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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Siapa bagi hadiah kali ini?


If korang follow aku punya blog.
Mesti korang sedia maklum yang lately aku ada post pasal some hadiah aku dapat.
Tak adelah aku nak menunjuk.
But, because nih adalah my personal blog.
AKA diaries versi technology to me.
So, aku can wrote anything i want.

And disebabkan hadiah jugak.
I received some mysterious hadiah lain.

In my department, we have our own box.
Mine is red colour.
So, inside that nothing much yang aku simpan.
Some cornflakes, stand by in case lapar in between case.
And balang milk yang kalau rajin aku minum.
If tak rajin prepare, aku sanggup minum plain water pagi-pagi.

So, nak dijadikan cerita... ianya telah bertukar menjadi box Santa clause.
Magic tak magic.
Kenapa aku cakap box Santa clause sebab , i have found something yang bukan milik aku.
Yang betambah dari hari ke hari.
Bukan pelik, 
Tapi memang pelik.

One, aku dapat buku. Islamic type. Tebal tu, like medium lah.
And terbaru pagi tadi... I think it's power bank?
Because i only seen the label wrote there something like megawatt.
Aku tak berani open.
Sebab it's not mine.
That book pon aku tak berani baca even nampak menarik.
No note or card that label itu aku punya.

Because of this, korang mungkin cakap ambil jela.
Tapi, aku bukan jenis camtu.
Things yang bukan milik aku.
Aku tak ambil.
Aku tak marah pon tuan punya barang.
Just it's freaking scary!
I hope tuan barang can give me some clue cakap lah nak tumpang ke apa ke.
Or whatever float the boat.

Anyhow... because of this situation jugak.
I think it's a time for me to clear out my box and put inside my locker.
And that thing i will place dekat bekas tempat box aku.
Harap owner barang will perasan and ambil dia punya barang balik.
Tolonglah ambil balik.

This thing aku akan buat this coming Monday.
Masuk kerja, i will kemas my thing and do what ever needed as be plan.
So, will update with korang the result.
In the next post.

Tuan punya barang akan take it back or those item terbiar camtu.
If like that, i have to take extra mile.
Aku akan derma pada yang berkenaan, yang nak.
Barang free, siapa tak nak.
So, bye for now.

Aku doa tuan punya barang akan ambil la balik barang dia.
Kesian barang tuh, owner dia tinggalkan.
Aku faham perasaan barang tu.
Sedih kena tinggal dalam box. 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Reason to help people


It's hard for me not to help someone in need.
Seriously, i can't simply say no.
Like the heartless person.
I can't.
It's like they put a hope in me.
And how can i let down that wish.

Some may said, i'm too kind.
Too stupid.
Too weak.
Not think for myself before others.
But, how?
I just can't said .... no.
Or sorry, i can't help you.
Is not so me.

Because base in my religion... there is no reason to help people.
Allah sent them to me, to try myself whether we take that challenge or not.
Whether i pass the exam or i be ignore it.

Not everything i help them,
For me, as long as i can  help, i will.
I tried my best.
Even i'm so tired at that time.

May Allah bless us and help smoothing our way.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Cerita Raya Aidiladha lagi

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha daripada kami!
Cik Ziqa, Apis and the cute dedemok Anas.
= )

Anas kena buli dengan kakak dia. Tapi yang selalu buli dia ialah si abangnya, Apis.
Tapi Anas jenis cool. Muka dia pon cool. Dia tak nanges.
Tengok, mainan kena rembat. Main dengan plastic pasar pon still cool.
Siap pose senyum lagi.
Sebab tu, Anas is my fav.

End of 2023

 Hai, Apa khabar semua? Lama benar rasanya tidak menjengah blog ini, datang sini pun sebab rindu. Tidak langsung peduli untuk menaip dan ber...