
Stupid shirt we talking about


Last Saturday, i said to my friend in serious tone.
I want the Shirt that he will get from his Sunday morning event. Occasion run with Bio essence I think.
I donno why i cared so much, before this any run marathon he joined. I tak ambil kisah pon. Lantaklah.
But this one... menarik like crazy my sense, that i want that shirt really bad.
Not sure by the way, if that shirt are good looking or not.
Like i said, my senses.

I said to him. I will waited at the finishing line.
To grab his shirt, and bawak lari.
Gila tak gila. Even tak buat pon sebenarnya sebab i'm oncall hokey.
Job calling.
Lots of case are waiting on that day!

After i cannot pujuk him.
I tried to this one guy. Dia pon join gak. Even we selalu fight like there is no tomorrow but for that shirt i sanggup.
So, i WhatsApp him.
I said i want that shirt... he replied every message in blur figured.

And the next day.
When i seen my friends posted about the marathon. And i seen how cool the color of that shirt.
I terus, ohkey.
I will get that shirt no matter how.
If i cannot get it in sesi pujuk memujuk... how about, can i paid you and you give me that shirt.
Win win situation, bro.
Don't you like my money?

Surprisingly... that evening, this guy message me if i still interested in that sweat shirt?
Of course i am.
But gi la basuh dulu baru bagi, kan.
I stated my reason that i want that shirt tok bawak gi menoreh.
And well, we fight in next replied.

Yesterday, when i mintak that shirt... he buat-buat blur. Rasa nak hentak kepala kat dinding.
Why la i had to dealing with this guy.
And when the friends yang sama-sama gi marathon found out, i want that shirt.
They kutuk i like freaking awesome punya ayat.
Gurghhhh.... I give them pandangan membunuh.
And when I tried to catch them. They ran bertaburan like anak ayam.

Ikutkan i'm not really so addicted to have it anyway.
.. that stupid shirt.
But, just want it to cover my next coming event. Because my closet yang penuh dengan blouse and jubah tak sesuai for it.
Shirt yang ada some i dah used for other things. Huhuhuuu...

If korang sayang sangat, nanti i will pulangkanlah balik hokey.

By the way, i think... looks like not my rezeki.
Biarlah. No offended pon kat diorang.
That's their right.
Me? Nak wat camner. Kena la haunting every sport outlets this weekend.
After my volunteered class.
Sebab event nya next week. Hope sempat.
And maybe I should grab two or three shirt later.
Senang sikit.


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