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Sunday, December 11, 2016

Mereka dan pantai


As my hometown dekat dengan Desaru.
All that pantai things.
Something yang dekatkan kami untuk spent our time together adalah dengan pergi ke sana.
Even though not clear and beautiful enough as pantai-pantai yang lain.
But this is it.
Our happiness.

And si Ziqa, Apiz and Anas... since mereka kecik.
Dah expose dengan alla this.
So, mereka dan pantai memenag tak dapat dipisahkan.
If antara pergi shopping and pantai.
Mereka first priority adalah pantai.
Sebab that remind them to their beloved father.

I pray one day.
I will bring them to pantai alone.
With those three kiddos and we have fun.
Mampu ke masalahnya?

Anyway, this picture below are the latest update about them and pantai.
So happy.
So cool.

My younger sister terpaksa make this small pool for si Anas.
So that he will play together with their sister and brother.
Because, it's more safe.
= )

Friday, December 09, 2016

Janda baik: D river resort


When my friend said to come join her and family to Janda Baik.
It's like a flash back to my Form 5, English literature novel. It's about Janda Baik duh.
Normal stories about how harmonize their communities are.
Never mind.
Disebabkan ianya FOC and i have no planning yet, I just follow....
= )

Packing my bag and i meet her at Rawang.
Along journey, i can seen lots of home-stay and resort available here.
So, if korang tersesat or what.
Don't worry about nak tidur mana nanti.
Prepare your some money, and choose wisely.
If ada berani lebih, gi la tumpang kat perkampungan orang asli nun.
They seem friendly.

Internet connection are very bad at here.
Sorry to say that.
Sempat sesat because lost of GPS configured.
Just bertumpu pada any signboard yang ada.
Nasib sampai.

There, can you see a small river. I think i should bring a pelampung next time.
So that i can do a river tubing!
This is under some persatuan actually.
And i berkesempatan join la mana-mana acara sukaneka yang ada.
Even tak menang anything, because they cheated. 
LOL. Geram gila.
Anhway, just play and and have fun.
Tak amik hati pon.

And also, menyibuk in their preparation meals.
Tak berani nak tunjuk bakat. Just setakat tukang masak Sardin jer.
Mingle around.
And layan si Nana... that cutest baby.

If you're lucky enough, some local will introduce you with their original madu.
I bought two bottle.
Discount until RM 20.00 per bottle.
Not sure what kind of madu it is.
And don't forget to taste the sarang also.
Sour a bit.

Most importantly, main air kat that river!
Awesome but very cold...
Cannot tahan.

And Sunday morning after breakfast, we gerak balik KL.

Art stone by me.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Buy a brain


These three four days memang sedikit memenatkan.
Bukan sedikit, banyak actually.
Sebab tu tak sempat nak update my blog.
Sorry guys.

I'm on-call last weekend. Rezeki Allah bagi, busy dengan rib injuries case.
And that really dried out my energy.
Habis my half sandwich carbo lunch.
Until sampai satu tahap, when everyone busy watching Extravaganza final episode that Sunday night,
I sedap-sedap take a nap.
I really need it.

Nasib on Monday, boleh balik on time.
So, i can rest my mind.
Take more sleep too.

But not my luck i think when on esoknya at the end of that night case.
Your team member not take a right responsibilities.
A team yang not really understood your limit.
Together with your others colleague.
Memang rasa nak tumbuk muka orang.

I'm not sure if because i'm junior and their senior.
I don't freaking care!
If you're my super senior...
Why when i'm in your job position, i can settle down everything completely.
And when it's your turn.
You can't.
Why do you do this to me.
To us?

Didn't you know that i'm tired. Really tired.
I need catch up my Asar before Magrib.
My bit lunch before dinner.
I'm not robot.
Please, buy a brain.
Buy also some manners.
You need that.

I think i'm in angry zone.
I need to calm myself first.

End of 2023

 Hai, Apa khabar semua? Lama benar rasanya tidak menjengah blog ini, datang sini pun sebab rindu. Tidak langsung peduli untuk menaip dan ber...