
Showing posts from December, 2016


Flashback 2016

Assalamualaikum, Rasanya banyak blog will post about counting days ke tahun 2017. And menggembalikan era zaman kegemilangan start January sampai la ni. For me, i don't think i will remember all what i am doing and so ever. My memory space are limited. Banyak benda lain nak kena ingat. Sorry. But, whatever it is... i still wanna do it too. So, the two common questions for this entries post are did all my plans for 2016 dah tercapai? I can said, not all guys. Banyak lagi in my bucket list yang major untuk dikejar. Banyak lagi ilmu Allah nak kena belajar.  Pahala nak kena grab. Yela, dunia kan tempat kita collect semua tuh. Waktu nanti kena hitung kat sana, rasa worth it. Then, kena mantapkan lagi financial part. My most awesome umrah project still in progress.... But so far so good, im happy with my life and all the achievement. Alhamdulillah. Maybe not so perfect. But I'm ok. Dayung sikit-sikit. And what's my plan for 2017? Main pa...

YES Mood Republik Festival 2016

Assalamualaikum. Last weekend, masa ramai orang busy celebrating Krismas. Me after post call pagi tuh, terus cabut dengan Uber and meet my friend, Farah, kat Ampang Park and heading to PWTC. Shopping time for YES Mood Republik Festival 2016. Wuhuuu! Masa time sampai, kami daftar dulu. And teman dia breakfast. After that, que untuk masuk. First thing first, kami serbu goodies bag dulu. Sebeb nih limited kan. So, grab la benda free-free nih kan. We got a shirt with Mood Republik logo. Oh key, nice... even i still aspect dapat free shawal AJ ke like before. Anyway, thanks Mood Republic. And after that tengah nak pilih-pilih, dapat free mee goreng. Nih sponsored by some company. Lupa nama dia apa. Then, jalan-jalan lagi. Semangat nak collect benda free. Hahhahhah... Lol. Overall, i bought two items from Losravelda. First time dengar this brand and i like all their design. And with this two items, I just spent RM 100.00 sahaja. Murah gila kan? And with that i got f...

Selamat kembali ke sekolah guys

Assalamualaikum. Dah nak 2017, so sekolah dah start nak mula. Mesti excited la si Ziqa and si Qistina. Budak nak daftar standard One. Meriah la mulutnya pot pet, pot pet. Tak tahulah diorang will cry or not masa orientation nanti. Hhahahha.... And, untuk si Apiz and Adam, They will dafter untk kindergarten plak. Rasa Adam mesti cool abes. Sebab dia emtionless. Aiz ni, manja sikit. Not sure, but physically dia keras. Kasar kata orang tuh. And yang kecik teno-et, si Aishah, Ans and Peah just dok rumah diam-diam jela. Berderet anak sedara kan... Perangai pon macam-macam. Anyway, tak dapat teman diorang masuk sekolah. Job calling. But, ada my younger sister, my emak and ayah untuk teman sebab my sister kerja. Alhamdulillah, Ada gak peneman. Kan. Hope diorang belajar rajin-rajin and keep the cool side with them. Ridu sama zaman sekolah. Rindu my kawan-kawan sekolah dulu. How fast time flies!

Pantai lagi!

Oh kay, as i said before... kami se-family memang gila pantai. Whatever it is season yang tak boleh gi ker... Kami redah jer. So, here photo yang terbaru. Mereka pergi la pantai... without me, of course. And here, Peah joining too. Donno what style she means in this photo. But, as long she happy... we all happy. BAudak-budak ni lagilah happy. Si Ziqa and si Apiz dah syok main air la tuh. Such a beautiful momets. Rindu korang semua!!!

Solat subuh tiga rakaat

Assalamualaikum. Pada hari jumaat yang lepas, berkesempatan untuk menunaikan solat Subuh berjemaah. Alhamdulillah. Pagi itu, imam buat tiga rakaat. After solat... masih terpinga-pinga. Should i do another Subuh prayer again or not? Hurm.... On the way nak pergi tempat kerja, gi la Googling ni semua. Risau gak. So, after web ke web yang lain. Barulah tahu apa sebenarnya yang berlaku. Ya Allah, cetek ilmu lagi rupanya. Insaf... insaf... Just get in yang imam tu buat sujud tilawah pada rakaat pertama. Maksudnya, imam tu baca ayat Quran yang ada tanda... untuk sujud mengakui kebesaran Allah is the Creator. Rakaat pertama tu dia takde rukuk, duduk antara dua sujud or salam ke apa. After sujud tu, berdiri balik then inam sambubg baca ayat Quran. Pastu, buat solat subuh macam biasa. Niat tetap sama. Solat subuh mengikut imam kerana Allah Taala. Perkara ini selalu mereka buat in subuh jumaat. In certain tempat jela practice. So if nak rasa betapa bestnya and am...

What i learnt from volunteer things

Assalamualaikum, This so teary stories came from when i'm just finished my first kids volunteer attempt. The gap between handling an adult and kids things are so big. Your feeling and their feeling are light earth and the stars. Which means,  I can still stand still in this earth but they still hoping upon a star. ... Previously, i more focus on teenager or an adult part. But, this time i'm face to face with the kids. Children who are trying to make a small space alone may be in this world to growing up. Their background stories more tragic, So tragic until makes them to have no feeling. Besides that innocent face. Because sort of this, why i want to be a volunteer. If not in money things sometime, May a time they needed for you to hear what they feel. To borrow your shoulder. A hug too.. To stop the tears. Even. My 'lil man. So handsome, i believe in future. But... He deaf and can't speak. May Allah bless his life....

My new harta karun

Assalamualaikum, Seperti mana yang dijanjikan, this post tentang what i bought from big bad wolf Mines 2016. So, my total books are dua belas, and net price, Rm 103.00 Big clap for me please.  Not exceed from my bajet. Hehehee... suka tau. Here i want to share some pengalaman and awesome tips for korang. First. Make sure eat dulu before go here. Because after masuk pintu gerbang tu, rasa rugi if kena break between your exploring, kan. And also prepare a bottle of mineral water at least. Or may some gula-gula perhaps. Prevent hypo! = ) And for someone yang used public transport, I suggest you all kaji dulu before heading there. Can check out some webs like... This site, click here. Second trip big bad wolf. Anyway, added from what she wrote, the Heritage hotel is inside that building.  But you just passed that hotel through the side of it. And few walks you are at the back of the building and see the tunnel or boat waiting area. This really help...

What types of friends i truly want

Assalamualaikum. Not gonna said that my friends now are suck. But just some moment where, if they added some good reason for me to be there for them. Perhaps, because... Some are more like to be too selfish. Some too count for what they do. Some cannot others be more than them. Some likes others do bullying them. Some even do back-stab. Why can they build good relationship between each others. Respect own right. Keep me live in a positive air. Too make me feel easily to mingle around too. And be the one who are nicer reminder. Remind me to my Creator. Ring a bell, cover for me may be. I will dua for you too. Or may be i'm just too much in asking for what i want? Am i? May be.

Style: Maya by Nuramirah

When this sale going on, I'm at Pahang enjoying my holiday. So, nak pecut ahad to Putrajaya after that is like a crazy thing. Lagipon no partner nak ajak. Maka, i just ordered online and purchase. My first choice is not this type. But as the dealer said the one i choose is out of stock and have to wait. I pick this one. M size, safe size, And,  blue colour! Cannot wait nak pakai... Or i will wore in next any majlis kahwin, then i have to wait. Maybe ya.

Big bad wolf Mines

Assalamualaikum, Today i don't have any volunteered programs. So, my rancangan ialah to haunt lots of books. I have two options sama ada untuk ke pesta buku di Pwtc or big bad wolf Mines. And i pick The mines. At first, i thought i can go with my ex colleagues... but they already go. And my bff pulak fall sick. And other friends gi melancong lah and my department pon ada wat kira stock take. Obviously, it's me and my freaking book haunter habits. Never mind. As i really don't like merempit too far sampai sana.  So i'm gonna using public transport and some walks. I'm ready to rocked it with my casual attire, sport shoes, beg belakang and some shopping bag. If terbeli banyak, may be duh. Standby. And my 'lil pack of mineral water and bread with nutella spread, some gula-gula jugak to keep me semangat terus. Makanan tu penting okeh! Hope everything will be alright. May Allah bless me, 'cause first time pergi sana alone. I will gerak awal...

Anas dan tingkap

This 'lil boy now became his grandfather BFF. Because he the only one yang rajin layan my ayah at his so called, office. Cik Ziqa yang cucu sulung pon kalah. TV Korean drama are more interesting duh.  He likes to eat, you give la apa-apa. Even if dia dengar any sound kat dapur. Sekelip mata, dia ada depan korang. Dahsyat tak? Dedemok la ini budak sudah. But demok mana pon, I still love you!

Pray for humanity, Aleppo

Assalamualaikum. Last week, after finished my book of Mencari Iman yang Hilang by Mohd Rizal Azman Riffin. I borrowed an interesting book from my friend. Thanks, buddy. It's called Lelaki terakhir menangis di bumi by Musa Nuwayri. Looks like i'm busy for another few hours. Maybe days, two days actually. And 'lil cried towards this book. Who cutting onion during operation? Anyway, I must admit that this a very good way to killing the time. Haunted his other collection, Menjejaki jalan takwa, thanks google... because i like his writing idea. So fantastic! So light but deep, And so inspiring. If you want to borrow it, my pleasure. My respect to you, bro! You're so young but have a very big heart. May Allah bless you, your plans and your every moves. And after i finished this book, Aleppo being attack uncontrolled. When i heard about this, i just want to be alone. Curling up in one side, With my leg bend to my chest. And cried. Because, This ...

Pulangkan atau tidak

Assalamualaikum, In my previous post... ada talked about telekung siti khadijah. Korang carik la sendiri link dia. That one of my generous friend bagi. And I'm already used it. Best and comfortable, duh. Thanks again. But, i think I should return back to the owner. Should i or shouldn't? Tak kisahlah orang nak cakap the word buruk suku or what if dia accept balik. Or you think i'm crazy enough to let go telekung mahai nih. Not gonna care about it... Why la kan i can't think properly and still accept it after our little drama kat parking masa tu. Huh. Bukan sebab apa, after my first time used this. I have the feeling that I should use it frequently. Bagilah dia continues pahala at least. I still cool. Few times i used, in few months. Makin lama makin pelik. Like every after my prayer... a word dua for him is like a 'must'. Just because i used this telekung. I used others property, what i mean. The weirdest feeling i have. Pretty scary...

Cerita air kopi

Assalamualaikum, Jikalau korang nak tahu, antara air putih yang clear tak de rasa tu compare dengan air-air lain yang macam-macam kaler. I better choose air putih. Bukanlah categories maintain sihat. Bajet cool or what are kan, Tapi, I'm the one yang tak pandai buat semua jenis air tu. Serious! Not a coffee, bit for tea maybe. Skill zero for all of this. That's why, buat per penat-penat kan... minum jela air sedia ada. Tak payah bancuh segala. = ) Gila tak gila lah. I will make sure my partner tak a fan pada benda-benda camni semua. Pada mertuaku in future, jgn nyesal tak reject awal-awal dulu. Ups! So, baru-baru ni... sempat la terjah gi umah atok kat Segamat. Tapi dia sebenarnya nenek. Kitaorang panggil dia atok. Dan dia perempuan. Whatever. Nasib malam tu sampai, atoknya tak terkezut dengan kemunculan cucu dia yang entah dia ingat ke tak. Hahahaaa... Anyway, disebabkan dah dok kawasan kampong. So, malam tu gak wasap memainkan peranan untuk ...

Peah: Art class 2

Peah make a lamb! So cool. Keep it up. Have fun dear...

Mereka dan pantai

Assalamualaikum. As my hometown dekat dengan Desaru. All that pantai things. Something yang dekatkan kami untuk spent our time together adalah dengan pergi ke sana. Even though not clear and beautiful enough as pantai-pantai yang lain. But this is it. Our happiness. And si Ziqa, Apiz and Anas... since mereka kecik. Dah expose dengan alla this. So, mereka dan pantai memenag tak dapat dipisahkan. If antara pergi shopping and pantai. Mereka first priority adalah pantai. Sebab that remind them to their beloved father. Al-fatihah. I pray one day. I will bring them to pantai alone. With those three kiddos and we have fun. Mampu ke masalahnya? Hhahhahahha.... Anyway, this picture below are the latest update about them and pantai. So happy. So cool. My younger sister terpaksa make this small pool for si Anas. So that he will play together with their sister and brother. Because, it's more safe. = )

Janda baik: D river resort

Assalamualaikum, When my friend said to come join her and family to Janda Baik. It's like a flash back to my Form 5, English literature novel. It's about Janda Baik duh. Normal stories about how harmonize their communities are. Boring. Never mind. Disebabkan ianya FOC and i have no planning yet, I just follow.... = ) Packing my bag and i meet her at Rawang. Along journey, i can seen lots of home-stay and resort available here. So, if korang tersesat or what. Don't worry about nak tidur mana nanti. Prepare your some money, and choose wisely. If ada berani lebih, gi la tumpang kat perkampungan orang asli nun. They seem friendly. Internet connection are very bad at here. Sorry to say that. Sempat sesat because lost of GPS configured. Just bertumpu pada any signboard yang ada. Nasib sampai. There, can you see a small river. I think i should bring a pelampung next time. So that i can do a river tubing! This is under some persa...

Buy a brain

Assalamualaikum, These three four days memang sedikit memenatkan. Bukan sedikit, banyak actually. Sebab tu tak sempat nak update my blog. Sorry guys. I'm on-call last weekend. Rezeki Allah bagi, busy dengan rib injuries case. And that really dried out my energy. Habis my half sandwich carbo lunch. Until sampai satu tahap, when everyone busy watching Extravaganza final episode that Sunday night, I sedap-sedap take a nap. I really need it. Nasib on Monday, boleh balik on time. So, i can rest my mind. Take more sleep too. But not my luck i think when on esoknya at the end of that night case. Your team member not take a right responsibilities. A team yang not really understood your limit. Together with your others colleague. Memang rasa nak tumbuk muka orang. I'm not sure if because i'm junior and their senior. I don't freaking care! If you're my super senior... Why when i'm in your job position, i can settle down everything completely....

KSRP 2016:Dinner time

Assalamualaikum, On December 2nd, KSRP ada buat dinner kat Convention Centre for the first time. Celebrating their 40th years of anniversaries. Likes half of me duh. LOL. At first, tak applied pon. And suddenly, my colleague asked untuk join sama this event. Ticket still available she said. Then, terus sent email and positive feedback. So, as i still off on that Monday. Pergilah ke KLCC, Tower 1. Nak collected ticket on behalf mereka sekali. And after lepas screening part, boleh sesat sampai tingkat 42. Alang-alang dah sesat, jejalan lah sekali kan. Very nice view i can said. Nampak la bridge semua. Hohohooo...Like i cares? After boring, start la buat muka innocent plus cute sebab nak mintak tolong. Nasib jumpa akak baik hati tolong dan cilok masuk staff area sampai la gi tempat collect ticket. Mekasih bebanyak la hakak oi. Theme untuk that dinner adalah black, red and gold. So, i pick gold. And mix and match with anything yang ada dalam simpanan harta karunku. ...

ISLAMIC: My wife, I'm sorry

Assalamualaikum. Here, weā€™re talking about someone who youā€™re ideally going to spend the rest of your life with. Donā€™t make this decision based on momentary emotions and desiresā€¦have foresight.  Think about the little things,  The big things, and everything in between before giving your word.  Can you honestly see yourself with this person in all details of your life?  Are they going to help you and your future children prepare for your akhirah? Or are they going to undermine your ibadah?  Below is one story about how beautiful couple gonna found a love for each other. May Allah bless us with such strong support and serenade. Choose happy ending, and treasure for it. To my friend, Mozir, happy wedding day! Tomorrow he's gonna be a husband. Congratulation... "MY WIFE, I AM SORRY" He woke up in the morning and found her praying. He heard her praying for him.He stared at her. It has been a long time since he  has seen  her praying. For...