
Showing posts from 2022


Hit the gym-Fitness Time Mecca

Assalamulaikum, I loves running-I'm an athletics of my own. Previously in school time, I joined all the running track and ball games. About one year before big exam, I stopped all because of my mom advised. It continues when I entering college make around three years. Graciously, I got active again after worked period. I bang those bowling + marathon + futsal + paintball +  caving + hiking + parasailing and so on. Those memorable time I treasure most and now it hit home, guys.   Then, when I'm working here-I quiet for one year. Totally in adaptation environment and only do simple work out in my own room. Theme is me and my yoga mat. So pity. Early this year, I felt that my both hands very weak especially at left hand. It beyond my control and I really need for real running and lift weight. In Makkah, you can't just wore sport attire and run outside! You need ''abaya'' and I don't think Arab people ready to  saw a woman run in abaya-this woman must be ins...

10th Muharram 1444H

 Assalamualaikum, I want shared something special for Asyhura Day here. It is actually about my off that should started at 08th Muharram but then, my manger called is it okay for me to change it on 09th Muharram and 10th Muharram. I said yeah- At first it's pretty sad because mostly Malaysian friends they off earlier and only me left for that day. They're go Haram and some go for shopping spree. But it's alright, I made plans but Allah know the best for me.  At 4th August, after two years of pandemic KSA lift up the barrier along Kaaba and it is really make me want to go there and touch the Kiswah-Kaaba covered and maybe more wishes to kiss the Hajar Aswad. FYI, I not make it on my first Umrah, 2018. So, I really want to experience it and after 32 years of living. I do what the best for me. InsyaAllah,  I booked the Al-Shohada Hotel because of three reasons...At first, I aim for Tahajjud and more sunnah prayer also Fajr Prayer there. My compound can't compromised it and...

Until when sin will be collected in this life?

 Assalamualaikum, Few days ago, I'm off for one day.  So, after night shift and nap for four hours-I make my mind on the spot that I want to go to Masjidil Haram and do prayer Zuhur and Asr. Alhamdulillah, I ate ''nasi goreng'' with eggs before and full for awhile. Then, performed sunat enter Masjid-Taubat and etc. Also, more Quran recited and drank Zam Zam water. It make my day! One hour and half before Asr-I want to see Kaaba in of my eyes and I go down and surround Kaaba with Muslim Muslimah from around the world. Still full from Hajj people. I pray for myself-family-friends-and etc. I really miss Kaaba because Murabatha mission/Hajj mission-15 days working non stop. I'm so tired of everything and when I see Kaaba it drain out my bad things and given me positive energy even with hot weather and sweat. I fall hard in deen. After that, another 45 minutes before Asar-I want to go for 1st floor and stay there. But, before I walked further, I found a good place to...

Buku Baru Mulai Dengan Indah 1444H Muharram

Assalamualaikum, Salam Muharram 1444H buat semua! Alhamdulillah sudah habis amalan-amalan kita di tahun 1443H. Tahun yang indah kerana setahun lengkap berada di Mekah dan hanya pada bulan Ramadhan sahaja di tanah Malaysia. InsyaAllah, segala niat baik dan pahala yang diredhai dan dirahmati Allah itu menjaga kita sehari-hari. Halal dan haram itu sepanjang tahun tersebut, mudah-mudahan dimaafkan dan diperingat lebih kerap. Baiklah, teruskan Islam dan perjuangan di tahun ini. Doakan ya! Banyak yang terjadi hanya pada 1 Muharram hari ini. Kerjanya ialah tadi waktu malam. Jadinya, sambil-sambil jaga pesakit dan bagi ubatnya, sambil-sambil juga melihat penukaran Kaswah Kaaba. Indah sangat, waktu Mecca sekitar pukul 0100 pagi dan secara langsung memang disiarkan di setiap bilik pesakit. Sungguh berkah kerjanya, suka betul. Tenang betul, pastu bila melihat proses itu, mulut juga istigfar melihat Kebesaran Allah dan doa tak putus-putus agar hati ini tetap pada Islam dan kukuh. Aammin. Sebenarny...

Tambah pahala dengan amalan-amalan ini di Bulan Zulhijjah

Assalamualaikum, Alhamdulillah dipanjatkan kepada Allah SWT diatas permudahan menjalani bulan Zulhijjah 1443. Tahun yang sangat istimewa kerana menjalaninya di bumi Mekah walaupun hanya atas urusan kerja dan bukanlah untuk menunaikan Haji-niat bekerja demi Allah dan agar mepermudahkan urusan-urusan Hajah dan Haji ini di sini.  Apa yang menarik, hospital kerajaan Arab Mekah akan melakukan sehabis baik bagi pesakit-pesakit untuk pengangkutan ke Arafah-hingga mereka yang boleh adaptasi BIPAP (pernafasan menggunakan mesin dan pesakit sedar) jika boleh. Ini yang sangat dihargai, MasyaAllah Tabarakallah-sampai begitu sekali. Ada satu pesakit bukan Arab, kedatangannya sangat tidak stabil dan betul-betul di hari Arafah dan hospital tidak membenarkan dia ke sana. Tetapi dia mahu turun katil dan menarik semua wayar-betapa sunggul wajahnya bila banyak kali dipujuk-dan sampai sahaja habis waktu Arafah dia hanya redha dan terbaring lesu. Dan hari ke hari, kesihatan semakin merosot dan semakin k...

Sunset: MCL Part B

(new update) The continuation from my MCL Project and then MCL Main Part A .. .we realized then how like 20 or 30 years passes without much achievement. For me, I really much details in my 20's part and I need to go more for this 30's part. So, I appreciate every second and which time I spend with. I didn't go for words only but for actions series. Like Nike said ''Just do it'', and just do it bro! And then then new fail are new scar. Keep on learning and gain much experienced.  Here come are for the Main part B-we will go for the six sub coordinates which are included many important thing in life.  For each part, I just acknowledge a simplest thing and you all the one need to complete it by own preferences. My lifestyle surely not same as you all, our journey up and down based on own self reward. Make sure that is what we proud of, makes us smile like crazy when to think about. The process and memories always be good skill learner.  Ready?! Goal 1: M...

Umrah Tawaf Bacaan Doa

 Assalamualaikum, Ini adalah sambungan daripada lmbaran pertama: Umrah  Tawaf dan Praktis. Seperti yang diungkap, amalannya ialah doa yang hadir daripada hati yang paling dalam. Dasar hati yang gelap dan wujud daripada titik dosa hingga ke hitaman pandangan. Jangan malu, pikul semua itu dan bawa bersama waktu melakukan Umrah. Dijemput dan dipanggil Allah untuk ke rumahnya, disini menjadi saksi segala aduan dan tangisan yang diluah. Kenapa malu untuk menitikkan air mata? Sekeras mana hati bila pada Penciptanya ia menghadap. Allah membelai hati-hati yang diberi syafaatNya. AllahuAkbar. Apa bacaan masa Umrah tawaf? Doaku baca mengikut pada pengalaman hidup di atas dunia, disini dititip asas tujuh pusingan bacaannya. Kalian boleh mengambil panduan dan kemudian menjadikan pada doa yang lain lebih baik dan diberkati. Jangan sia-siakan masa yang ada di dunia ini untuk menjadi insan yang dipilih Allah. Tujuh pusingan sangat sekejap, lebih kurang 30 minit sahaja. Gunakan setiap detik p...

Umrah Tawaf dan Praktis

 Assalamualaikum, Apa khabar hamba Allah yang dirahmati sekalian, harap-harap semuanya diberi kesihatan dan kekuatan yang berpanjangan untuk hidup ini. Tentunya kalian memilih untuk membaca artikel ini apabila hati terdetik untuk menunaikan Umrah atau rezeki terbuka membuat Haji. Alhamdulillah, syukran ya Allah yang Maha Berkuasa Lagi Maha Mengasihani. Allah memanggil insan-insan yang terpilih ini untuk ditipkan hati kembali ke pangkal jalan-jasad suci dijemput untuk ke rumah Allah. Bukan mudah, bukan murah juga tetapi ia adalah keputusan sebaik keputusan dalam hidup.  Maka untuk menjadikan ianya semakin terindah dan dipermudahkan amalan, persiapan mendalami ilmu agama adalah sangat penting. Ini agar keindahan Islam itu meresap ke dalam hati dan senang untuk membuat kebaikan seharian. Walaupun sudah kembalinya ke Malaysia, dipraktiskan juga amalan baiknya seperti cukup menutup auratnya. Asas ini nampak mudah tetapi sering kali diabaikan dan dipandang remeh, ini kerana hati itu...

G1: Get Myself Till Mars

Hello. Everyone have their own 24 hours in life, same with me and you. Sometime 'there are one group' that will judge people with jealousy and blame 'another one group' for the achievement more than theirs. Even it is only 0.001 percent, still they don't like it. They anti-fan of it. They don't prefer anyone be on top of them in this community cycle. Be aware, they can't see someone bought new car, new jewelries, new phone or even new clothes or foods.  Above scenario this is what we called challenge in real life. This type of people surely will try to get you down to their own level by spread lies and critics. It's considered normal and don't be surprise, girl. They think we considered should be same and be normal people by do what system taught us. Don't think and just copy how your senior do, don't raise any voice to government and keep everything smooth like others. Yeah, like that. When you try to make small reformation, a lot will tackl...

Cara pilih bagasi idaman

Hai semua,  Aku sebenarnya dulu seorang manusia yang rajin pot-pet kat sini tentang pengalaman hidup dan cerita-cerita yang menarik yang pernah aku lalui hari-hari. Tapi disebabkan aku terlalu fokus pada masa depan yang terlalu serius dan mencabar dekat dua hingga tiga tahun nih, aku simpan jelah benda-benda itu semua. Dan sekarang bila hidup aku dah kukuh dan ada banyak masa yang boleh digunakan untuk benda berfaedah, aku pon mulalah gatai tangan nak menaip panjang lebar dekat sini. Lindu weh!  Blog nih wujud sekitar 10 tahun lepas, jadi bayangkan korang punya pertalian kawan yang dah 10 tahun, apa korang fikir ianya akan berlaku? Mestilah rasa nak melepaskan rindu sesangat. Kalau kahwin 10 tahun mesti dah 3,4 anak dan bahagia hingga akhir hayat. Dan terlalu banyak benda yang aku nak kongsi dan keterujaan itu masih hidup der. Fuh, perasaan bila menaip atas papan kekunci nih lain maicham betul.  Sebenarnya topik utama kali ini ialah tentang bagasi, bahasa omputihnya lugga...

Welcome back stalkers.

Hello stalkers, welcome back! I forever don't like you, and I'm doing fine. Thanks for checking up on me and my blog. For your information, I even deleted my Facebook and Instagram because of you guys, and I leave no regret about it. I still thinking either to delete my blog or not. Anyhow, I will do it if it is too harm for my private life right now or in future. Obviously, I'm not joking around. I choose to have peaceful mind and pleasant day.  The 100% statement from me for stalkers within the strangers: Don't used my name for your own drama, don't used my pictures for your own benefit, don't message me with cheap talks and create such dreadful nightmare story about me. It's annoying news and toxic environment. Those real gentleman will ask for a permission from the owner, even they surely expect a big No from me. Go stalk another person, I don't like popularity or gossip or paparazzi.  If you think you're the one of them, please get t...

Allergic test in Malaysia

Hai, Are you interested in doing allergic teat in Malaysia? Are you searching for the best hospital or clinic options? I'm the one who's await for three years before do this, Probably because of this two year pandemic and not brave enough. I don't know what I'm afraid of exactly, but I did it anyway. Now there are few choices you can take, just search it online then make a call for appointment and don't forget asking for best prices. I did my allergic test at Ramsey Sime Darby Ara Damansara, Shah Alam. At first I want to go for Iheal hospital but then I have a meeting at that area so plus one point. Here, you can just WhatsApp them at no 019-234 8835, and the operator will asked you to fill up details and then give you the appointment date and time. Wallah, easy! I go there by public transport, and dropped by at Lrt Ara Damansara and took grab for only Rm 6 to the hospital. After that, scan the My Sejahtera and at the lobby turn to your right...

First bite of the cherry: Life graft A

(latest update)  Hai, now we're in the serious topic.  Sit right ladies and gentlemen, comfort to the new level. Pour a mineral water and drink it politely. Get on the pen or pencil and a paper, few paper if needed. Next, turn off any Tv or devices to make a environment to the minimal noises. Alright everything set up? Because this will be an educational line minded. If you're not ready, go to next topic and I'm oh-key. Come back when you think you're in needed and surely to put one leg for this crazy ride.  So, I want to talk about the future. I already experienced it and I want you all to the same and be there too. I only share a good topic and I hope you get well with the services. We will talk about a blurred line, to decide next 30 to 50 to 70 years old of you and even me. From my previous introduction I acknowledge about ' 'My Contentment Life'' project , and everyone want to know about it. Then, I took few time to post it because I want to make ...

Suhuf Ibrahim and Musa

This is, from last Ayyah of Surah al Alaa: 87;19. What is the Suhuf content of Ibrahim? The scholars emphasized that Suhuf of Ibrahim contained advice. Is there a law about halal-haram in it? Ulama have different opinions. Some say in Ibrahim's suhuf there is also a legal content, and some confirm that Ibrahim's suhuf was only advice. Imam Ibn 'Uthaymeen explained, ŲµŲ­Ł Ų„ŲØŲ±Ų§Ł‡ŁŠŁ… ŲµŲ­Ł Ų£Ł†Ų²Ł„Ł‡Ų§ Ų§Ł„Ł„Ł‡ ŲŖŲ¹Ų§Ł„Ł‰ Ų¹Ł„Ł‰ Ų„ŲØŲ±Ų§Ł‡ŁŠŁ… ŁŁŠŁ‡Ų§ Ų§Ł„Ł…ŁˆŲ§Ų¹Ųø ŁˆŲ§Ł„Ų£Ų­ŁƒŲ§Ł… Suhuf Ibrahim was the creator that Allah sent to Abraham, in which there were advice and laws.  (Laqa 'Bab al-Maftuh, 176) Meanwhile, in the Encyclopedia of Fiqh is stated, ŁˆŲ£Ł…Ų§ ŲµŲ­Ł Ų„ŲØŲ±Ų§Ł‡ŁŠŁ… ŁˆŲÆŲ§ŁˆŲÆ ŁŁ‚ŲÆ ŁƒŲ§Ł†ŲŖ Ł…ŁˆŲ§Ų¹Ųø ŁˆŲ£Ł…Ų«Ų§Ł„Ų§ Ł„Ų§ Ų£Ų­ŁƒŲ§Ł… ŁŁŠŁ‡Ų§ ŲŒ ŁŁ„Ł… ŁŠŲ«ŲØŲŖ Ł„Ł‡Ų§ Ų­ŁƒŁ… Ų§Ł„ŁƒŲŖŲØ Ų§Ł„Ł…Ų“ŲŖŁ…Ł„Ų© Ų¹Ł„Ł‰ Ų£Ų­ŁƒŲ§Ł… Suhuf Ibrahim and Daud, the contents were advice and parables, and there was no legal discussion there. So that it cannot be called a book that contains legal problems.  (al-Mausu'ah al-Fiqhiyah, 15/167) The Suhuf Contents of Ibrahim and Moses, some of which Allah ha...

Kisah terbaru tentang apa?

 Assalamualaikum, Apa khabar semua? Harap baik-baik sahaja, sihat. Lama tidak menaip disini kerana selepas Covid, kaurantin dan buat Umrah, dan dapat infeksi pada ruang mulut/gingivitis + palate iaitu ruang atas permukaan mulut. Ia bukan sakit gigi atau ulcer, tetapi bengkak dan merah-merah pada gusi-gusi dan macam ada kumpulan cecair terkumpul. Masih tidak tahu kenapa kerana sememengnya orang yang terperinci dalam penjaagaan mulut. Nasib ada ubat alahan, selepas dua hari makan ini, memang ada keberkesanannya. Sekarang tahu sudah, mesti makan benda yang -inflammation foods. Sekarang tengah tunggu hari untuk balik Malaysia, seminggu sebelum hari penerbangan, akan tempah untuk pemeriksaan alahan-allergic test! Sangat memerlukan, kerana dalam awal bulan ini sahaja-ada dua alahan terjadi. Satu masa minggu pertama, lebam pada dua belah mata. Dan yang kedua, bengkak-bengkak gusi dan ruang atas mulut. Kulit juga gatal-gatal dan kering walaupun hari-hari sapu pelembam dan pencegah matahari...

I'm positive covid.

Hai, while I am typing this post I actually at my last day of quarantine. I will go back at my own room and need to clean out everything. So, how's life after covid? I don't know, may everything be fine. My symptoms? Fever, sore throat, no taste, no smell, headache and stomach ache. After forth days, it slowly came back to you. And fever subsidised at day five. Day six, you feel good and day seven I am clear. What happened to my body after covid? My taste bud not as good as before, and I don't consume food as much as before. Maybe because for sixth days I took brunch, altered in food regime. I think I lost 2kg? Give me that weight scale please. Did my family knew about it? Of course and I only informed them after the results is out. Good daughter am I, I don't want them to worried much. But, at th end... I know they truly care and love me. I love them too. Alright, to whoever want to do swab test, please go on. Early detection is good and keep on the antibiotics pescrib...