
YES Mood Republik Festival 2016


Last weekend, masa ramai orang busy celebrating Krismas.
Me after post call pagi tuh, terus cabut dengan Uber and meet my friend, Farah, kat Ampang Park and heading to PWTC.
Shopping time for YES Mood Republik Festival 2016.

Masa time sampai, kami daftar dulu. And teman dia breakfast.
After that, que untuk masuk.
First thing first, kami serbu goodies bag dulu.
Sebeb nih limited kan.
So, grab la benda free-free nih kan.
We got a shirt with Mood Republik logo.
Oh key, nice... even i still aspect dapat free shawal AJ ke like before.
Anyway, thanks Mood Republic.

And after that tengah nak pilih-pilih, dapat free mee goreng.
Nih sponsored by some company. Lupa nama dia apa.
Then, jalan-jalan lagi.
Semangat nak collect benda free. Hahhahhah...

Overall, i bought two items from Losravelda.
First time dengar this brand and i like all their design.
And with this two items, I just spent RM 100.00 sahaja.
Murah gila kan?
And with that i got free a jubah!
Pembeli terawal diorang katanya.
Million thanks la weh.

This long Kebaya, i purchase terus terang, Satu rm 50.00...
Memang tersangat la murahnya.
Just kain dia je bit long. Takpe, boleh adjust kan.

Yang ni, I purcahse, satu Rm 50.00 gak.
So campur dua. Just paid rm 100.00...
Memang sangat murah and still gojes. Macam biasa kain bawah still meleret panjang.
Nak kata this design dah out of fashion. Peduli apa.
As long as we confortable with this baju and make us confident as Muslimah.
Keep your head up and proud of your queen title guys!

Nih la yang i got for free!
As usual, bawah memang meleret.
Bila nak bawak gi potong tu, tak tahulah bila.

And, i also beli one set of baju kurung modern from Leia.fjura design.
A salmon like coklat colour...
Sangat selesa and cool.
Satu just, rm 50.00 oh key!
Sorry no picture.

And other than baju, i bought some keronsang.
20 pieces for only Rm10.00...
Walawei, can I suggest for Mood Republic keep this sale like everyday?
= )

And a small triangle cake from, lupa apa nama kedainya.
But its a cake combined with ice cream flavour.
Sangat sedap, but have to keep in tempat yang sejuk.
Tak sabar nak makan.

From i spent semua nih, my friend only belanja a set of Warda yang price dia, RM 70,00..
A colour yang i chooose for her.
Sangat nice and looks cool.
I want to buy also, but after think that i prefer my set baju kurung from Leia, fjura...
I sanggup cancel.

And as mengenang jasa dia, i treat her at Bakar station at Sunway Putra mall.
Their fish cencaru set. So nice, so amazing and so cukup rasa dengan semua rempah.
Just cuma kena tunggu lama lah.
Makanan sedap tak pe, kami sanggup. Berbaloi.
Just if lama sangat, try update dengan diorang punya waiter okey.

And i also sempat go to Direst sport fair sale.
Kat ground floor.
I grab their shoe bag from Slazenger.
Normal price Rm 39.90 and they sold for Rm 19.00,
Murah kan, And time nak bayar, i just paid for only Rm 15.00!!!!
Make me smile lah semua nih.
Beli ni, yang not i'm gonna use for shoes actually. Nak guna for my baju untuk travel. Hahahhaa...
So happy, sebab so murah.

And that's how year end sale affect me guys.
I donno if i can tahan until next year dengan dugaan yang lan-lain.
But i thin i can because i have to work.
And seems we are busy, and my new year pon oncall.
So, keep save, keep it real.

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