My Booklist: July 2021
Hai, Again we talk about my book list per month. Here for July I only finished around 10 books, best of the best that I can get. I started already my shift scheduled and had to adjust with the time and environment. I somehow skipped my lunch time, and took it at 5.00 pm because work frame. So, this book summaries and review got distracted with fatigue and weak mental health. At first, let me show you the book list that I done: 1. The third door, Alex Banayan 2. How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie 3. Think and grow rich, Napoleon Hill. 4. Deep work, Cal Newport 5. The hard thing about hard things, Ben Horowitz 6. The perfect day formula, Craig Ballanytyne 7. Do the work, Steven Pressfield 8. The daily stoic, Ryan Holiday 9. Thinking fast and slow, Daniel Kahneman 10. Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Coleman From here, I think I will starts my own parameters... Seven books per month. How is it? Sound not bad right. Maybe in a year I collect 84 books! Still more than 50 t...