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Monday, July 26, 2021

My Booklist: July 2021

Again we talk about my book list per month. Here for July I only finished around 10 books, best of the best that I can get. I started already my shift scheduled and had to adjust with the time and environment. I somehow skipped my lunch time, and took it at 5.00 pm because work frame.

So, this book summaries and review got distracted with fatigue and weak mental health. At first, let me show you the book list that I done:

1. The third door, Alex Banayan

2. How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie

3. Think and grow rich, Napoleon Hill.

4. Deep work, Cal Newport

5. The hard thing about hard things, Ben Horowitz

6. The perfect day formula, Craig Ballanytyne

7. Do the work, Steven Pressfield

8. The daily stoic, Ryan Holiday

9. Thinking fast and slow, Daniel Kahneman

10. Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Coleman

From here, I think I will starts my own parameters... Seven books per month. How is it? Sound not bad right. Maybe in a year I collect 84 books! Still more than 50 though. I still impressed with what I'm doing and yeah I can do it. The impossible always possible if we got the passion and get our own path! 

I pretty sure, with this new empty slot I go focuses on new investment, P2P peer to peer and next coming real estates subject. Wish me the best in everything. I can and I will do my best intentions and achieve it in awesomeness. 


Sunday, July 25, 2021

Raya and raya again

Salam Hari Arah dan Salam Raya Haji buat semua.

This is my first time celebrated Hajj day at outside Malaysia with pandemic still going on. This 2021, they limits Hajj for 60,000 local people only with strict rule and regulation to follow. They are lots of police car and road block everywhere. Two weeks before Hajj, no one can enter Mecca without guarantee letter and limit time to do prayer at Masjidil Haram too. 

I worked at night time day before Eid, and my roommate at the morning shift. In the end of that day, I got three pieces of chocolates and I'm happy with it. Alhamdulillah. After work, directly videocall my parents and siblings about their Eid celebration. They still stay at home and not even wore the Baju Raya because can't go anywhere. We share the pictures of ''juadah Raya'' and it looks lovely. My parents still makes this ''ketupat'' and those kuah kacang, lodeh, ayam masak merah and so on. They gives to nearest neighbor and my youngest sister's colleague. 

Here in Mecca, we only met up to celebrated it in 23 July 2021, and I ate a lot! They have kuah lodeh, nasi impit, kuah kacang, rendang daging, sambal udang, nasi lemak, cheese cake, batik cake, small bread cheese, kacang porridge, yogurt mix fruits and so on. And, don't forget most delicious one, kuih raya conflakes madu. We ''tapau'' one container to bring home. I like it the most. Because we all don't bring my baju kurung, so we all only wore black jubah. But still a lovely moments and so thankful.

Happy Eid Adha Day guys.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Where the ''rubbish'' come from?


You should throw your rubbish at end of the day. Don't keep a rubbish in your home. Who's the one like rubbish? No one. I also don't like rubbish. It smelly and dirty, and more microorganism. If you're not throw it away, the next day your house smell like 'has own fragrant'. So, nope to rubbish. But, what is rubbish and where are they come from and become like that? 

Rubbish is from material that we use and later don't need it or rejected, or become worthless then wasted. Can you imagine, if you're the one can make one plastic bag rubbish per day then how about 7.9 billion people worldwide (July 2021 statistic) produce? That is not included the big companies with generated product and so on. In one research said, every year we throw away around 2.12 billion tons of waste! What the things going on here? This really need to be change.

Did you know, Canada is the largest total waste produce by mostly 1,325,480,289 metric tons annually. Follow by Bulgaria, United States, Estonia and Finland. And, picture below shows how they targeting the Asian country to produce more, and they're surely wrong. To me, you can produce more and generate more waste but you must know how to re-cycling or better in waste management. Once you get the concept, the better re-use and re-pay back energy consumption you can get.  Hope one day, all the countries can achieve the amazing solution to it.

The most practical way from me is either you lessen the consume of what can become rubbish later, or you pick that but you know how to re-use back and not make it a 'wasted'. Did you get me, like example I want to eat chocolates and I buy it at nearest shop. I got one bag plastic of it with lots of small wrapper inside and a print of receipt. How much did I produce rubbish per second? Then, how about if I go to shop and bring my own chocolate special container and no printed receipt. I produce nothing! Great right? 

How about rubbish from the chocolate itself, what if one day I don't feel like to eat that and want to throw it away? I normally will throw it in the bin and done. How about I keep it in the freezer and double boil it if I want to layered my cupcake or make it as bread jam. Do I make it sense in reality? 

This is actually an individual efforts and one people make it, then can be follow by others, make it a trend and make this earth a better life. Yup. Duh, most people too lazy to think out of the boxes and just blame others for what happens later in the future of global waste management. Again, I hope we can produce something that can be re-use things rather than one single use if possible and lessen the word 'rubbish' in our life. 

Thursday, July 08, 2021

What are good manners for kids?


Let's get a deal, I'm not married yet and I don't have a kids. I know this topic maybe not for me, but I still wants to talk about it. Because I'm surely thought that if I have them one day, the first thing they should know is to learn a good manner. Bold and protective, yeah. I'm not a super patient type of person and the crying non stop from them will make more tension relationship between us. I don't want to stress out myself, and that kids should know the manners by one years old! Can they?

For parents who want to have a kid, think again. Are you responsible and ready enough? This is because I knows having a kid is not easy full time job. Especially for single mother or father. You're tougher than everyone else. There somehow not always the rainbow or baby laughter but what if I want both of it while raises them? Why flight the reality if you can fight for what you deserved? They are memories that you will missed and loved when they are getting bigger and away. Enjoy every single second.

The newborn baby are like a white canvas, and you're the one who give colors to them. You want they keep in what you're living, dark and isolated? Or explore this colorful life, be happiest and better person ever! Remember, your kids reflected of your inner soul until they can think by themselves who they want be influences by. So as the first person in their life, give your best manners and teach the right things. They will follow you, the only real model they see everyday. Did you see where this goes? 

What are good manners for kids?

1- Say only good words.
2- Use word ''please'' appropriately.
3- When talk, look people in the eyes.
4- Sincere in word ''thank you''.
5- Say ''yes'' and ''no'' or give explanation at the right time.
6- Apologize when did something wrong.
7- Smile and compliment others freely.
8- Good table manners and eating well.
9- Happy play outside than stuck with phone.
10- Ask question and explore own life.

I will go with above list and for those parents with problematic kids, it can be turn out okay. Take your time from now and don't realize late because the faster you make a changes the better. I'm want to be a cool mom, I hope my future partner happy about it and my kids accept it well and yeah. For amazing life and better future! Get in to rock the pathway.

Saturday, July 03, 2021

Third Pillar of Islam (Rukun Islam 3)


InsyaAllah today is all about our Third Pillar of Islam; Zakat. This is individual consideration of obligatory respond on own slave duty to the Creator each year of Islamic Calendar. This self-purification type where when He give you basic things in life then He also provides more than you expected likes income, wealth or commodities. Then with sincerity, you give it back to community because there always have someone poor or need it more than you expected. 

I'm not saying you should give all you have, in zakat terms there are percentage for it. In Malaysia, there are differences types zakat you can find. Or you can go to Malaysian Zakat Web for more information. Another country, I don't know but I'm sure they also have the right way to do it. Randomly, if the government can taxes you for their benefit of return to public infrastructure or economy, thus zakat is like your charity for Muslims population. 

Besides, there are many others benefit of giving zakat; obedience to Allah rules where the slave shows the respect to the Creator. In balancing money and life where at starter we enter with nothing and then we leave this world with nothing too. This also good in built sharing manners, keep humanity alive in Muslims world. Another one is to avoid greed and misleading status power, it teach us to be remaining humble and kind. 

-The common minimum amout for those who qualify is 2.5% or 1/40 of individual Muslim total savings or wealth.
-Before do the zakat; you must be conscious, not a slave to someone, you have own right in own things, the ''nisab'' nd ''haul'' are perfect, and if you give it you don't be bankruptcy.

Thursday, July 01, 2021

My Booklist: June 2021


How are you guys right now? I hope you're doing well. I know Malaysia still lockdown in certain places and the cases still in between 5,000 to 6,000 per day. The government wants 4,000 cases and below to lift up the movement control.  Keep strong all people in there, you all can do it. Everyone will have a mental distress because of this but please maintains free mental health. Pray to your Creator and cried your heart out. Or, built close relationship with trusted people around you and let all the feeling go. Don't burden yourself with unnecessary things and influenced by mental judgmental. You have own right to be happy!

1. The richest man in Babylon, George Samuel

2. The secret of Millionaire mind, T Harv Eker

3. Capitalism and freedom, Milton Friedman

4. Das Kapital, Karl Max. 

5. The general theory of employment, interest and money, John Maynard Keyness. 

6. The 48 laws of power, Robert Greene

7. The champion's mind, Jim Afremov

8. Man's search for meaning, Victor E Frankl

9. Zero to one, Peter Theil

10. Crushing it, Gary Vaynerchuk

11. The tiny small changes habit that change everything, BJ Fogg. 

12. Resisting happiness, Matthew Kelly

13.The secret, Rhonda Byrne

In my previous post, May's Booklist, I target for 20 books but I think I didn't make it because here I can only show the 13 booklist for June 2021. I felt little bit bad because that month my two or three books choices quite heavy and need more than a week to settle down. I also get on with  my other project and that subject pretty need lots research. So, for July booklist I target about 15 books to review and summarizes. I should try harder in achieve it. Then see you in next post! 


Japan trip 2

Hai, Hari kedua Di Jepun, bangun pagi plan asal aku mahu tengok sunrise dekat Gion District. Tapi Emak aku jetlag sikit jadi aku...