of others Prophet, most peoples believe in Firaúnn as their God than anything else. The king who had a superpower and support on black magic to protect themselves. The communities then praised him as the king of kingdom and only God to them, this continues from generation to the next. But, Firáunn still a human that will be die because of the disease or old age. Then they change to believe in statue who stay in one place, in animals who they can talk to, in air or rain or sun which bring benefit to them. Their God multiply from time to time. Subhanallah.

This surrah is the answer for above situation-shortly explain that only one God, Allah, and He is for all the mankind. Before I forgot, there is comparison between this surrah and surrah Al Falaq. This surrah more about the harm from controlled thought of own inner side, then surrah Al Falaq about the harm from uncontrolled thigs from the outside part. There is also continuation relationship between them- look out for My tafseer Al Falaq. Alright, first three ayyah An Nas said about Allah the Greatest and the last three ayyah said about obvious statement of Syaithan will always attacking human. Let's see:

1-Say O Prophet Muhammad, "I seek refuge in the Lord of humankind''.
''Rabb'' is preferred as the above from average or the nourisher, the sustainer, the cherisher. The al-Mu'awwidhatan/ Versus of Refugee known as the last two surrah in Quran and there are al Falaq and this surrah. It shows the seek of protection and for calmness.
Lesson to learn: Who's need protection? Obviously a human. This show the gap relationship between us as a slave or the weak one to the one Great Creator, Allah. Then why do you think you're better than anyone else? Why need to put on rank in social status? Why care about your title? We all are the same in His eyes, the little sinner. But, the only differentiate among us is how we keep our deen alive. MasyaAllah.

2-The Master of humankind.
From the Creator-He is also the ''Maliki''-Master or the King of human. If Firáun hold the power to their people, but Allah more powerful than that. He own us and in controlled all the humankind and this universe too. 
Lesson to learn: Allah always with our side, He cares for all of us. So, keep do the compulsory command (the King ordered) and avoid all the don'ts. If Allah doesn't care about single human, he will became nothing. His deen floating without a guide and make harm to himself and others. 

3-The God of humankind.
Then, He also the ''Ilah''-the God. Summarization from these three ayyah; Allah is Ar-Rabb/Rububiyyah, Al-Malik/Malikiyyah and Al-Ilah/ Uluhiyyah. Allah shows the great examples that no one will have that power or even to any magic for it.
Lesson to learn: Lets see how work happens in daily life-In asking granted thing that we really wants, first we ask from our senior or superior. Then, bring that matter to the manager and lastly to whom the head of company. It have the steps but in Allah view; all the steps are belongs only to him. The God symbolize that He doesn't have a partner or someone above Him. 

4-From the evil of lurking whisper.
''Was-was''-the doubtful whisper from Syaithan about all good things who's that will always attack the human. It then absorbed to the ''Khannas''-the hiding one. It refer to our mind; the inner thoughts.
Lesson to learn: In maintain or controlled from starting any bad perspective to others, feed mind the necessaries info only. Don't do gossiping, immerse in bad news, social media addiction or etc. If we put one feet in that trap, it will pull us more deeper and lost in it without our intention. So, start fresh and push to positivity intelligence Muslims. 

5-Who whisper evil into the breast of mankind.
After rush in people mind, Syaithan go to the breast-the heart specifically. It's go messing around and put your emotional and feeling up and down. All the temptations and desires are play the roles.
Lesson to learn: Control your own emotions, if not others will! Keep your heart strong by exercises, logically. Don't keep a bad experiences, trauma incidents, or etc to yourself because no one will help you then. You can go to counseling, therapy, the trusted one or even come back to Allah. The calmness of mind, soul and emotion is the best things that a person needed most.
6-From among the jinn and humankind.
Allah said directly here that ''Jinn''-the obvious enemy to human. We must not be affected by them, so  keep close relationship to Allah-to protect you. And also harm that derived from ''Nas''-among the human too. 
Lesson to learn: The biggest influenced to people is the one that exist in front of us-the families, the friends, the partner, the colleagues and etc. From birth till now, we learn everything from what people around us do. Our circle are reflection to ourselves, are they always remind you of Allah? Are they say a good words? Are they repeating surrah Al Falaq-gossiping and envy one? Be careful; even if you don't want to like it, one day you will be like them. To avoid this, keep away from them or lessen the met time from before. Save yourselves before you save others.

MasyaAllah, see you in next surrah!

Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....