I'm super tired
Bulan ini sememangnya membuatkan I'm super tired.
Exhausted semua.
Exhausted semua.
This kind of things makes me so sleepy because all energy are being drain out.
And all want is my bed only. Nothing else. Not even a food.
Little nap is fine.
With some laziness, lama la tak updating my blog.
Sorry guys.
Banyak stories actually nak share, but nak open laptop pon tak larat.
Tak ada masa.
Maka the best part, tertinggal gitu je.
Sorry again.
I'm terikat dengan full house of oncall.
And today I'm oncall too!
Cover for my colleague.
Then, tomorrow after pass over, merempit terus ke tempat anak yatim untuk my first volunteered programs for 2017.
So late kan.
Not forget, yang masa Chinese New Year, I'm oncall two days. Sunday and monday.
Sunday tu jadik tukang cover for my colleague.
Maka cannot lah make it untuk join mereka go to Kelantan attends our colleague wedding.
So sad.
I tried to change my oncall, but my ketua said... team not strong enough.
So alang-alang tak boleh tukar.
Buat jelah dua oncall sekaligus!
Tak merungaut pon,
Sebab itu semua rezeki.
Alhamdulillah la kan. Boleh save money banyak sikit for this month.
Even i'm busy with my work and dhunya things... i still sempat bangun pagi and pergi untuk Subuh berjemaah.
If sempat lagi, joining untuk Magrib and Isyak berjemmah jugak.
Ni part paling i likes.
Thanks Allah.
And i already transferred my money for my parents join my sister punya programme untuk ke Cameroon Highlands.
Hope diorang boleh enjoy and have fun there.
Nak bawak diorang tak sempat.
Ni jelah yang boleh tolong.
Mereka akan bertolak early Febuary.
Any picture will update here if my Febuary schedule oncall not havoc as January.