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Showing posts with label tafseer quran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tafseer quran. Show all posts

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Tafseer Quran Surrah Al Masad, 111

"My Tafseer al Quran Project''

Surrah al Masad (Fiber)

Assalamualaikum wbt. How are you all?

Bismillah. Today, we're gonna talk about al Masad Surrah. Compare to Surrah al Nasr (positivity about Islam) to al masad (negativity to Islam). MasyaAllah, how beautiful it is-related to each other. No one can create an amazingly Kitab, Quran, like Allah did. This surah rank, 111 with 5 ayyah-place received in Makkah. Are you ready? InsyaAllah.

Alright, when Prophet when to valley of Al-Batha, Quraysh gathered. He said, if I told you the enemy come to attack-do you all believe me? They all said yes. And Prophet then said, say all of you LaillahaillaAllah (No God but Allah). And then Abu Lahab against this and he stood up dusting of his hands and said, "Perish you for the rest of this day! Have you gathered us for this'' Then Allah revealed, this surrah.

1-The cursed to ''yad''-hand Abu Lahab with slowly and bad destroyed to entire in the end.
This ayyah refer to Abu Lahab both hand that attack or make harm to Muslims. That he tragically start with a skin disease with blister to his hand then to his entire body. This is like a cursed to his beauty and pride that later be contagious until he die.
Lesson to learn: Anger management-The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "If any of you becomes angry and he is standing, let him sit down, so his anger will go away; if it does not go away, let him lie down."
In hadith: “The strong man is not the one who can wrestle, but it is the one who can control himself when he is angry.”(Bukhari)

2- His wealth, power and and children are no uses, no benefit. 
In Abu Lahab previous life, he said that the wealth, power and his children will help them in future. But the truth is all of that not give any hands or help. This is picture through after his die, nobody dare to touch his body or organized his funeral, they use stick to push his body to the grave. MasyaAllah.
Lesson to learn: On the authority of Abu Hurairah (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ‘When a person dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: Sadaqah Jariyah (a continuous charity), or knowledge from which benefit is gained, or a righteous child who prays for him’. (Muslim)

3-He then will surely enter the lowest hell with explosion of fire. 
His name ''Lahab''-blush or bright of his face vs ''lahab Allah''-hell of fire, what he proud of equal to his own punishment. And in this ayyah, Allah promises that later in hereafter; Abu Lahab place's are fix in Jahannam and no turn back.
Lesson to learn: So, make it right... Anything related to Abu Lahab and what he do must be stay away and take a lesson. Extreme ego creates a disease in the heart of believing oneself to blind to the truth, one self-sufficient until not dependent on Allah. '' Your God is One God. As for those who do not believe in the Hereafter, their hearts are defiant and they are arrogant. (22) Invariably, God knows what they conceal and what they reveal. Surely, He does not love the arrogant.” [Quran 16:23]

4-His wife, is firewood carrier.
Her full name Arwah bint Harb, known as Ummu Jamil a honored person next become a continuous slave (downgrade her value in lowest rank social status) that bring a firewood-lit up fire to her husband. Initiate how she bring sharp stick from a jungle to in front Prophet house in intention to harm him.
Lesson to learn: Avoid bring continuous lies, and bring hate or hate between people. In group chat of social media nowadays, we can see this is happening. The unsure news is dangerous then pull up a fitnah. MasyaAllah.

5-At her neck got a rope from a fiber.
In her previous life, she sold the necklace and use that money to against Islam. And the rope is symbolize how she tighten the firewood from the jungle. Allah change the necklace to rope-that usually used only for animals. It also made from fiber that easily to lit up the fire and tight around her neck.
Lesson to learn: Toxic partner-An unhealthy relationship bring out the worst from you that drag you down. If can't remove them, stay away from them. “Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves” (Ar-Rad, 13:11).

Assalamualaikum and see you again. 

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Tafseer Quran Surrah Al Falaq, 113

''My Tafsser al Quran Project''

Surrah al Falaq (The Daybreak)

Assalamualaikum wbt. Hello?

Bismillah. Today I'm going to do tafseer Quran for surrah Al Falaq. The surrah with five ayyah and it's Madaniyyah. I can't explain more and about behind the stories for this surrah -but Abu Saíd al Khudri said; ''Allah Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) used to seek refuge with Allh from the jinn and from the evil eye until the Mu'wadhatain (Surrah Al Falaq and An Nas) were revealed. There are lots comparison between these two surrah; al Falaq is you seek protection of Allah from uncontrolled physical harm especially in ''dhunya'', while An Nas is you ask Allah protection from inner and outside harm toward ourselves especially in ''deen''. 

MasyaAllah, Quran always related with one to another. That's why this kitab is too perfect for who's explore more about it and bring unexpected learning sense in every aspect. Alhamdulillah, I'm speechless. In the end of this surrah, I wish you will recognize the real evil that you want Allah keep it away from all of us. There are four classification; from obvious evil, from dark night, from the blow knot and from the envious one. InsyaAllah, may Allah protect and bless our every Muslims life. Without wasting any time, lets do this.

1-Say O Prophet Muhammad, "I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak''.
This ayyah is continuation from surrah Al Ikhlas that state of who is Allah; and here shows the word ''al Falaq''. There are several deeper meaning toward these; the owner of dawn or Fajr, the one that bring new day or the one that split from darkness.
Lesson to learn: After a long night of rest, Allah wake we up to a new day and new life. The Muslims then shows this grateful feeling by Fajr prayer (here my post if you want to read). In some part, Allah gives this opportunity for us to repent our last sin too. For me, with anything you do for that day at least make yourself 1% better than yesterday.

2-From the obvious evil or in whatever He created.
The obvious evil is Shaytaan or Iblis or spelling Iblees, a figure that frequently mention in the Quran which command to prostrate or submission himself to Adam but refused. After that, he pull of from heaven to hell and promised to influence human to be like him. Shaytaan then keep on ask Adam to eat the prohibited fruit, where when he did that- Allah sent Adam down to earth.
Lesson to learn: Who's Muslim enemy? It's them. In Quran 7:17, ''Iblis promised-Because You have sent me astray, surely I will lie wait against human on Your straight path. Then, I will come to them from before them and behind them, from their right and left. And You will not find of them as thankful ones.'' Then, makes a lots of gratefulness to Allah and may He bless us in this life.

3-And from the evil of the night when it grow darks.
Who's is the evil of the night? It itself, the darkness. In here, Allah tell us that don't keep yourself in darkness. When it is the night, stay at home because everything related to it will pull you to the accident or harm. Even in psychology of colors, black image are look so dangerous, mysterious and more to negativity. 
Lesson to learn: That's why when it sunset time or Maghrib, keep yourself in the home. Just spends more time with family members, recover yourself with healthy dinner, take a body rest after long working day and sleep well after that. In this time, you also can focuses on prayer or recite more Quran until the sun rise or dawn.
Darkness cannot be out with darkness, this is happened to us psychologically. If you see yourself start to fall slowly to it, pull yourself out. Find the light in every angel, try harder until sweat cover all over your body. Push yourself in any reasons and get out from that environment. You can do it, and keep in dhua'and ask Allah blessing for our journey. InsyaAllah.

4-From the evil of those withes casting spells by blowing onto knots.
The word ''naffassati'', women breaths; seems look normal but it's evil when she blows onto the knots with some spell. You can see this articles here about Muslim's belief and practices related to supernatural phenomena-by Pew Research Centre. Subhanallah, may Allah protect us from this evil eyes. The knot or something go around if it's so tight can bring a messy life in someone or sent them to death.  
Lesson to learn: As a women itself, we're pretend to be a gossip girl, It somehow bring ''nafas'' to another ''nafas'' and to another. We spread lies or scandal or unclear facts, which actually bring more harm than benefit in average. If you heard some rumors that you know it is not true, don't add the fire or make it more worse. The best practices are stop it and stay quiet. From that you but a barrier to this unnecessary things also need to stop from infected to others by you don't tell them about it. You stop the continuation and that's it.

5-And from the evil of an envier when they envy.
The envier, ''hasad'', is the one who feeling of something missing in his heart and need some more about it. And when he see the someone that have what he wants, the desire bring out the ''hasada''. Meaning of that word is the uncontrolled emotion, the evil inner part of him. Which that can bring to action or behavior of negativity, harm or even pain to himself or to another person. 
Lesson to learn: Control your emotion! Control your mind! How to do that? I also not sure but keep a healthy food intake, quality of sleep, good exercises ad breathing, cope well your bad experiences, stay away from ''drugs'' and stay in positive influence environment. One more thing, the most importantly is forgive yourself or others and let it go. Why need to be distress, jealousy and worry much about something; you the one ruin own life when you can choose to be happy. Again, see the first ayyah-Allah give us a new day and chance every time for us to make changes. InsyaAllah, there is the light for our future. 

Assalamualaikum and see you again. 

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Tafseer Quran Surrah An Nas, 114

''My Tafsser al Quran Project''

Surrah an Nas (The Mankind)

Assalamualaikum wbt. Hi?

Bismillah. Today I'm going to do tafseer Quran for surrah An Nas. The surrah with six ayyah and it's Madaniyyah. Since from previous of others Prophet, most peoples believe in Firaúnn as their God than anything else. The king who had a superpower and support on black magic to protect themselves. The communities then praised him as the king of kingdom and only God to them, this continues from generation to the next. But, Firáunn still a human that will be die because of the disease or old age. Then they change to believe in statue who stay in one place, in animals who they can talk to, in air or rain or sun which bring benefit to them. Their God multiply from time to time. Subhanallah.

This surrah is the answer for above situation-shortly explain that only one God, Allah, and He is for all the mankind. Before I forgot, there is comparison between this surrah and surrah Al Falaq. This surrah more about the harm from controlled thought of own inner side, then surrah Al Falaq about the harm from uncontrolled thigs from the outside part. There is also continuation relationship between them- look out for My tafseer Al Falaq. Alright, first three ayyah An Nas said about Allah the Greatest and the last three ayyah said about obvious statement of Syaithan will always attacking human. Let's see:

1-Say O Prophet Muhammad, "I seek refuge in the Lord of humankind''.
''Rabb'' is preferred as the above from average or the nourisher, the sustainer, the cherisher. The al-Mu'awwidhatan/ Versus of Refugee known as the last two surrah in Quran and there are al Falaq and this surrah. It shows the seek of protection and for calmness.
Lesson to learn: Who's need protection? Obviously a human. This show the gap relationship between us as a slave or the weak one to the one Great Creator, Allah. Then why do you think you're better than anyone else? Why need to put on rank in social status? Why care about your title? We all are the same in His eyes, the little sinner. But, the only differentiate among us is how we keep our deen alive. MasyaAllah.

2-The Master of humankind.
From the Creator-He is also the ''Maliki''-Master or the King of human. If Firáun hold the power to their people, but Allah more powerful than that. He own us and in controlled all the humankind and this universe too. 
Lesson to learn: Allah always with our side, He cares for all of us. So, keep do the compulsory command (the King ordered) and avoid all the don'ts. If Allah doesn't care about single human, he will became nothing. His deen floating without a guide and make harm to himself and others. 

3-The God of humankind.
Then, He also the ''Ilah''-the God. Summarization from these three ayyah; Allah is Ar-Rabb/Rububiyyah, Al-Malik/Malikiyyah and Al-Ilah/ Uluhiyyah. Allah shows the great examples that no one will have that power or even to any magic for it.
Lesson to learn: Lets see how work happens in daily life-In asking granted thing that we really wants, first we ask from our senior or superior. Then, bring that matter to the manager and lastly to whom the head of company. It have the steps but in Allah view; all the steps are belongs only to him. The God symbolize that He doesn't have a partner or someone above Him. 

4-From the evil of lurking whisper.
''Was-was''-the doubtful whisper from Syaithan about all good things who's that will always attack the human. It then absorbed to the ''Khannas''-the hiding one. It refer to our mind; the inner thoughts.
Lesson to learn: In maintain or controlled from starting any bad perspective to others, feed mind the necessaries info only. Don't do gossiping, immerse in bad news, social media addiction or etc. If we put one feet in that trap, it will pull us more deeper and lost in it without our intention. So, start fresh and push to positivity intelligence Muslims. 

5-Who whisper evil into the breast of mankind.
After rush in people mind, Syaithan go to the breast-the heart specifically. It's go messing around and put your emotional and feeling up and down. All the temptations and desires are play the roles.
Lesson to learn: Control your own emotions, if not others will! Keep your heart strong by exercises, logically. Don't keep a bad experiences, trauma incidents, or etc to yourself because no one will help you then. You can go to counseling, therapy, the trusted one or even come back to Allah. The calmness of mind, soul and emotion is the best things that a person needed most.
6-From among the jinn and humankind.
Allah said directly here that ''Jinn''-the obvious enemy to human. We must not be affected by them, so  keep close relationship to Allah-to protect you. And also harm that derived from ''Nas''-among the human too. 
Lesson to learn: The biggest influenced to people is the one that exist in front of us-the families, the friends, the partner, the colleagues and etc. From birth till now, we learn everything from what people around us do. Our circle are reflection to ourselves, are they always remind you of Allah? Are they say a good words? Are they repeating surrah Al Falaq-gossiping and envy one? Be careful; even if you don't want to like it, one day you will be like them. To avoid this, keep away from them or lessen the met time from before. Save yourselves before you save others.

MasyaAllah, see you in next surrah!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Tafsser Quran Surrah Al-Fatihah, 1

Surrah al Fatihah (The Opening)

Assalamualaikum wbt. 

Bismillah. Today I'm going to do tafseer Quran for surrah Al Fatihah-The first surrah in Quran as same translation ''The Opener'' of the book. Also known as Umm al Kitab-the mother of the book, Ash Shifa'-the cure, Al-Hamd-the praise, and Al Ruqyah-the remedy. It came with seven ayyah and it's Makiyyah. And you can click here for the history of Quran in Bahasa, may it will help us to understand more this surrah. InsyaAllah.

Impportantly, this surrah where Muslims said in every raka'ah prayer, Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah, Prophet Muhammad said, ''There is no prayer for whoever does not recite the Opening of the Book''. Fully look, this surrah determines between Allah-you can see in the upper forth of it and His servants-the last three that referred us. Here the meaning:

1-In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate and Most Merciful.
The ''Bismillah'' is in Tasmiyah Classical Arabic where also given to nouns Tasbih-SubhanAllah, Tahmis-Alhamdulillah, Takbir-Allahu Akbar, Tahlil-La ilahaila Allah, and Ta'awwudh-I seek refuge with God from the pelted Stan.
Lesson to learn: Basmallah is legally recommended before you start any action likes do speech, eat something, drink water, take ablution, sexual intercourse and etc. It shows that how polite you're by ask permission from the Creator, Allah, to go on and do ''good deeds''. InsyaAllah, Allah bless in it and please make it a good habits in our life. 
Did you know in Indian subcontinent, Bangladesh and Pakistan they called this Basmallah in shorten for 786? Follow by abjad, this numbers consider of ''lucky'' or ''holy''. But, be cautions because if you're too obsess with it or believe your faith based on the number it will turn like a gambling. 

2-All praise is for Allah, Lord of all worlds.
''Alhamdulillah'' word in this ayyah totally refer about return thanks and praises to someone which is going to or done a good things to you. Which is later specially mentioned ''Ila''-Allah. Who is Allah? ''Rabb''-means God or Lord of ''al-Alam''. The one who control all nations and this universe. 
Lesson to learn: This ayyah teach people to react or reflex in actions of thanks or even praises if someone do something good to you. Its a good habits shows the appreciation in our life, in case of what we received. People who's help you also happy and teach the kids this attitude, then they will be a good manners person. Yeah!

3-The Most Compassionate and Most Merciful and 
''Ar Rahman''-Rahman means gracious in Arabic. This significant of He is Entirely Merciful, no doubt  to all general and by nature. ''Ar Raheem'', refer to Rahma/Rahim (womb) which for all His creator. Then meaning He, Allah, is Especially Merciful to all the believers. 
Lesson to learn: Name of ''Rahman or Rahim'' is beautiful but it is haram to name our child without ''Abdul''-which Abd in Arabic means servants. 

4-Master of the Day of Judgement.
''Malik''-another one of 99 names of Allah mentioned here. This word synonyms as owners, king, rulers and master. Here it refer to the hereafter life, where obviously related from previous ayyah. The One that create human until we're die and return to Him.
Lesson to learn: Many people don't like a word of death, funeral, or even go to grave. It full of sadness and ended of someone life. But opposite in Islam, all Muslim recommended to always remind of death and life after. Then, people would more appreciate life-life is short and avoid sin. Here also the article about remembering death that you should click read

5-You ''alone'' we worship and You ''alone'' we ask for help.
All Muslim knows the word ''You alone'' is for Allah, and this truth of knowledge proceed by action of worship. How we do that? In prayer. Then He is Allah the One that all Muslims asked for help in their life and blessing.
Lesson to learn: There are three Level of Faith; Islam, Iman and Ihsan. The word of ''Ihsan'' is the highest form of worship-Muslims responsibilities to achieve the excellence and reach perfection in it. An example through sincerity in prayer, grateful of  life, and also to parents or surround us. 

6-Guide us along the Straight Path.
Again, all Muslim asked for help from Allah for the Straight Path. Here in this ayyah, we wants the physically and inner form of straight. Which likes far from leaving five prayer, do the crime and unfairness, practicing sihr or little unbalanced cares among family or friends or society. 
Lesson to learn: Peoples should have the integrity and humanity to be a human. Allah gives everyone mind to think which is bad and good before do any decision. Don't rushing in everything, take your time and no forced is allowed. Positive vibes only!

7-The path of those you have blessed-not those You are displeased with, or those who are astray.
There are several meaning in this ayyah; we ask again from Allah the cares from sin that mention above. Also the blessing into the heart and soul in every Muslim while living and going through the Sirratul Mustakim, The path that Allah have been please and a light in the end, not somewhere lost in the middle.
Lesson to learn: Allah displeased the community that have action and no knowledge, Nasrani. And Allah hate the community of have knowledge and no action, Yahudi. In my POV, if we don't want to be one of them then study Islam and Quran. Allah's knowledge is so big, dig it while with full effort. This is because the more you know something, the more you know nothing. InsyaAllah, may Allah bless our intention.

End of 2023

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