


Assalamualaikum. Who doesn't want all the luxurious house, car even cloth? The fame and bling-bling. Limousine-attention. Limited edition. Famous brand. That's soooo... Women best friends! But though, I then realized. This is what a silent problem all muslim/muslimah facing now. That i must wake up and keep away from all these. All these are not right. This feeling, is so against in Islam. When I feel of show myself  to other. Show how rich, fit and beautiful i'm. Big riak! Shoot. No-no-no, a big no. Then i remember, back to Islam. Think how Allah rule. Masyaallah. Why i need spending more to impress others? Rather than Allah. Same the situation where. I not repay back what the owner give me. Shame on me. At the line, I said, Alhamdulillah. Allah still care about me. He give me a time to be more better person. Even, I'm the one slowly in progress to it. Sorry to said, An example... Why i ne


Assalamualaikum, P/S: This may be continued from my  555 stories , check it out. This a bad things. None should do this to anyone. I don't like it. Really hate it. Even in Islam...all this are truly not right. Oppression. I thought i will never see something like this, but last two days, it happened in front of me. With both of my eyes as a witness. Hush, I felt so sad. Especially for the poor victim. Duh, He just want to paid the hutang! For Allah sake. But you treat him like rubbish. His pride they cut down like those line in the 555 small books. How dare you said he's a cheater! Please put yourself in his shoes. Can you see the soul of sincere in his eyes? The anorexia he looks. How survival he is... Working so hard for a meaning of life. Please, Shut up if you don't know anything. Allah, I'm so sorry. I also felt so stupid. Because i'm not helping him. I too speechless to act. So unpredicta

Normal ?

Assalamualaikum. Is. It. So. Freaking. Hard. To. Just. Be. Normal? Duh, Because sometimes I've always been stuck by the thought that... My attitude doesn't match my attire. And the opposite. Pretty confuse at first. To think how can i reach both together synchronize... Even routinely in life,  I laugh,  I make people laugh,  I talk,  I smile,  I jump  I enjoy life like others... But... still something's wrong somewhere, spiritually. So,  I keep a goal that, Neither would I or you....give up,  because I know He's with us. :) Salam 14 Syawal all.