

Different point of view about Teh Tarik

Hai,  ''Teh Tarik" or pulled tea or commonly known as hot milk tea is one of my favourite. I like the richness flavor and foam from it. It is made from strong black tea and condensed milk influences from India immigrations to Malaysia long time ago. Combined it with roti canai or nasi lemak or kuih muih. There you go! But there is bitter sweet I'm facing about this Teh Tarik to share here...because my blog is my story.  For me, I will experience stomachache for about half of the day. This is not happen now but few years back only that I realize the issues when I'm in my previous hospital. I usually just took it if I really feel want it or if I know I'm not pass stool for three days. This is my booster for that. Hahahah... but the consequences is really bad. I'm not only go to bathroom for two three times but till six or seven times. To stop it, I have to drink more water to keep dehydrated and go to sleep earlier.  My mum and my friend said tea is good for

Window shopping ke shadow shopping?

Hai, Bila cerita tentang membeli belah atau window shopping, aku rasa bila sudah kena uruskan duit sendiri iaitu lepas sekolah awam atau high school adalah waktu kita kurangkan berbelanja. Lepas itu bila bila mula kelas, aku dibawah sponsorship dan makan minum dan tempat tinggal disediakan. Bersyukur sangat! Thank you Felda. Dan disebabkan itu, arwah ayah aku hanya bagi Rm 50 untuk dua atau tiga bulan. Ini buat belanja beli keperluan belajar. Cukup ke?!! Cukup sangat. Sebab aku tidak perlu banyak benda hendak beli. Makan cukup semua. Kalau balik kampung memang kedua orang tua bagi bekalan banyak Jadi, selalu aku balik dalam setahun dua kali sahaja. Masa ini, aku memang sangat berjimat. Arwah ayah aku masa ini selain side support aku-dia support juga kakak aku lagi dua orang tengah diploma. Kami semua tidak pakai PTPTN. Cash semua. Hebat sangat arwah ayah aku. Moga titik peluh jasa pahala dikira semua.  Masa ini hendak beli kasut sukan pun aku tapau dekat abang aku, Ayob. Aku ingat lagi

Malaysia is a giant semiconductor hub

Hai,  Lately I saw many videos about Malaysia and their achievement, or is it only algorithm? So because of ''war chips'' between US and China, the demand and supplies interruption is real. And, who's become the middle man and benefit from it? Of course it is Malaysia! This is because many factors and real strong about is is Malaysia already set up their gear since 1972-with Intel investment at five acre in Penang and 1,000 employees. Maybe with 52 years experiences, it attract trust and many top hub technology to compete talent here and invest more.  I like now how big teamwork between Minister of Finance department and MITI-Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry in making a right track for Malaysia to be a giant semiconductor hub. It's growth big and bigger and biggest! So far I saw Malaysia received more opportunities and they grab it well to compete in this game. Malaysia may be not one of the big name in technology, to involve this we start from below a

Partner in crime: Malaysian Retiremet

Hai,  I really have a good bonding about retirement things since I'm in my late 20's and encourage others to talk about this. For me, planning retirement in Malaysia always under construction to do better until I achieve a good amount. Previously I thought, "Oh maybe Rm 1,000,000.00 is okay". But when I keep up with financial knowledge and hurt facts I need more than that. Basically I want my next life is fully comfortable and maybe sort of semi-luxuries. So how much Ringgit it will apply? After few articles and YouTube Video, my amount keep changing. Then, I met the real core to it. Inflation! Yeah, we always hit by it and let's face that bravely. What is inflation? Inflation is increase in price of goods and service in economy. So, when there is any shortage, boycotts or war then increases demand and price hikes it will led to inflation in purchasing values. Likes 1 cup of tea in 1990 maybe only Rm 0.50 but in 2020 around Rm 2.00, then how about in 2030? Maybe R

Japan Three: Total cost DIY Japan trip

 Hai, sambung daripada cerita bulan May: 1- Japan One: Makan Ramen & Sushi 2- Japan Two: Tempura Kineya Magimaru & Shopping Plan ke Jepun kali ini aku tidak berkira sangat ikut bajet, more pada healing dan makan-makanan sedap-sedap. Enjoy life! Kalau ikut agent, aku kena bayar sorang 7k-8k untuk jalan Kansai area. Dan campur emak aku sudah 16k Malaysia. Jadi, aku rasa sangat tidak berbaloi dan aku bukan hendak pergi pada Osaka juga. Aku lebih pada Kyoto site. Slow dan steady walk, dan aku ada aktiviti Bento Workshop. Jadi, memang sesuai DIY. Betul kan. Aku punya intenary dan cost adalah seperti berikut... ✈️ 29/04 Sun, 0155h- KLIA- Kansai Airport 0935h ✈️ 03/05-1050h-Kansai -KLIA Airport 1640h. + Ticket round Air Asia two person=Rm 4,624 with 2okg luggage + foods on board.  + Pocket Wifi Kansai airport=Rm 88 for five days. + Klook JR Haruka Limited Express to Kyoto Station. 4,040y x2 =Rm 135 all. + Buy ICOCA card & usage all 20,000 yen x2 =Rm 1, 200 (for trains, bus and foo

Blog new update

Hello. Recently, did you see any different in my blog? I did change a new name for my blog-previously ''Green behind the ears''-because I'm a big spoil teenager that wanted to show the world that I'm the one correct and everyone need agree to it. Then, after I enter 30 series... everything change drastically. I work abroad, I change my lifestyle, I try to be more mature and be rational. Everything tag with plans and realistic for future life. In same time, pause long time not much update in blog too. So, after three years healing myself...I sneak peek at here. And I said why not I change this one too... So, here we are! Taraaa! My black and white theme new wallpaper and I change the name for sure. Obviously to motivate myself, and I choose to the   "ADIBAH'S LA DOLCE VITA" - My sweet and contentment life ahead. I pray and wish everything surround me being beautiful and lovely. And smooth journey for me too. My big post is my life picture that I tra

Bila cerita mengenai duit

Hai, Aku tahu isu duit ini sangat sensitif untuk diperbincangkan, tapi itu dulu dan bagi aku sekarang manusia sudah terbuka mata untuk bercerita tentang topik ini. Isu yang terpalit dengan kehidupan sekarang dan masa hadapan. Kalau tidak mahu tahu, boleh berhenti baca. Tetapi kalau mahu tahu lebih, boleh sambung baca. Mungkin kematangan membawa kita untuk tahu ini semua. Bagi aku subjek matematik bagus untuk pendedahan bahagian kewangan. Dididik daripda awal pembelajaran, dan supaya di lentur daripada kecil. Kalau yang masih belajar, mungkin susah untuk menyimpan, tapi kalau sudah bekerja... ada juga yang langsung tiada simpanan! Apatah lagi yang ada anak isteri untuk kena tanggung. Lagilah, tutup mata sambil berjalan atas duri. Bila masa kecemasan, baru hendak buka mata dan cari tabung.  Jadi, untuk itu... rajin-rajinlah mengambil tahu tentang kewangan anda. Bukan hendak membuka riak cakap mengenai duit beribu berjuta di bank. Dan tidak juga memalukan si miskin yang berjumlah sesen du