
Showing posts from November, 2016


Makanan sehinggit

Assalamualaikum. Just baru-baru ni aku berkesempatan beli makanan kat stall mak cik bawah rumah aku nih. Selalu time aku nak beli, time tu la baru dia bukak. Time aku tak nak beli, sebab aku dah ada breakfast. Time tu gak la dia bukak awai sikit. So, la ni baru aku singgah sebab lapar. Aku pon cam biasa, beli kuih. Campur-campur. And aku choose mee, sebab nasi lemak dia ramai sangat beratur. Malas la. And time nak bayar. Sehinggit jer mee aku tu rupanya. Tak ada telur sebab aku suka homemade punya. Gediks tak. Hehheh... Tapi, Gila murah lak ai dia jual. Nasi lemak, and bihun yang lain-lain pon just sehenggit jer. Patutlah berdoyan-doyan orang datang. Moga murah rezeki ko mak cik anak beranak. Cayokk! Ada time aku beli lagi.

Peah: Art class

Assalamualaikum. Since my sister stop kerja. And preggy. Dia jadik suri rumah sepenuh masa. So Peah tak pergi any nursery. Dia ajar Peah kat rumah. So far i think that's a good idea. Can i put my kids at your home sis in future? Because nursery sekarang tak boleh di percayai. Scary much. But your house at Tapah! I will miss them. Ok, aku la plak yang jadik suri rumah kalau gitu. My partner must agree with this. Bruhhh... Gila punya statement. And memandangkan Peah pon dalam proses learning. Dia akan everyday tengok cerita budak-budak Akak aku more bagi dia pada art class. Bagi dia enjoy. O, how i miss when my homework just coloring! Huhuhuuu... And how i seen, that kakak aku boleh kawal pola makanan dia. No fast food. No jajan. Not even a chocolate! Then, my sister ajar jugak dia supaya independent. Sidai baju sendiri in her own mini hanger. And ate by herself. Be clean and tidy. And that's brilliant idea. I support you sis.

Resepi puding jagung kastard.

Assalamualaikum. Masuk nih, dah dua kali aku buat this dessert. And tiap kali tu la licin. Kan aku dah cakap dulu, mereka ni memang spesis piranhas kat Amazon sana. Korang campak la apa kat atas meja tu, gerenti habes. Hahhahaaa... Tak dinafikan, bila penat buat case. Memang akan lapar gila. Sebab tu aku suka standby bar chocolate just in case. Tengok diorang happy makan. Tak dinafikan... aku pon happy sama. Even aku sempat kuis kuis sikit jer. Sebab aku, memang tak suka makan makanan yang aku masak. Tak ada feeling gitu. Sebab tu nanti aku nak carik partner yang pandai masak. Baru best. Before korang masak, meh aku bagi tips ala ala pantang larang untuk masak dessert nih. Paling penting... jangan terlebih air. Guna sukatan air paling minimum. If terlebih, korang buat jelah bubur jagung. Ops. Kena kacau selalu. Api kena maintains. Bila lalai jap, ketoi ketoi la nanti. Dah tak smooth. And lastly, after siap. Better la kan... Letak kat dalam bekas yang kec...

Adik beradik problem

Assalamualaikum. Kami adik beradik sangat rapat, mostly among yang perempuan. Plus our mak ayah ajar kami jadi strong. And independent enough. Mungkin sebab tu kami perempuan boleh beat adik beradik lelaki dalam family. Just because they are useless. Sorry bro! Some more, because we are the majority. So give us your respect. And we have our own group Whats app. That's make our bond makin awesome. Then, baru-baru ni... aku telah menjadi main topic in our group. They talk about my dhunya thing. Which i don't really care actually. But they think i have to masuk campur because i'm the owner... so terpaksalah. And they are waiting my next step. What i'm gonna do about that. I actually da tried to deal with the one who used it. Because dulu dia pernah da pinjam. And same problem. Buat macam harta sendirik. Untuk that item i dapat semula not in good condition. My ayah pon tak puas hati. Dia care bagi terbaik balik. So kali ini dia pinjam balik. I sa...

Islamic practice: Sunnah of pregnancy

Assalamualaikum. I knew mesti korang think i'm having a concussion to post something like this. No, i'm not preggo or what. Ohkey. Please. I just found this and it's so interesting. And want to post it here. As referrer later. Ehem. May one fine day, i get married and being pregnant and i can through this special feeling. That a weird little peanut in your tummy. So, i can bullied my partner to search this and read it for me. I will make sure he carik sampai jumpa. Anyway, Who knows? I plan, Allah the mastermind. Aamin. Copy paste from my favorite Facebook page ever. Islamic Practice page. Silalah like if sudi. SUNNAH OF PREGNANCY: ā­Having children is one of the blessings of Allah. God provides us all with different rizq (well-being), health and offsprings. All of these things are gifts from God and we should be grateful for what we are given and never complain for what we don't have. ā­It is sunnah to announce the bir...

Bye bye Koko

Last call with my locker neighbor or the second shortest person in our department,  Miss Ko Hwee See. She sudah resigned. She said she wants to work kat Singapore. Wish her the best in future.  Koko, This page is for you. I hope you, Stay adorable please even your face so bulat. And your mata kecik. Dekat sana, i hope gak you will jumpa your another mata sepet or same height and get married soon. Peace. I know you hate this statement. But i still love you. Thanks for everything.  Quotes for you... friends are like boobs. Some are big. Some are small. Some are real. Some are fake. But you are the original. Gonna miss you. Big hugs!

Careful with your words

Assalamualaikum. In hundred or tak sampai billions of friends aku ada. Fact or not facts... At least satu mesti sangkut. Yang aku terpaksa deal dengan dia punya manners. So annoying. Like dia jer semua yang betul. Huh. Mula-mula i tried to think positive. Sebab so far dia punya manners still in my range. Belum tunjuk taring lagi kot. But lately... we are memang tak boleh kamceng lagi dah. Cannot. I said, i cannot tahan. How can boleh aku tahan lagi? Bila aku tengok dia, rasa nak tumbuk or kick orang dah ni When dia senang-senang nak tried bullies me. Aku bagi muka emotionless. Annoy aku dengan sengaja. Ini kadang-kadang aku marah la jugak. Tapi pastu aku senyum balik. Sebab bagi aku hidup kena maintain cool. And then when dia start hurting you physically. That the full stop. To me! Hello. Like freaking damn aku nak biarkan jer. Sakit gila. Stupid. My left arm red for two days and bruise for another seven days. But i'm not telling dia. Likes di...

Stupid shirt we talking about

Assalamualaikum. Last Saturday, i said to my friend in serious tone. I want the Shirt that he will get from his Sunday morning event. Occasion run with Bio essence I think. I donno why i cared so much, before this any run marathon he joined. I tak ambil kisah pon. Lantaklah. But this one... menarik like crazy my sense, that i want that shirt really bad. Not sure by the way, if that shirt are good looking or not. Like i said, my senses. I said to him. I will waited at the finishing line. To grab his shirt, and bawak lari. Gila tak gila. Even tak buat pon sebenarnya sebab i'm oncall hokey. Job calling. Lots of case are waiting on that day! Hailo. After i cannot pujuk him. I tried to this one guy. Dia pon join gak. Even we selalu fight like there is no tomorrow but for that shirt i sanggup. So, i WhatsApp him. I said i want that shirt... he replied every message in blur figured. Bruhhh... And the next day. When i seen my friends posted about the marath...

New royal blue scarf

Assalamualaikum, Last week someone came to my department and jual tudung. So, one friend show me that kind of tudung. And i'm really fall in love with the color. But the one she tunjuk, she already bought it. Poor me. And one guy as usual be a model for me. He style that tudung. The one yang tinggal bit bright colour. Not so fine. I just, maybe next time... And suddenly he ask me if i want it or not. I like, maybe next session duh. And he said, if you want just take it. Dia akan bayar. I like... are you serious... sayang? Like damn serious?!!! And he angguk-angguk. I thought he just joking around. Even sebenarnya, i wish it's true. So, i tried it on me and put it back in place and leave it there. And when i came back the seller told me. Ini untuk awak, that guy akan bayar. And when I asked that guy is he serious about this. And dia cakap, ya. I said... thank you sayang. And that make me smile. Then, on the way untuk simpan dalam my locker, ...

Islamic practice: Children to islam

Assalamualaikum. Yesterday, i posted about Peah and something related about children to Islamic thing. Then today, I found this good advises from Facebook. That i really excited to share it with you all. Really good duh. Very awesome advises to anyone who don't know to start a first steps about this. Right. And, you all can like this page too. This page is super nice and lots of knowledgable Islamic post. Can motivated your soul every second. Every day. Like me. It's called... Islamic practice , page. And please look through this page as you wanted. How to inspire manners to your children: 1. When entering the house greet your children with salams and kisses. This should help develop their sense of love and mercy. 2. Be good to your neighbours and never backbite. Never speak ill of other drivers when on the road. Your children listen, absorb and emulate. 3. When calling your parents, encourage your children to speak to them. When visiti...

Kedudukan dan panggilan

When mine is at tangga ke-6. I don't think so you all should called me Itam. Because i more whiter than Snow White duh. So, saper yang pepandai buat nih? Nak kena nih. As we argue about this. I have my own kedudukan and panggilan. 1. Balong 2. Kangah 3. Ya Uda 4. Landak 5. Lalang 6. Sweat and cute 7. Panjang 8. Busuk How? Ready to applied this to my family... Syuhhh... I think this is why we called each other by name not panggilan stupid like this. Bye!

In dilemma

Assalamualaikum. Bit feeling like brain tak center when i'm typing this post. Someone may shoot me somewhere somehow. Wrong target la woi. Or it's just me the one who actually yang in a wrong target. Astagfirullah al-azim. Serabut duh! I need to luahkan all of this. What my otak think before it's exploded. Even in every doa selepas solat i cried when i talked to Allah about this clingy things. I felt useless. I felt ashamed. I shouldn't have through this. It's so haramm and lari from my Islamic life goals even it's felt so right. Oh no. As i knew this is my personal blog. So i think i can trust this page and you, who hardly stalk my blog. Kept this secret between us. Let's get terus terang, it's about a men. Who make my world up and down, thick and thin and spinning sampai pening. Not so handsome duh. Either not even my taste actually. Jauh sekali nak kata ada 'hot killer body'. Or even a billionaire line. Pelik kan....

Peah: Father and daughter time

Assalamualaikum. My sister sent me a new updated about Peah in our family Whats app. And i like it very much. Alhamdulillah. Just make my day. She looks so awesome! And act like a guddey daughter ever. She start to talk some words and actively want to explore new things. And most i geram adalah bila tahu that she have her own make up bag. The most make me more surprised is when i heard that dia bersiap lagi lama daripada mine. Bruhh... Really kak, did you teach that also? Oh mai. Anyway, this what i called family goals. #familygoals Teach and attract your kids towards Islam since they are growing up. Easier for her and for you. Bak kata orang, Biarlah melentur buluh daripada rebungnya,,,kan. I really want give you big hug Peah. Good job! = )


Assalamualaikum, Something paling aku tak suka sekali adalah pabila i seen an alive lipas. Aku repeat, an alive lipas. And it's moving. And flying!!!! Like 'f' i want to speed miles away from it. Hate it very much! Meh aku bagitau one bad stories.... One day, i met my friends at corridor. And he with some cleaner guy tengah cam carik something di balik pintu. So aku sajer kacau. Mungkin diorang jumpa pintu keluar yang best untuk escape daripada department ke kan... And he tetiba senyum kat aku and pegang lipas alive by his hand. And fast and furious i ran away masa dia tried throw that thing to me. Urgh. As my senses are strong enough, aku sempat hide in one room area situ. After that, before he grab balik that lipas. I quickly tangkap balik that lipas. Caya tak cayalah... but i did. And kejar dia balik. We ran along that corridor until he hidden in a room area situ. Cheit. Penakut jugak budak tuh. And that lipas tetiba macam merayap ka...

Makes everyone worried

Assalamualaikum. Yesterday, i makes everyone worried about me. Aku rasa bersalah bila fikir balik. Something that yang aku anggap ianya normal but it's became a big issue to others. It's my fault. Sorry guys. As i cancelled my oncall to next week. So I planned to go to my volunteered class as usual. Then, my friend said diorang ada program lain. And dia wanna makes appointment with me untuk hang out kat luar. And discuss sekali penambah baikan programme kelas yang tengah kami usahakan. Tanpa fikir panjang aku accept je la. I think i can trust dia. Pastu, dia cakap hang out kat tempat dia. Uit... outside maybe better kot. So we capai kata sepakat. Best public place... KL Central. Depan McDonalds at 10 am. Deal. Then, as our first met kat luar... tetiba that morning dia cakap nak bawak kawan dia sekali. Dia ni Germans people, tapi cakap slang indonesia. Then... aku rasa insecure. 70 % kawan dia maybe same country. You know what I mean. And here, I'm alo...