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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Lepas nih, turn aku


Masa raya Aidiladha yang baru berlalu, kakak aku tetiba send gambar yang buat aku...

Hantar gambar dia tengah sarung cincin.

Aku cam,
Ingat sweet?
Dah la tak dijemputnya.
Aku ingat pulak dia tunang...
Yelah, sebab dalam banyak-banyak family member bila bab diorang tunang aku lah yang ketinggalan.
Tup-tup, cakap dah jadik tunangan orang.
Atas-atas aku semua cam tuh.

So, bila dia cakap merisik jer.
Aku tak puas pulak.
Napa tak kahwin terus.
Tak yoh nak merisik-risik bagai.
Lelaki tu kenal dah kot mak ayah aku, kakak aku single and available tu lagilah dia tahu.
Sebab adik aku bagitau mereka dah pernah jumpa.
Ni zaman bila mereka jumpa pon aku tak pasti.

Lagi nak merisik akak aku tu dah ada orang punya belum.
Eh, pelik lah.
Apa motif merisik pon aku tak tahulah.
Maybe nak merapatkan lagi silaturrahim agaknya lah.
Whatever la kan.
Patutlah adik aku cakap, kakak aku kemain rajin masak time raya tuh.
Start petang raya sampai pagi raya... dia yang tak senang duduk.
Ada cincin di balik ketupat rupanya.

Aiseh, cute betul kakak aku sorang nih.

Apa-apa pon tahniah kakak ku.
Moga-moga semua berjalan lancar dengan hendaknya.
Dan aku doa semuanya mendapat barakah daripadaNya.

Aku suka kakak aku yang nih, dia nih even sensetip banyak.
Tapi banyak tolong mak ayah.
Dialah paling banyak jasa.
Mekasih kak.
Ko memang baik hati.
Bertuah laki tu dapat hang.
Laki tuh kalo tak hargai kau. Aku sekeh-sekeh kepala dia.

Bila dah gini... aku nampaknya kena carik sorang la pulak.
Sebab lepas nih, turn aku!
Seriau la pulak,
Mana aku nak rembat anak teruna orang nih.
Manak aku nak cekau?

Kakak aku tanya tak kan tak ada calon...
Calon tu berlambak kakak ku oi.
Sebab adik korang nih banyak admire nyer.
Even tak molek maner.
Yang aku rasa sedap mata memandang, sejuk hati dengan perangai diorang tu lari tajuk daripada isi.
Ada tu kalau aku dengan dia. Haru.
Boleh tercetus perang dunia ke-3, 4, 5, 6, 7...semua.
Kawan aku cakap itulah alam perkahwinan nanti.
Aku rasa bukan alam perkahwinan dah, alam barzah dah tu.

Kalo susah sangat, mana tau mak ayah aku tetiba soh aku carik kahwin esok lusa ke kan.
Sama date dengan kakak aku yang baru kena risik tu kan.
Tak ke naya gak aku time tuh.
Dibuatnya betul mereka akan buat serangan mengejut kat aku.
Aku rasa, aku akan ajak la sesiapa aku kenal kahwin.
Diorang tak nak.
Aku paksa.
Kalau diorang tak nak gak, aku sendirik yang gi pinang.
Aku paksa mak ayah dia.
Ada ke gitu?

Korang doalah rezeki jodoh aku tu makin dekat.
Dan that man can make me like a queen.
Boleh aku post sambil senyum hari-hari.

Okeyla, Bye semua.

Sungguh-sungguh aku doa.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Siapa bagi hadiah kali ini?


If korang follow aku punya blog.
Mesti korang sedia maklum yang lately aku ada post pasal some hadiah aku dapat.
Tak adelah aku nak menunjuk.
But, because nih adalah my personal blog.
AKA diaries versi technology to me.
So, aku can wrote anything i want.

And disebabkan hadiah jugak.
I received some mysterious hadiah lain.

In my department, we have our own box.
Mine is red colour.
So, inside that nothing much yang aku simpan.
Some cornflakes, stand by in case lapar in between case.
And balang milk yang kalau rajin aku minum.
If tak rajin prepare, aku sanggup minum plain water pagi-pagi.

So, nak dijadikan cerita... ianya telah bertukar menjadi box Santa clause.
Magic tak magic.
Kenapa aku cakap box Santa clause sebab , i have found something yang bukan milik aku.
Yang betambah dari hari ke hari.
Bukan pelik, 
Tapi memang pelik.

One, aku dapat buku. Islamic type. Tebal tu, like medium lah.
And terbaru pagi tadi... I think it's power bank?
Because i only seen the label wrote there something like megawatt.
Aku tak berani open.
Sebab it's not mine.
That book pon aku tak berani baca even nampak menarik.
No note or card that label itu aku punya.

Because of this, korang mungkin cakap ambil jela.
Tapi, aku bukan jenis camtu.
Things yang bukan milik aku.
Aku tak ambil.
Aku tak marah pon tuan punya barang.
Just it's freaking scary!
I hope tuan barang can give me some clue cakap lah nak tumpang ke apa ke.
Or whatever float the boat.

Anyhow... because of this situation jugak.
I think it's a time for me to clear out my box and put inside my locker.
And that thing i will place dekat bekas tempat box aku.
Harap owner barang will perasan and ambil dia punya barang balik.
Tolonglah ambil balik.

This thing aku akan buat this coming Monday.
Masuk kerja, i will kemas my thing and do what ever needed as be plan.
So, will update with korang the result.
In the next post.

Tuan punya barang akan take it back or those item terbiar camtu.
If like that, i have to take extra mile.
Aku akan derma pada yang berkenaan, yang nak.
Barang free, siapa tak nak.
So, bye for now.

Aku doa tuan punya barang akan ambil la balik barang dia.
Kesian barang tuh, owner dia tinggalkan.
Aku faham perasaan barang tu.
Sedih kena tinggal dalam box. 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Reason to help people


It's hard for me not to help someone in need.
Seriously, i can't simply say no.
Like the heartless person.
I can't.
It's like they put a hope in me.
And how can i let down that wish.

Some may said, i'm too kind.
Too stupid.
Too weak.
Not think for myself before others.
But, how?
I just can't said .... no.
Or sorry, i can't help you.
Is not so me.

Because base in my religion... there is no reason to help people.
Allah sent them to me, to try myself whether we take that challenge or not.
Whether i pass the exam or i be ignore it.

Not everything i help them,
For me, as long as i can  help, i will.
I tried my best.
Even i'm so tired at that time.

May Allah bless us and help smoothing our way.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Cerita Raya Aidiladha lagi

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha daripada kami!
Cik Ziqa, Apis and the cute dedemok Anas.
= )

Anas kena buli dengan kakak dia. Tapi yang selalu buli dia ialah si abangnya, Apis.
Tapi Anas jenis cool. Muka dia pon cool. Dia tak nanges.
Tengok, mainan kena rembat. Main dengan plastic pasar pon still cool.
Siap pose senyum lagi.
Sebab tu, Anas is my fav.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Telekung Siti Khadijah


Telekung Siti Khadijah.
Dulu pernah la gak dengar-dengar, level-level Bella Ammara semua.
Tapi cam tak la amik port.
Sebab you know me, all branded items...i tak suka sangat.
Mesti korang kutuk cakap,
Habis tuh Adidas shirt, Adidas bag, Nike sweater and all those tuh tak branded ker...
Memang lah tapi, I'm the one bukan jenis yang die-hard-fan to it.

Sebab bila sebut pasai telekung.
So far my telekung yang most favorite is from my brother,
He bought it from Indonesia masa kursus.
About three or four years ago.
I used that sampai dah bertahi lalat kat area bawah muka.
Then, i changed, beli murah kat Times Square.
Warna hitam.
Pelik gak kenapa aku pilih hitam sebenarnya.

And telekung tempat kerja, beli from kawan yang kerja kat Sime Darby.
Peach colour with small flowers.
Itu pun tak do la mahai mana.
Murah jer.
Harga kawan-kawan.

So, bila dapat telekung mahai nih.
Rasa ishhh, cam tak cayer jer, dapat free telekung ratus-ratus nih.
Even dia cakap dia beli borong murah tepi jalan.
Nak pakai, tak boleh, so dia bagi la kat aku.
Yer la tuh.

This telekung is a present from my colleague.
Dia memang suka bagi hadiah.
Tak tahulah kat orang lain pun gitu.
Mungkin hobi dia lah kot.

Masa tahun lepas dia ada bagi shawal hijau lumut,
Nih dia bagi after balik travel obersi. Tak ingat plak dia gi ane time tu.
This one, aku guna sekejap pastu bagi kat orang lain.
Selamat dah.
Time aku bagi, aku inform lah... cakap aku dah derma.
Dia tak marah.
Tak tahulah dalam diam dia dendam kat aku.

Next, dia ada bagi shawal gak.
Akhir bulan May tahun nih.
Warna coklat.
Dia cakap, alas meja rumah dia ada lebih.
Menarik gila ayat.
Korek-korek, mengaku tok aku, as nurses day gift.
Aku on off la pakai.
Match outfit aku pakai. Tak match, aku lipat kemas-kemas simpan masuk bag tudung balik.

And terbaru, dia suh aku angkat barang dia yang satu bag besar.
Cer imagine aku dah lawa-lawa nak dengar talk kat Auditorium di suruh angkat barang.
Ishhh, tak gentleman langsung.
Dah dia suh angkut, aku tolong lah.
Kang tak tolong, nanges pulak kat tepi korridor.
Sambil mengangkut, aku busy body la tengok-tengok, bukak-bukak apa dia beli.
Aku yang pempuan pon tak minat dengan all this, dia pulak lebih-lebih.
Pelik betul.

Sampai kereta, aku campak kat seat belakang.
Habis berterabur semua.
Itu no manner ae.
Sebetulnya, aku ikat cantik-cantik and letak elok-elok kat seat belekang tuh.
Even keretanya macam tongkang pecah.

Pastu, dia hulur satu bag merah kecik,
Aku cam, ko dah kenapa...
Dia cakap upah.
Aku cakap tak nak, aku ikhlas tolong. No hal lah... ada muka aku nih cop jenis suka paw orang ker.
Aku cakap tak nak and tutup pintu kereta.
Ish dia nih.
Pastu dia lama kat dalam kereta, merajuk kot.
Ada aku kesah.

Pastu, dia cakap soh tolong dia pegang barang.
Ish mamat nih.
Dah la lambat nak dengar talk, boleh buat drama kat parking lot plak.
Dia hulur balik bag tadi.
Aku cakap, aku tolong pegang, Sambil letak atas kereta dia. Kotor tak kotor.
Dia kemas-kemas, aku hulur bag kecik tu balik.
Dia cakap soh amik.
Last, last aku amik jek la.
Sebab dia mula bagi ayat...  kesian kami, penat beli.

Terima kasihlah dear.
Aku sebenarnya malas nak accept, yer la dia punyalah bagi aku macam-macam.
Aku satu benda pon tak ada bagi.
Lagi aku ada pinjam barang dia adalah, paling aku suka.
Pinjam power bank buruk dia tuh.
Sebab aku punya dah rosak.

Anyway, lagipun telekung nih putih suci.
Kemain susah tuh nak jaga.
Mau jadik balik macam abang aku punya telekung dulu.
Bukan Telekung Siti Khadijah dah, Telekung Siti Temah nanti.
That's why.

Apa pun,
Terima kasih sekali lagi.
Ada rezeki bagi lagi.

Tak pakai lagi telekung nih, tengah nak fikir buat untuk travel telekung.
Sebab nampak light telekung nih.
So, tengah nak carik bag telekung yang cute for this.
Or changed any telekung yang ada,
Either one lah.

Sebab tak tahu  nak menyelit mana telekung nih, aku pernah usha nak bagi orang lain.
Yer la, daripada tak digunakan.
Mana tahu if bagi orang, orang lain boleh guna.
Dapat dia pahala awai.
Tapi dia tak bagi, cakap it's meant for me.
Ingat sweet?
Dah aku simpan balik atas luggage.

Nanti aku try ikhtiar guna ASAP.
Kat orang yang bagi nih, mekasih lemon-lemon banyaknya...
Love it so much!
Mahai sangat sampai tak tahu nak selit mana.
Next time beli yang murah-murah jer, tepi jalan macam selalu tuh.
Senang nak jaga.
OK, bye!

Hasil carian imej untuk telekung siti khadijah basic
Apa la aku nak buat kat kau ni yer telekung. Cer kau bagi cadangan sikit kat aku.
Tuan kau nih dah la perangai pelik semacam.
Kalau tak guna gak, mau dia sentap setahun kat aku,
Tapi, aku ingat, kalau susah sangat...
Aku buat hantaran nanti time aku kahwin jelah.
Agak-agak kejam tak?
= )

Monday, September 12, 2016

Salam Raya Aidiladha 1437H


Selamat Raya Haji semua!
Bestlah siapa-siapa yang dok dapat makan sedap-sedap kat kampung tuh.
Jangan lahap sangat.
Sopan sikit adab depan bakal mak mertua.
Lagi satu,
Ingat-ingatlah aku kat sini yang baru habis job duty.
Panda eyes...
Tak adanya make up lawa-lawa,
Even sebenarnya mana ada aku pakai selama nih.
Tapi sebab nak bagi ayat tragis... aku tulis gak.

Lagi menarik siapa dapat gih sembahyang raya.
Doakan aku sekali.

Buat mak, ayah... anakmu ini bukanlah kuat semangat.
Tapi, so far sedih jelah.
Nanges belom lagi.
Mungkin sebab Raya Aidilfitri lepas aku dah balas dendam balik raya lama.
So, okeh lah.

BTW, Nasib baik my #ootd hari ini ada orang sponsor.
So terubatlah sikit rasa sedih nyer.
Habis kerja, aku plan nak gih beraya rumah orang.
Kengkawan department lain.
Sebab department sendirik diorang dah balik kampung memasing.
Sabar, sabar, sabar.

Itulah my #ootd from Arab yang aku citer in the previous post. Hadiah daripada ex-colleague.
This black jubah pair with black shawl yang ada lace sikit-sikit hujung nya tuh.
Awesome. Even besar sikit saiznya sebab boleh muat lagi sorang. Hhahahhah... Tapi i like.
Mekasih bebanyak!
Rumah dua orang pengepit kiri kanan hujung-hujung tulah tempat kami beraya. Diorang nih orang KL... So, diorang memang doklah balik kampong.  Atas kesempatan itulah aku dan kawan aku menyelit datang beraya.
Alhamdulillah. Terubat rindu nak menjamu rendang, ayam masak merah di pagi Raya.
Nampak tak lauk-lauk atas meja tuh. Semua aku rasa. Rugi tak cuba. Penat diorang masak nak menjamu tetamu.
Dan tetamu itu terdiri daripada kita jugak. So, apalagi. Makanlah! Malu-malu tolak tepi yer.
Interesting part,  kawan aku cakap, nasib pakai jubah. Longgar. So, perut buncit tak nampak.
Hhahah... cover woi, cover.
Anyway guys, Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha 1437H.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Hadiah bulan Zulhijjah 1437H


Alhamdulillah... Ya Allah.
Aku sempat merasai puasa pada awal bulan sebelum perempuan issues datang menyerang.
Tak dapat nak sambung puasa in the next day until Hari Arafah time.
Tak pe, Allah faham, my niat itu ada.

And my friends punya invited for Quran hour.
This Sunday.
Cannot join maaa...
Plus i'm oncall actually on that day.
Semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar, very support to this programme.
Special debakkk for the main organizer and the team.

Masuk main stories, hadiah bulan Zulhijjah.
Taip post pun senyum-senyum.

This week aku dapat hadiah from two person.
One from Arab.
And one more from Krabi, Thailand.
Thanks you guys!
Syukur sangat-sangat.

The Arab's ole-ole is from my ex-colleague.
She give me a jubah. Black jubah.
My favorite things ever.
Tambah collection i.
She also give together with a black scarf with same lace.
Oh-my.... suka sangat.

Aku dah tetapkan this is my #ootd for this coming Raya Haji.
Over tak?
Nak picture, i will post that later okeh.
To you, my friends, thank you dear.
Moga lagi murah rezeki dan sentiasa mendapat blessing daripada Allah. Always.
Thanks again.

Katanya sebagai pemangkin semangat aku untuk nak jejak kaki ke bumi Arab.
Memang pon.
Doakan la yer.

And Krabi part is from my friends from other department. A small bag.
With the two little cute elephants.
I already used as my miscellaneous bag in my big bag.
Sangat berguna.
Separate small things.
Love it.
The cekedis, i already ate.
Super yummy.
Thanks dear.

The picture pon in the next post la sebab i nak post benda bawah nih.
Okay .
Siapa-siapa nak bagi hadiah... dialu-alukan.
I appreciate so much!
Love you all.

Salam Zulhijjah semua.

Senyum jangan tak senyum.
Senyum sengsorang pon okeh.
Senyum senget, senyum sinis. O key gak la.
Kalau tak senyumm, mak kau hijauuuu....
= )

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Mari pergi Matta fair


Minggu lepas, Pwtc ada buat event Matta Fair September.
Last diorang buat bulan March masa tuh, tak dapat gih sebab oncall.
This time, even dalam demam and bad flu...
Aku tetap gagahkan diri pergi.

Naper aku excited sangat pergi sini...
My main niat adalah hendak pergi survey Umrah part and islands di Malaysia.
So, pagi ahad yang indah... after basuh baju and sidai baju.
Aku sarung sport shoes and terus naik LRT sana sini sampailah ke depan pintu Pwtc.

Time sampai sana, area pukul 0930.
Itu pun aku beratur panjang jugaklah.
Huish! Rakyat Mesia nih suka buat hobi apa yang i suka. Tak suka tau.

Pass masuk, diorang bagi tag. Bayor RM 4.00.
And akan dapat 1 bag. And all the pamphlet.
Pastu beratur lagi, and masuk sikit. Naik tangga bergerak. Dan beratur lagi.
Pastu dah tak beratur bila masuk pintu, Semua berterabur.
Welcome to Matta fair .

Aku sangat have fun actually,
Aku dapat lots of knowledge tentang tour muslim untuk oversea part.
Insyaallah ada rezeki, aku jejak la kaki kat sana.
Pastu fall in love jap kat abe Umrah yang sudi menjawab bertubi-tubi soalan daripada aku.
Then, aku dapat makan free cotton candy yang dah bertahun tak makan.
Aku datang, tak payah beratur... terus dia bagi.
Besar plak tuh, habis my gigi kena hadam gula yang tinggi tengahri tuh.
Free try baju tradisional Korea, aku tak buat.
Sebab aku tahu, aku dah cukup cute nak try diorng punya baju.

Dan all small gift aku dapat, memang berbaoi pergi.
Worth my RM 4.00 fees.

Siapa cakap i tak cute?
Belon merah peneman sejati yang sempat dirembat.

Results bersesak-sesak daripada apa yang aku dapat tengahri tuh ialah,
5 ticket untuk escape room.
Sorang RM 25.00, aku akan paksa diorang beli and main with me.
Apa nak kisah kan.

Next, aku book Pulau Pemanggil, Lanting resort, Mersing punya tour.
Aku nak try kembangkan paru-paru dan gelapkan kulit plak.
Bosan hari-hari mengadap ekon.

Lain-lain, aku just simpan pamplet jek sebab budget.
Kena save maaa...

So, itulah aku punya story.

Antara harta karun yang aku dapat collect kat sana.
= )

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Baju kurung Peah

First, Peah will not gonna seen a camera.
That's her style.
Called her model, but she's not one of them.
But, any enquires can direct to her mother... Hhahhah...

Then, baru she will look at the camera.
Hai you all!
And bye.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Tafsser Quran Surrah Al-Fatihah, 1

Surrah al Fatihah (The Opening)

Assalamualaikum wbt. 

Bismillah. Today I'm going to do tafseer Quran for surrah Al Fatihah-The first surrah in Quran as same translation ''The Opener'' of the book. Also known as Umm al Kitab-the mother of the book, Ash Shifa'-the cure, Al-Hamd-the praise, and Al Ruqyah-the remedy. It came with seven ayyah and it's Makiyyah. And you can click here for the history of Quran in Bahasa, may it will help us to understand more this surrah. InsyaAllah.

Impportantly, this surrah where Muslims said in every raka'ah prayer, Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah, Prophet Muhammad said, ''There is no prayer for whoever does not recite the Opening of the Book''. Fully look, this surrah determines between Allah-you can see in the upper forth of it and His servants-the last three that referred us. Here the meaning:

1-In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate and Most Merciful.
The ''Bismillah'' is in Tasmiyah Classical Arabic where also given to nouns Tasbih-SubhanAllah, Tahmis-Alhamdulillah, Takbir-Allahu Akbar, Tahlil-La ilahaila Allah, and Ta'awwudh-I seek refuge with God from the pelted Stan.
Lesson to learn: Basmallah is legally recommended before you start any action likes do speech, eat something, drink water, take ablution, sexual intercourse and etc. It shows that how polite you're by ask permission from the Creator, Allah, to go on and do ''good deeds''. InsyaAllah, Allah bless in it and please make it a good habits in our life. 
Did you know in Indian subcontinent, Bangladesh and Pakistan they called this Basmallah in shorten for 786? Follow by abjad, this numbers consider of ''lucky'' or ''holy''. But, be cautions because if you're too obsess with it or believe your faith based on the number it will turn like a gambling. 

2-All praise is for Allah, Lord of all worlds.
''Alhamdulillah'' word in this ayyah totally refer about return thanks and praises to someone which is going to or done a good things to you. Which is later specially mentioned ''Ila''-Allah. Who is Allah? ''Rabb''-means God or Lord of ''al-Alam''. The one who control all nations and this universe. 
Lesson to learn: This ayyah teach people to react or reflex in actions of thanks or even praises if someone do something good to you. Its a good habits shows the appreciation in our life, in case of what we received. People who's help you also happy and teach the kids this attitude, then they will be a good manners person. Yeah!

3-The Most Compassionate and Most Merciful and 
''Ar Rahman''-Rahman means gracious in Arabic. This significant of He is Entirely Merciful, no doubt  to all general and by nature. ''Ar Raheem'', refer to Rahma/Rahim (womb) which for all His creator. Then meaning He, Allah, is Especially Merciful to all the believers. 
Lesson to learn: Name of ''Rahman or Rahim'' is beautiful but it is haram to name our child without ''Abdul''-which Abd in Arabic means servants. 

4-Master of the Day of Judgement.
''Malik''-another one of 99 names of Allah mentioned here. This word synonyms as owners, king, rulers and master. Here it refer to the hereafter life, where obviously related from previous ayyah. The One that create human until we're die and return to Him.
Lesson to learn: Many people don't like a word of death, funeral, or even go to grave. It full of sadness and ended of someone life. But opposite in Islam, all Muslim recommended to always remind of death and life after. Then, people would more appreciate life-life is short and avoid sin. Here also the article about remembering death that you should click read

5-You ''alone'' we worship and You ''alone'' we ask for help.
All Muslim knows the word ''You alone'' is for Allah, and this truth of knowledge proceed by action of worship. How we do that? In prayer. Then He is Allah the One that all Muslims asked for help in their life and blessing.
Lesson to learn: There are three Level of Faith; Islam, Iman and Ihsan. The word of ''Ihsan'' is the highest form of worship-Muslims responsibilities to achieve the excellence and reach perfection in it. An example through sincerity in prayer, grateful of  life, and also to parents or surround us. 

6-Guide us along the Straight Path.
Again, all Muslim asked for help from Allah for the Straight Path. Here in this ayyah, we wants the physically and inner form of straight. Which likes far from leaving five prayer, do the crime and unfairness, practicing sihr or little unbalanced cares among family or friends or society. 
Lesson to learn: Peoples should have the integrity and humanity to be a human. Allah gives everyone mind to think which is bad and good before do any decision. Don't rushing in everything, take your time and no forced is allowed. Positive vibes only!

7-The path of those you have blessed-not those You are displeased with, or those who are astray.
There are several meaning in this ayyah; we ask again from Allah the cares from sin that mention above. Also the blessing into the heart and soul in every Muslim while living and going through the Sirratul Mustakim, The path that Allah have been please and a light in the end, not somewhere lost in the middle.
Lesson to learn: Allah displeased the community that have action and no knowledge, Nasrani. And Allah hate the community of have knowledge and no action, Yahudi. In my POV, if we don't want to be one of them then study Islam and Quran. Allah's knowledge is so big, dig it while with full effort. This is because the more you know something, the more you know nothing. InsyaAllah, may Allah bless our intention.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Terlibat dalam masalah.


Minggu lepas, selepas balik daripada Johor.
I'm involved in troublesome.
Yang aku sendiri tidak faham kenapa ianya menjadi suatu disebut masalah.
Di antara rakan sekerja.
Sangat pelik.
Memang pelik.

That's why i don't like any attention.
Sorry to say this.
But... memang betul.
Sebab manusia itu pelik.
Mereka mengganggap semua benda itu adalah masalah.
Yang bagi aku, if you don't want a problem.
Jangan carik masalah.
Let it be that way.

Especially, don't involve me,
Don't drag me along.
If you see this as a big problem in future, don't sesekali ciptakan ia.

This troublesome actually i don't seen that as a problem.
But became a problem to others.
Why so complicated!

After this so say problem,
I think it's not my fault.
But, after a while...

Baru aku faham..
Setiap manusia ada cara kehidupannya,
Dan tahap pemikiran yang berbeza.
Itu adalah batasan yang kita semua hadapi.
Maybe this limit things is a sending sign from Allah for us to remembering each others.
I realize sekejap that aku may melepasi sedikit batasan itu... dan Allah actually created this problem for me.
Please forgive me Allah.

Terlepas pandang.
Thank you Allah.

What limit that i recall back are...
Allah reminds me of the limit between a men and a women.
The way back of bad and good in mingle around.
Beware of who you trust more when you need time alone.
Friends between married and single men.
Feeling may consider involved.
Take note opinion of others, if that benefit more.

I already minta maaf to all of them.
I hope they forgive me in and out.
Because again this dhunya, society and some friends telah melalaikan aku.
I want my old life back.
I have to against any attention.
I hope they understand why i manjauhkan diri.

Only because I want back to my Creator.
They may said, that are they bad enough?
Aku tak kata begitu... just keep the distance. And mencegah lagi baik daripada may this repeat again.
Because i'm too naive too say no.

I love my friends, So much.
But I love Allah more.
 = )

Even i looks sangat ganas, and not so called ayu to all my friends or colleague department.
Aku masih not memilih kawan...
But believe me, any person who reminds me to fear to Allah is my true companion.
Still haunting one!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Updated about Aryssa Sophea

Maya's 'lil family, my second sister. Her husband, Ijoi and cute one, Peah.
This picture are when they going to Krabi.
Not yet be there.
Looks cool.
One fine day.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

We missed him


Previously blogging, i wrote that how illness my brother in law are.
On 20th July, after Maghrib time.
We lost him forever.
Inalilla-hi wainailaihi rojiun...
And Al-fatihah to arwah.

First person who called me about the news are my younger sister, Cik Jima.
She cried non stop at that time.
I'm not crying, duh.
I already redha actually that evening, when my sister said that her husband oxygen level are at 66%.

But when she told me how worried she are towards the kids.
Cik Ziqa, Hafiz and bambam Anas.
My little tears start to fall.
I quickly pujuk dia how we as a family, always to stay stronger and give more than ever the best support we can.
That's only thing we can do.
And after that, i need my space.

I cannot direct back to Johor that night, because tomorrow i'm oncall.
And i have training programmed in the morning.
Job duty calling....
I can ditch the morning part but it's not fair to involved someone else to cover my oncall.
So, better i do what i can and ASAP cabut from work the next day.

Works... luckily not so busy that night.
And even cleaning trolley pun crying.
Nak makan buka puasa pun tak lalu even ada orang sponsor makan.
But have to stay strong in front of others.
I don;t want them questioning me.

And ,Alhamdulillah my leader understood my condition.
She arranged me to back awal.
I want to go back early because that night, my family arranged Tahlil and Yasin for arwah and included Marhaban.
I took a bus on the spot and arrived around 05:00 pm,
Because of delay one hour actually, Urgh!

Along the driveway home, my heart pumping likes crazy because i have to face the kids in different motive.
And my sister too.

The first person who hug me is Cik Ziqa.
How she told me, that she missed me,
And when i'm alone with her... She said that her father are passed away.
With emotionless.
I reply, is she Ok?
She said, she Ok, but she missed him too sometimes.
And i said, if you missed him, sedekahkan Al fatihah. And remember that I always will be there for her. Not only me, but her atok, nenek and all of us.

I donno, how careless my sister are,
Because imagine how six-years old kids can show you her skills membaca by sijil kematian her own father.
Too sad.

That night, after Isyak, the event started.
Cik Ziqa came to me and said, are this event for her father?
And i said, yes.
I invited her to baca Yasin with me.
She said, she don't know how to read a Yasin.
And i pangku dia di ribaan, and told her to follow me.
She agree with no complaints.
She with me until she felt slept.

I not helping much on that night because i'm also so tired.
Only helping a bit.
The next day, Cik Tira and me bring Cik Ziqa and Hafiz jalan-jalan to the beach!
Because that the only place where arwah (her father) and ours spending most if we want to escape from time.
And they really enjoy this.

I still remembered one time that he said, he likes to read my blog because a lots of Cik Ziqa stories in here.
And now, i missed one good stalker.

We always missed you.
= )

I may said to others that i'm OK. Because  a lie is better  than get their attention.
Kita tak tahu how our life tomorrow nor future,
Insyaallah, when i lost him. It's actually ada good hikmah between this.
To bring me back closer to the Creator.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Time alone


Please pray for my brother in law.
Hayazid bin Hashim.
He's now critically ill,
DIL, death in line condition,
And counting.

May he's only my brother in law, physically, but he likes a brother to us.

When i received a message how serious critical he are.
I cried alone, 
I need a space.
Because i don't want people to know how sad and heart broken i'm.

I took an emergency leave and bought a ticket direct back to Johor.
And straight arrived, my sister pick me and we go to HSA, Hospital Sultanah Aminah.
When my eyes fall to him, i felt sad.
But i tried not to cry.
I tried hard how strong i'm in front of my sister and her mother in law.
They more saddest than me.

Obviously my point weakness is family things.

The next day, early morning... i visited him again before going back to KL.
And when he said he can't see.
My tears start to fall.
I rushing out from the ward.
I can't take it no more.

I cried along from hospital to bus stand.
And when inside the bus.
I took the second last raw seat.
And my tears fall even i tried to stop it.

I think about him, my sister, his family... and the kids.
Cik Ziqa, Hafiz and litlle Anas.
How much can they take it?

He always a heart kind husband and caring father for three kids.
May Allah,
Please give him, my sister, and both family member the strength,
To endure this situation,
And to find the blessing,
And lessons that it contains.

Every prayer, i sent my dua for him.
For my sister.
For her survival present and future life.

Al fatihah.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016



Aku suka dengan perkataan 'bersedekah'/ donation.
Iaitu memberi sesuatu kepada seseorang.
Aku fikir itu adalah sesuatu sifat yang sangat baik.
Maksudnya, yang aku suka sharing what Allah give me with others.
Dengan harapan,
Moga-moga kita sama-sama mendapat rahmatNya.
= )

Starting 2016, aku slowly buat donation more seriously.
Bila aku terfikir yang, it's only dhunya all this thing.
Where i think when it's too much as per needed,
I tried to give them to someone and want to stay away from it, as i can as soon as possible.
Lagi-lagi jika itu adalah benda melalaikan,
Astagfirullah al azim.

I want to make it's less drama.
Kept it's simple.
But treasuring in grab more, more and more pahala.
Aku berpegang pada prinsip...
The more i trust Allah, the easier it becomes to be patient.

Some cloths i give away.
Cleaning almari, dengan segala baju, tudung, handbag yang baik elok dan cantik.
Plus the branded tag also.
Especially baju yang aku hanya pakai dua tiga kali then don't want to wear again.
Aku lipat kemas dan packing nicely.
Two big bag aku dapat.
Rezeki mereka.

Give yang kita sayang sangat, rasa kecewa tapi kadang-kadang melepaskan adalah lebih baik.
Kelegaan disitu.
Jaga baik-baik okeh new friends.

My next objective in donation are i want to monthly transfer money for volunteer who menolong para pelarian Syrian,
Dan mereka yang berusaha ke jalan Allah.
That's why i said i like the word of donation.
Thank you Allah for the blessing.
Selamat beramal.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Salam Eid Mubarak 1437H


Baju, recycle from my bro wedding.
Tudung, sponsored by my sist Jima
Meh dondang lagu raya se-

Salam Hari Raya semua.
Tahun ini, dapat spent my precious cuti Raya yang sangat panjang.
Start daripada 01 July aku sudah cuti.
Wuhuuu... Awesome rasa.
Biar diorang semua buat kerja pulak, queen nak rest!
= )

Anyway, banyak benda yang aku nak citer but try to make it short and simple.

Sepanjang buka puasa, aku involve dalam bidang chef.
Bab-bab kena masak, muka inilah.
The only job yang permanently aku buat sampai raya.
Tak merungut but felt excited sebab one day aku buat diet meals.
With some salmon grill fish with rosemary and black-pepper.
Oglio-o-spaghetti with some prawns.
And potatoes salad with mayonies and boiled eggs!

Alhamdulillah, habes.

Kami juga buat home made cookies.
That tart nenas,
Almond london,
Popia nestum,
Oat chips cookies...
My emak buat ketumpi, tempeyek and maruku bagai.
I like this moments.

Other things, sebut pasal makanan... aku and my sister Tira and adikku Jima..
Kami kena masak juadah Raya.
Aku rasa my emak memang test anak -anak dialah.
But i took that challenge okeh, with bare hand and no risk.
I make the famous daging rendang tok, satay kuah kacang and the only ayam masak merah.
Thanks to google.
My sister buat ketupat, sate and her kuah lodeh.
My adik buat ketupat palas.

We did it!!!
All habis in a day. Jangan tak caya.
Daging rendang tok, fuh. Almost six hours i cooked that foods.
Nasib baik delicious sangat.
So berbaloi.

Benda yang lawak adalah kami cuci tingkap di malam raya.
Sebab memang tak sempat and tak cukup kaki tangan.
So, malam raya lah kami panjat kerusi did the cleaning job.
Best dia adalah sebab sambil cuti boleh tengok bunga api yang berdetum-detum banyaknya.
Ayat sedapkan hati.

Then, kami juga sempat beraya di Segamat, that second raya.
Met the all cousins and the only grandmother we had.
Try the foumous sup tulang by Aunt Midah.
And heading back KL.

Sampai KL, kami sempat jumpa all folks Rumah Asnaf .
Jumpa di tepi Petron. Sebab diorang tengah on the way gi beraya.
Give some lemang and kerepek raya.
Happy for them.

That weekends, i on-call. Hohohoo. Congrats!
Anyway, selamat hari semua dan maaf zahir batin atas segala-galanya.
= )

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Rumah Amal Asnaf Al Barakh (Part 2)

Sambungan Part 1...

Pada hari bersejarah, Kami sedikit lewat sebab angkut barang ke Restoren.
Nasib baik ada orang standby sana.
And mereka bit early, 6:00 pm, mungkin nak elak kesesakan weekend kot.
Ok lah. Five minute later baru kami sampai.

Aku entertain diorang dulu, sembang-sembang dari meja ke maja, layan cara macam adik or anak buah yang jauh di Johor dan Perlis.
Huhuhuu, tapi enjoy actually sebab entertain budak lagi senang daripada orang dewasa.
Aku sendiri agree bab tuh.
Diorang pon mudah mesra.
Smpai penuh pick up line yang aku dapat.

So, guest lain pon sampai after 6:45 pm... Diorang pon join team dan make environment happening.
Mingle around everyone.
That's our motto.

I wore simple black jubah with four square peach flowery scarf.
And that's the litlle kid name Akasha. Maroon colour baju Melayu. So nice name duh.
And very cute also, His brother name Norman.
I think his mother mind being manipulated by some Malaysian actor.
Abaikan muka depan sekali tuh, dia nak praktis masuk contest tuh.
: )

Masa buka puasa, served them with simple meals,
Kurma and some kuih.
Tapi kelakarnya mereka more likes ABC as the main dish.
What a cute decision.

Aku, a cup of mint drink and kurma and some kuih.
I'm okeih.

Dan selepas makan, mereka pergi Solat Magrib dengan dibantu tunjuk arah oleh orang dewasa.
After that we served them with those heavy meals.
Termasuk kambing golek.
Enjoying makan-makan sempat la gi meja ke meja tengok diorang makan.
Sate of course the attractive one.
Me too.
Aku rembat je daripada pinggan bebudak nih.

Diorang yang malu.
Cuteness overloaded!
More pick up line aku dapat gak.

And after perut penuh and around 9,30pm... kami berkumpul reramai. untuk the final session.
Beri ucapan satu dua kata oleh penyelia Rumah Amal.
Dan seterusnya tepuk-tepuk berirama oleh mereka.
I don't have that video.
Tapi sangat energetic dan awesome!
Next time aku nak belajar daripada diorang.

After that, masa untuk beri goodies dan duit raya!
Mereka juga dapat goodies from pemilik kedai,
Thanks Dr Syed and the gang.
So mereka dapat a lot.
Kuih raya too..

A good news yang aku dapat, mereka di jemput sekali lagi untuk majlis buka puasa yang lain.
Pada minggu depan. 25 june, di tempat yang sama.
Rezeki mereka.
I'm happy for them.

Nih aku tahu saper ajo amek gambar buat muka pelik-pelik.
Diorang pon ikut saja.
Yang tak ikut tuh patut give me five.
One story nak selit, masa time part bagi duit raya....
Ada tiga empat budak perempuan cakap satu line cakap, akak nih cute la.
Comel sangat.
Umur berapa.
21 ae.
Kembang gila, okeih.
Diorang tak tahu i'm over than that.

And aku ada juga ada one little kid. Dia pakai color purple. Dia jadi my new follower.
And i like his full smile teeth.
Irfan kot nama dia.
Kawan dia yang bagitau,
Secret admire dalam diam tapi aku tahu dulu.
Just make my day.

After lots of goodies and sempat bungkus makanan untuk diorang, boleh buat sahur.
Kita take picture la kan.
As a memory,
Part wajib okeih.
: )

They here we are!
Thanks everyone.
See you all in the next smile.

One day you will just a memory to some people. Do your best to be a good one.

Thanks also for this.
Nih, akak oncall and the gang baru datang. Diorang tak sempat jumpa anak yatim.
Try delay time but lambat sangat dah.
Sorry guys.
That's all, teman guide diorang sampai naik bas dan said goobye.
Lambai-lambai tangan... sampai bas pergi.
Next, beri all barang yang kami beli pada yang berkenaan,
Just completed our mission.
And big high five to Adnin.
My partner.
We did it bro.
: )

Additional part, 
After balik, sampai rumah dah pon.
Tukar baju, and lepak makan durian and lepak kedai mamak!
Like seriously!
But oh, 
That's my friends....

Rumah Amal Asnaf Al Barakh (Part 1)


Dipanjatkan kesyukuran kehadrat Allah atas kejayaan menyempurnakan majlis berbuka puasa 1437H yang berlansung semalam.
18 jun 2016...
Segalanya berjalan sangat baik dan lancar.
I'm happy with it, very much...

Mula-mula seminggu sebelum Ramadhan bila open table untuk plan such a big event macam nih...
Rasa, uh no way man... I can't do this.
Aku dan Adnin?
Combination of master plan oleh dua orang?
Untuk 100 guest?
Really impossible untuk handle. Sambil geleng kepala.
Siapa hendak ambil risk?
Mana nak gali untuk segala donation, carik sponsor lagi, beli barang, pengangkutan, carik tempat, aturcara semua...
Like crazy, duh.
I'm, actually we.... make it!!!

Bila masuk hari pertama Ramadhan, kami still 50:50 untuk teruskan. Tapi, bila masuk hari kedua Ramadhan, kami slowly start projek nih.
Apa yang akan jadi, kami tanggung.
And there we are,
Dua minggu to go...

First, aku try minta pertolongan orang yang selalu buat event di department tempat kerja.
Tapi dia tak boleh tolong.
Bit down gak.
Tak putus semangat, aku buat post dan whats-app semua orang yang aku kenal.
Kawan baik or not and tempat kerja lama dan family sekali.
Marketing plan.

Mungkin nampak banyak amaun Rm 150 sorang, but banyak reason sebenarnya.
First, obviously untuk cover if ramai tak dapat join.
Second, if ada lebih boleh beli barang untuk keperluan asas mereka.
Third, yang aku suka adalah bila lagi hendak cekau duit diorang supaya dapat buat sedekah. Kan.

So far, aku dapat juga some sponsor.
Termasuk Kak Her untuk all goodies bag.
Thanks la kakak.
I love you.
And kebanyakan hanya beri sumbangan seikhlasnya... sebab diorang ada plan lain or kena kerja.
It's ok.
Dan tiga hari sebelum majlis,
Semua hal atau bayaran mengenai makanan, duit raya, pengangkutan, aturcara, hadiah dan lain-lain telah settle.
Tenang hati.
Berbaloi rasa.

And even sebelum detik buka puasa 18 jun pun, still ada bagi duit.
Semua sekali total up sumbangan yang dikumpulkan adalah RM 4, 980.00

Dan mereka yang confirmed hadir semua sekali adalah seramai +- 100 juga.
Cukup budget.
Cukup orang untuk perabis makanan.

Ini adalah menu yang dipilih.
Macam-macam ada. Sangat sesuai untuk bebudak sebab main part dia yang aku suka ialah sate dan abc!
My fav.
And they all too.

Bersambung Part 2 untuk more pictures and stories.
: )
Click next.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Resepi Biskut Oat Tuan Anas Mikael.


Memandangkan bulan Ramadhan and Syawal berkait rapat.
Mesti ada yang sudah usha-usha untuk buat biskut raya.
Cerita mengenai biskut raya, aku paling suka the homemade cookies!
Especially yang aku buat sendiri.
Sebab we knew the sweetness level and process how it makes.
Baru ada keyakinan dan umph nak makan.

Mengenai resepi yang aku nak share,
Mesti ramai sudah tahu mengenai resepi ini.
Sebab ia menyamai 101% dengan resepi daripada drama kesukaan ramai, Tuan Anas Mikael.
That drama yang aku slightly tak pernah tengok pon.
But, randomly terjebak dengan resepi daripada drama tu.

First time aku rasa, i terus fall in love.
Gila ah.
With the kerangupan yang perfect untuk cerita pasal cookies.
And what can i said is... resepi ini sangat senang dan berbaloi buat!
Bahan yang digunakan tidaklah banyak dan bit cheap.
Itu yang paling the best tentang cookies ini.

So, let's buat ia. Bahan-bahannya adalah:

1 cawan butter
1 cawan gula perang (ikut kemanisan masing-masing)
1 biji telur
3 cawan oat (dikisar)
1 cawan kismis/ choc chips/ badam
1 sdt soda bicarbonate
1/2 sdt emplex (serbuk perangup biskut, tak ada pon tak apa)
1 sdt esen vanilla

1-Mix butter yang sudah dicairkan dengan gula perang hingga berkrim. Tak perlu kembang. Tak guna mixer pon okay.
2-Masukkan telur dan vanilla dan sedikit garam.
3-Masukkan bahan-bahan kering dan ramas-ramaskan guna tangan. Jangan uli, nanti biskut jadi liat dan keras.
4-Bulat-bulatkan dan leperkan ikut kesukaaan nak besar mana.
5-Bakar pada suhu 170 darjah celcious, +- 20 minit hingga perang.

Bila sudah siap, sidai atas ridai, Baru dah sejuk, masukkan dalam bekas kedap udara.
Dimaklumkan juga, doh ini boleh di frozen, and wow for that.

Why i like more about this cookies is because dia guna oat.
As main resepi.
And oat adalah item wajib yang memang ada di rumah Johor.
Sebab my ayah or emak will ate this for breakfast or dinner.
So, i can save budget for the barang-barang yang perlu dibeli.
: )
Don't tell them about this.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Wealthy and responsibility

Two big words i touch here.
A wealth, and a responsibility.
Really big words with big burden behind it.
If you're matured enough, you will think deeply about this.
And wanna wish to become a kids again.
Because this is not easy, dude.

But as time goes, with an experience in life and support from your family and community or special one.
We can go through it.
Have faith in Allah.

So raise your chin up and face the world!

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Zakat emas Johor


Months ago, when my sister and I heading to somewhere at Perak state.
To spent our holiday.
We discuss about some of financial topic.
Way interesting to kill the time.
And random subject that i affect more is when we talk about zakat.

And i directly think about my gold saving.
Wow, how can i forget about this.
So, in this free time... i googling page to page about this things.
And Alhamdulillah.
I'm still nearly around the corner to paid zakat.
But still not in a range grams.

It's not like info that nice to know but you must better to know.
Especially myself.
For the prove,
I also have a snap picture about this calculation and range required.
For those who think they have bit gold or silver as their accessories or saving... you better watch out.
Can start do the calculation if needed,

Allah said (Al Taubah 34-35):


O ye who believe! there are indeed many among the priests and anchorites, who in Falsehood devour the substance of men and hinder (them) from the way of Allah. And there are those who bury gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah. announce unto them a most grievous penalty-

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Sesungguhnya banyak di antara pendita-pendita dan ahli-ahli agama (Yahudi dan Nasrani) memakan harta orang ramai dengan cara yang salah, dan mereka menghalangi (manusia) dari jalan Allah (agama Islam). Dan (ingatlah) orang-orang yang menyimpan emas dan perak serta tidak membelanjakannya pada jalan Allah, maka khabarkanlah kepada mereka dengan (balasan) azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya.


On the Day when heat will be produced out of that (wealth) in the fire of Hell, and with it will be branded their foreheads, their flanks, and their backs - "This is the (treasure) which ye buried for yourselves: taste ye, then, the (treasures) ye buried!"

(Iaitu) pada hari dibakar emas perak (dan harta benda) itu dalam neraka jahanam, lalu diselar dengannya dahi mereka, dan rusuk mereka, serta belakang mereka (sambil dikatakan kepada mereka): "Inilah apa yang telah kamu simpan untuk diri kamu sendiri, oleh itu rasalah (azab dari) apa yang kamu simpan itu.

Sunday, June 05, 2016

ME: Let's talk about myself


I'm not a person who like to express myself.
To shout out my feeling... is not so me.
But, when i have to talk about myself.
I likes to warn, that i hate people put attentions to me.
I want it other way round.
That the main things you should know.

If you seen my Facebook page, I only have a 200+- friends.
That are the people i comfortable with.
Sorry for those unapproved friends requests.
But, still I don't know how i can followed by 60 person.
Even my profile picture is just abstract looking art.
I'm also not the one post my face picture if have any event.
Sorry for 120 pending post that my friends tag me that i'm not proceed to my wall.
Bit annoying, duh.

And did you know that i already delete my first Instagram IG because too many stranger followers.
And some comments which i think, can you better not post that.
By the way... months ago,i tried make a new one...
Hope they not realize it's me.

For chatting part, i only have whats app.
Which have some people i already blocked.
Because of certain part their message that i cannot accept.
In my way.
And sorry for some message that i'm not reply.
Either i busy or your message just like a hammer to my head.

I hate when people know more about me than myself,
I hate when people want to know where i live,
I hate when people try to talk the way i dress up,
I hate when people comments the foods i ate.
I hate when people worry about me,
I hate when people protective over me.
Mostly i hate when they think they can make me out of myself.
I hate everything.
Really hate it.
And i'm not joking around.

Sound like i'm having a hard time, or self esteem issues?
But i didn't.
I'm happy with myself.
And my family love me.
I just hate people in the society.
Included my neighborhood.
And their attentions too...
It's so scaring me.
I felt uncomfortable.
I felt insecure.

Why i hate society?
Because main things, they like to judge you.
Scanning you from their eyes, toes to head, and the results surely more negatively i think.
Before you can utter a first single word.
And a lie too... later on.
Either them tell me a lie.
Or i should be a liar to save myself.
Whatever it goes...
Big or small,
Lies are lies.

And how can i built a relationship if i'm not believe a pieces of truth among us.
So, I think why pretend you care if you're not.
Don't force yourself to makes others happy,
Or treats others person like a competitor.
Can you be like me which like i always do...
Be an angel side.
... Be a good person, be a nice human.
If they hurt you... smile.
One quote i heard, be happy in front of your haters... it kills them.
Also, try minimize in involving things you think yourself cannot handle it by your own.
More safely this way.
And be invisible if needed.
Makes each other free.
Win-win situation.

But it's not ending here when i find out that i have some secret admirer, i just like... freaking awkward!
How can they like me?
What make a sense to them to like me?
I think i'm not mingle around too much.
Or drawing any attention in what i'm doing, i think...
I don't think i deserving this.

And with this,
They make me want to go back home and stay alone in my room.
With a sign at doorknob,
"Don't disturb me if you want a peace."
Or to stay in one corner corridor and wore very long hijab and purdah that cover all myself.

Why me, why?
I think i should ask one of them.
Why can i be an attention to them?
What makes them realize my existing?
I should ask this questions...
In one day.

Is it weird that i don't like any attentions?
I think not.
So why should not you respect my space and let be care my own problem.
Let me be alone.
Let me be what i want to be.
Let me rules my own life,
That's better.
: )

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Ramadhan 1436H


Today i thought is the beginning of Ramadhan, but actually i'm too earlier...
Because the real is tomorrow.
The truth are i already prepare for wake up Shaur next morning and,
the best part,  i'm done my first Terawih!
Please forgive me Allah.

Maybe 'cause i'm too excited with whole fasting part and in earning more pahala.
Let's just said, I did that all as practice.
Practice makes perfect, right.
So, well done buddy.
: )

So, my target this Ramadhan 1436H, i really want to finish a Quran.
Really want that.
First priority!
In Ramadhan months...
And others like move on with my plans.

I will arrange majlis buka puasa bersama anak yatim event.
The date is on 18 june 2016, Saturday at T'mor Place.
Join venture with Rumah Amal Asnaf Al Bakarh.
This is more privately to my department, OT PCMC.

Rm 150/person i put there.
And per family, RM 300.
May too expensive, but it's more to the charity and sedekah project.
Bila lagi nak cekau duit biar mereka nih menderma in lots of money right,
I will cut down on the foods things but more to their preparation to Eid days.
Wish me luck and bless with my first time cahrity project, guys.

I also will donate some of my old, not so old actually, clothes.
With i hope that will help them.
Beyond the pahala.
In the same time, make my life easier in lesser drawer items.

Meanwhile a good news, behalf of my family name... I will donate 1K for this project.
Beyond the pahala, again.
: )

Orait, see you all in next post.

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Ayyub's wedding: Wrap up


End of May last weekend are actually is my brother, Ayyub, wedding.
He's the one actually prepare everything.
As what i knew.
'Cause we all only arrive Johor on that Friday night.
What can you aspect with that short of time.
Sorry, bro.

Their engagement also i can't attend... then, why not show your face for his big day right.
: )
At least, i support for parents new cloths and others.
And my car too, for your transportation.

The event held at Masai, Johor... This is a good things if you get a partner in same negeri.
Save money and energy.
He stay there at the home-stay nearby and we contact time by time.
After Zohor we will go there because more practicable with the event who only will started at 3:00 pm.
From morning to that time, don't blame me if I can make some cookies!
Oat cookies with some almond and raisin.
Like they said, Tuan Anas cookies.
Not a slight i seen that drama, duh.

And spent time with your family is i like most!
Cik Ziqa also started doing some homework with the books i gave her.
Six books!
Hadam lah kau Ziqa.
Stay clever and cute girls.

Others precious moments i get are when Anas first baby steps!
He walking oh lala....
Cayok, Anas!

After we arrive there, sharp at 3:00 pm, some kind of you have to wait because the Imam is not coming yet is so not me.
Then, what I actually did... The foods are calling me.
Even the tuan rumah tak pelawa.
Whatever, i'm not took my lunch yet.
So others.

Then, when i seen my parents not attended, I discuss with tuan rumah.
Why not you get ready some snack while waiting, right.
I know they bit busier but i just give my opinion.
: )

So, when the Imam/ Tok kadi came, i sat there quietly.
But, he said all women to go inside or get out.
What the fish!
While that, i think let us took some picture more...
Like i cares?
May be because the space is too small i think.
Not me to blame anyone.

Then, Alhamdulillah with one lafaz everything going smooth.
And makan beradap.
Again bon appetite, everyone!

Here some pictures for the moments, enjoy!
And for my brother wifey, congratulations and welcome home dear.

Heading there.
Alhamdulillah, with one lafaz... they make it.
Oh cameraman, you thought i care? Sorry, i did it on purpose.
Cik Peah with me. Such a cute princess you are!
My honor for give us chance to snap a picture, my princess.

Thursday, May 05, 2016

TRAVEL: Zoo Taiping, Perak


Two days ago, i went to Zoo Taiping.
After paid RM 17.00 per head adult and passes the guard, there are free photo booth.
They said free, i donno.
I jalan terus aja.
And after little walk. You can decide whether to straight walk or used their tram.
... for us,
We decided to walk,
More adventure because sound crazy to wait for three full long line... wasted time!

Even it's so hot.
We just redah and terjah.
But around the corner, the jungle sound make our adrenaline rush.
Beware to look around behind the tree.
Someone may watching you.
My sister said, looks like we're in a scary house but open roof.

That's sound makes by two speaker monkey type.
Very funny and their sound will reply by others animal.
So natural.
Like, duh.

And long trip to go...
As i seen, this zoo is different from my Johor zoo.
Zoo Johor is bit private and lots of gate.
But here, the gate is short even you can pick up the animal and put in a bag.
If you dare do that.
Plus, none guard around...

Luckily there is bus stop and toilet in the middle of zoo,
Also after few hours i felt like i'm in the Madagascar movie.
As i seen a zebra, hypothalamus and sleeping lion and giraffe.
But no four penguin detected.
Too bad.


Here, what i like are,
I can feed some deer and kangaroo!
Interact with some of them face to face...
And make some sound, like they will understood?
The fish there really big and diversity.
All animal well treated and no skinny type i saw.

My advice before you enter is, bring along a small bag.
And put a mineral water bottle.
And some small snacks, prevent when hypo came.
If you have a umbrella or cap, bring it on.
You need that.

And please, don't be so kind by giving these animal your food.
Because our kindness may effect the animal digestion.
Like you want to give kuih bahulu to kangaroo!
No, no, no...
Prevent this thought from happened.

Little Arissa/Peah in the house.
Overall, this is awesome place to go.
Awe-somatic if your children can join.
They will learn and expose more.
And you need to answer their question too!
Good luck for that.
: )
So, bye.
See your in next trip.

Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....