

What's to plan for retirement?

Hello, Are you ready for retires in any time right now? Some may say no, and less say yes at the question. The real answer? It's up to you, dude. Randomly, people works at mid 20's until at their age 60's. But, do you really want to work until that and then spend next 20 years just to start enjoy yourself? What does energy left at that time? Are your friends or kids still be around? How about your partner or lover? Oh my, such a wasted 40 years path.  Please, I don't be one of them. Hardly said, I don't want above scenario and I really against that system. I don't care what people talk in my back because this is my story and I'm the author. Now I'm in early 30's and already work for less more to nine years, still I want to retire early as soon as possible. I would said its process of playing with pain, cries and suffering. Also I need to start from below, alertness myself little by little with all the management adaptation.   To me; whatever age are

Recipe Curry Puff

Recipe curry puff  Inside stuff: Potatoes 2 pieces, cut into small cubes.  Tuna or chicken 1 small tin Curry powder 1 spoon Onion 1 + 3 garlic (chopped) Green chillies 1 pieces (chopped) - depend spiciness.  Oil to cook Salt 2 pinch  Water 1 cup Steps: 1. A pan with oil, then hot put in onion, stir until nice smells.  2. Put in curry powder, garlic and chillies. For only 15 seconds like that then put in water half cup.  3. Pour potatoes, and stirred then close the lid. Add water little by little until potatoes cook well.  4. Add salt and keep it until dry.  5. Done, and let it less warm in room air.  Outside layer:  Flour 2 cup Melt butter 5 spoon @  3/4 cook oil.  Cold water 2 cup  Salt 1 pinch.  Steps: 1. Pour flour in a container, put butter and salt. Mixed it by hand or spoon.  2. Put in cold water and mixed with hand, dough well until not stick around fingers.  3. Let the dough rest aeound one hour, then proceed. Tips: 1. Two cups of flour can make around 2

My weight loss lemon drinks

 Hey, I like to drink a plain water a lots to stay hydrated. And to level up my flavor and get nutrition, I starts to add some lemons with no sugar. If you really want some sweetness, just add one spoon of natural honey or three dates. If you want some spice taste, put a mint leaves or mixed with tea. The recommendation is to drink it at morning time with hot water. Usually for one lemon, I can cut into three part and use it for straight three days. That one part, it depends in your style; cutting in small slices and squeezy it or just dumped it in a water bottle. So maybe in three days per week, quite enough.  Don't drink it too often because the acidic will cause enamel erosion and tooth decay, heartburn, unwanted nausea and vomiting.  There are several benefits in lemon drink; boost immune system . And for sure it good sources of vitamin C. I like it 'till now and it will detoxifying process for my body and soften stool from constipation . It also supports weight loss, th