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Friday, July 28, 2017

Part one: Shangri la Hotel to PCMC Raya!


Hari ini, off.
Tapi tak bermaksud boleh tidur all the day.
Sebab kena pergi ke Shangri La Hotel untuk attend 25TH Obstetric and Gynecological society punya conference.
Three days actually.
Hari ini. Jumaat.
Esok. Saturday.
Lusa. Ahad.
Ahad pon tak rest. Huhuhuuu....

BTW, i took public transport.
Just turun dekat LRT Dang Wangi. And naik bridge melintas seberang and buatlah light exercise jalan sikit.
Walked straight jer.
Pastu about five minutes sampai dah.
Malas nak bawak motor. Hhehehhe...

And pagi tadi gak, guess who yang ajak kita breakfast sama?
Orang ipoh mali la.
Hakak Nida ohkey.

So kena kidnap secara volunteer. Pergi Mc Donald and makan-makan. talk-talk.
An hour spent pon worth it sangat.
Rindu sama dia.
Take care Kak Nida, senang-senang jumpa lagi.

And here those pictures. Usha-ushalah sendirik.
Sambung pulak cerita ini di next post Raya part two, yer.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

This is so confusing

My sister sent this picture.
I'm so confusing... Anas at the middle. Tidur ke apa?
She said, Anas actually at Hapiz side then tetiba jer dah lie down elok landing kat tengah-tengah.
Kids always be a kids.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Adidas water bottle


Yeah. Nak beli someone hadiah ni memang susah.
Not my fav things to do.
Rela sangat suruh orang lain beli, just hulur duit jer.

Then, after round and round,
Smpai tak larat,
Dapatlah grab something... here the present for my lucky lady.

Hasil carian imej untuk adidas water bottle price in malaysia
Adidas water bottle.
The green one. Better?

I bought this item. 
Why I picked this? Which quite affordable for me.
Because i think she likes me.
... We always carried a big bag.
Beg Doraemon, we called it. Macam-macam ada...
Which absolutely has a water bottle inside.

So, here, i just tambah collections lah.

I hope she likes it.
Because i like it so much.

Japan trip 2

Hai, Hari kedua Di Jepun, bangun pagi plan asal aku mahu tengok sunrise dekat Gion District. Tapi Emak aku jetlag sikit jadi aku...