
Adik beradik problem


Kami adik beradik sangat rapat, mostly among yang perempuan.
Plus our mak ayah ajar kami jadi strong.
And independent enough.
Mungkin sebab tu kami perempuan boleh beat adik beradik lelaki dalam family.
Just because they are useless.
Sorry bro!
Some more, because we are the majority.
So give us your respect.

And we have our own group Whats app.
That's make our bond makin awesome.

Then, baru-baru ni... aku telah menjadi main topic in our group.
They talk about my dhunya thing.
Which i don't really care actually.
But they think i have to masuk campur because i'm the owner... so terpaksalah.
And they are waiting my next step.
What i'm gonna do about that.

I actually da tried to deal with the one who used it.
Because dulu dia pernah da pinjam.
And same problem.
Buat macam harta sendirik.
Untuk that item i dapat semula not in good condition. My ayah pon tak puas hati.
Dia care bagi terbaik balik.

So kali ini dia pinjam balik. I said ok. Because like i said. I tak kisah pon.
Dhunya semua ini.
So after my sibling discuss that i have to take an action... So, i did.
Mula-mula i give him a message.
I said carefully, can you pulang balik.
And no reply.
Like i'm the one yang mengemis sendiri pulak.
And i tried to be cool.
I let him use, and until a month passes dah... and i think he dah buat harta sendirik again.

Ni kalau next time nak pinjam, aku nak bagi ke tak agak-agak?

So, last Tuesday i given message to his wife.
Why dia tak nak pulang. Can you check and update with me later.
Then message i give to his wife i paste in the group Whats app.
And her replied also.
See? I tried my best.
I don't like marah-marah orang.
Can you not push my button.

After few minute, the one yang pinjam message me.
He said sorry. But every replied not said he will pulang balik.
I think my message semua direct version.
And i screen shoot our conversation.
And cc again to that group.
What you all want me to do?
I have no idea.

That thing, i put at my parents house because i care for them.
I want they to use what i give them.
Time ni la masa i scarified what i have.
Not i paid for you to used.
Not in my niat. Ever.
Dah la aku ni dok jauh. Nak tolong hulur masa... i have limited edition.
So i give them what i think they should have.
In case any emergency. They can be independent. Like they thought me dulu.

So, to that person.
I not even marah sekelumit pon if you want to use mine.
But when my ayah call. He said you after get it. Not even once balik tengok apa patut di tolong.
Aku sangat rasa kecewa.
Why la you behavior like this.
That's why i want to take it back.
Because of your perangai.

Cubalah balik pada Allah.
Fikir tanggungjawab diri sendiri.
And you will know what you should do.
Why people treat you like that.
Semua orang pernah buat kesilapan. Aku pon.
Tapi tak salah if kita pandai fikir yang kita patut ubah diri sendiri sebelum terlambat.


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