
Welcome back stalkers.

Hello stalkers, welcome back! I forever don't like you, and I'm doing fine. Thanks for checking up on me and my blog. For your information, I even deleted my Facebook and Instagram because of you guys, and I leave no regret about it. I still thinking either to delete my blog or not. Anyhow, I will do it if it is too harm for my private life right now or in future. Obviously, I'm not joking around. I choose to have peaceful mind and pleasant day. 

The 100% statement from me for stalkers within the strangers: Don't used my name for your own drama, don't used my pictures for your own benefit, don't message me with cheap talks and create such dreadful nightmare story about me. It's annoying news and toxic environment. Those real gentleman will ask for a permission from the owner, even they surely expect a big No from me. Go stalk another person, I don't like popularity or gossip or paparazzi. 

If you think you're the one of them, please get the real life without me. 

A 100% statement from me for stalkers within my ex close members: I'm a short memory person, and I easily forget certain things but it is a beautiful memories. I thankful for it and right now I stay with no conflicts. I keeping my healthy relationship with people around me only, and no need to bait my other members. Hope you understand and be happy for me. Let me go and move on, don't be a coward or stupid to think about me. I already with different road and keep ahead. 

If you think you're the one of them, please get on with different road and ahead. 

The 100% statement from me for stalkers within my friends: Don't worry about me, I know what I'm doing. Just worry about why you worried about me and what I'm doing. I'm independent person, I surely will not asking for your help. I know who's my partner in crime is and who to put trust on. Don't throw your rubbish in my life and talk like you knew me well. I don't keep you, I don't want you and even happy to hear nothing about you, no more uninteresting news in my life. 

If you think you're the one of them, please worry another person and not me. 

I love my beautiful life and rainbow rain from family members. Ehem, I appreciate my partner and I pretty happy with great friends. I respect my supportive networking team too. They all are my super human and they knows me from the bottom until now. My circle are small but it makes the better me. I like writing and posting a good news here in my blog. But again, if it is damaging my dignity and personal space, I will say goodbye to it. Less people, less drama. 


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