Why i don't bargain

Assalamualaikum. Continue with my post about, Don't bargain to them. I don't do bargain. Not sure if it's because of my big ego or, I don't like the word. Or i'm too afraid to do that. Since i'm kid until now, All my stuff i paid with the real prize. Only if the seller offer me better, i bought. I said she offer me. Oh kay. If i be included in this situation, reality is, Mostly my family member or my friends will do this bargain stuff. I will sit at the end of the corner and do nothing. Because i will spoil the agreement. How can i not do bargain? This all because as long as i want to buy something, I calculated my budget. There and i know my limit. That's the one finest reason why i don't do bargain. : ) For this continues topic i like to share a good picture. Why i'm still remain not do any bargain. That i like to share. It's all about the base of "kindness" And feeling of "humanity" This pi...