Little Gift, Big Heart

Hai, Today my roommate in Saudi came back from holiday in Malaysia and guess what she bring for me? A lots of tudung as what I really want it to be-actually she borrowed my tudung before fly to Malaysia and I said I really like that tudung but it not sell anymore quality like that... I bought it when I go to Berjaya Times Square around 2013. Long time right. Surprisingly she return back with tailor made wih 90% same quality and also in seven colors and I really love it! Thank you so much Kak Huda. seven colors! Recently when I talked with my Philippines friend, I realised that I really appreciate what people give me and when I less interest in it- I will pass to another person who I think will use it. I don't like to keep thing unnecessary. But when I like it so much-I will use it till last. When I compared what I own now with brand name and to old things with unbranded name-I love my old one more, it bring memories and specific meaning to it. I don't know. About that, my br...