
Showing posts with the label dilema nak cakpa dengan orang


Adik beradik problem

Assalamualaikum. Kami adik beradik sangat rapat, mostly among yang perempuan. Plus our mak ayah ajar kami jadi strong. And independent enough. Mungkin sebab tu kami perempuan boleh beat adik beradik lelaki dalam family. Just because they are useless. Sorry bro! Some more, because we are the majority. So give us your respect. And we have our own group Whats app. That's make our bond makin awesome. Then, baru-baru ni... aku telah menjadi main topic in our group. They talk about my dhunya thing. Which i don't really care actually. But they think i have to masuk campur because i'm the owner... so terpaksalah. And they are waiting my next step. What i'm gonna do about that. I actually da tried to deal with the one who used it. Because dulu dia pernah da pinjam. And same problem. Buat macam harta sendirik. Untuk that item i dapat semula not in good condition. My ayah pon tak puas hati. Dia care bagi terbaik balik. So kali ini dia pinjam balik. I sa