
Showing posts from 2019


Foods: The plant based diet and Islam?

Assalamualaikum, F irst of all there are differences between veganism and plant based diet that everyone should know. A vegan diet is strictly no animal products, this includes not eat meat, dairy, eggs, or honey, and also donā€™t wear animal products or use certain products tested. However, plant-based diets (way of eating) means eating more plants and cutting back or reduces on animal products. In certain part, there are no restrictions about wearing or using animal products. My thoughts about plants based diet started after watches Dr Nael Bernard several videos in the YouTube few months ago. I likes how he confidently talk about this diet and smoothly transform my entire perspective about foods. This is because the next day while ate Nasi Lemak (Malaysian top dish) with fried chicken for breakfast, I magically seen my everyday consumption actually written about my body health. Let's talk how beneficial this diet are, with maintaining enough plate serving nutrition per day obvio...

Thought: Rise. Fight. Commit

Hai. There will be great to rise every morning and does light exercise before starting the day. Not I aspect myself to run 5km ahead but enough for flanked or simple dance by one hour or more. It really works in a sentence in loosening all my muscles and alerted the brain. Yeah, dude. Simply put, gonna be hard to do actually after opening the eyes. But, after all... Every morning I have to choices, either continue to sleep with your dream or chase them! Think about it. One quote said, do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you have plenty of food to spare. Deep, right. I only going to the gym twice in my lifetime. Not that I hate that place. This is just because I more prefer an outside neighbourhood with open free air and facilities. In the same time, can look out for green trees and those cute little kids. Then remind me of nature also inner peace. I love if my body sweat, it looks at how much hard work I put through the period. And be energize to commit more and...

FINANCE: Malaysia household and income data

Hi, If I want to be more knowledgeable and matured enough, I like to know more about my country. How basically its doing, the turn-over and what so ever. In the same time, I'm someone who's like summarise for everything rather than read all long night paper, but still sometimes don't get anything right. Then my eyes felt tired, need rest and psychologically down. And i will questioning myself back, am I that useless?  Fighting back for my own pride, I finally can summarise the household income for this country based on Malaysia Department of Statistic. In throughout the data, the latest one only available for 2016/2017 period. So below are my details: Households income: 4.1 people/group.  Earned income from:1.8/4.1 people Mean household Main basic 2016 : Rm 2, 657 /m Main basic 2017 : Rm 2, 880 /m (increase 8%) Malaysians are categorised into three different income groups: Top 20% (T20):Rm 16,088-11, 612 Middle 40% (M40): Rm 6,958-5, 228 Bottom 40% (B40): Rm 3,000...

Journal every day?

Thats right, you read it correctly. It's me and my time to write a journal every day! I will and must do this little step to show how my achievement so far in this life. Jika dulu-dulu orang panggil 'tulis diari setiap hari untuk curhat rasa hati' ... Broken heart and so whatever. But in my scope, the real differences between them is I simply not focused in this feeling meeling, however I purely want to write about my progress life journey. Let me aim something and do what supposedly done. Kata melayunya, biar buat apa yang patut, biar puas dan juga tak menyesal di kemudian hari. Insyaallah. Why so suddenly? Few months ago after finish my studies, I directly think what I want actually in my life? The real for my dhunya and akhirah... As I will turn three series next year, the destination should in clear view. But then, my answer is I donno. I can't tell the progress and further step. Urgh! Then, I'm asking myself again.. Then, i should waste every second or i valua...

Some thoughts

Assalamualaikum. Hello, lama gak tak tulis apa-apa kat sini. So, apa khabar pada korang yang tengah baca sini. Wait, wait... Hari ini pun dah masuk pertengahan bulan October. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Like, lagi tinggal two months for 2019. Hiakkk. So fast, meh. Why? Why? Gonna cry hard because a lot I have to do, to grab and to handle. But still too lazy to move! Hahahahahhaha... In the same time, I pretty much excite gak actually for 2020 because I already draw up many plans and Insyaallah I pray everything berjalan dengan lancar ya. Please put me in full of rainbow and smiles next year, Creator. Aamin. Benda itu, ia yang termasuklah personal matters and those part sana sini dhuniawi yang boleh buat pening-pening lalat tau. Paling penting, hati dab minda kena kental. Self confident, I can do it. Fighting! Indeed, dengan kita hanya merancang dan Tuhan yang menentukan... Please, please pray for my own disciplinary manners agar tak mengelat ke apa. Be strong, be creative, be mature and...

Student Life: 2018/2019 University Malaya

Hello, A good news to share, I just graduated from University Malaya around end of June this year. Big clap for me, please. It's truly hard I can said because I learnt far more deeper than my colleagues worker mention. When their time, they just concern about one discipline of surgery but for me, I need to focus in all discipline. Yups. Maybe because my standard platform studied-University level. Can't say anything, even when I do my medical check up, my doctor said...''University Malaya? Must be tough. Top student?'' I don't think so...Nope, just my luck because it's my dream University since kids.  When my manager offered me this University, I willingly to accept it with big smile. It's like a dream came true, still can't believe it. With contract boned for three years with hospital I signed away my brain for more challenges. A year study at University Malaya...Take that huh! I also moved out from my previous house because I want to change an e...

Islam: Sunnah foods for Muslim

Assalamualaikum, This sunnah food for Muslim is from . I really love every content from this web-you giys should check it out. So, let's do it: 1-Drink Nabidh/Nabeez, dates/raisin soaked with drinking water <12hours (prevent intoxicating). Night to morning or morning to evening. 2-Dates/Kurma, from Aishah r.a. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said: A family which has dates will not be hungry. (Narrated by Muslim). From Ibnu Qayyim in Tib An Nabawi, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said "Dates able to strenghten stomach, liver, memory, to grow body development, cure illness and as food and drink that sated.ā€ 3-Saffron/Za'faran , Ali Abi Talib r.a. once said, "Those who taking Za'faran and together with honey 2 spoons every day, they will be admire for thier memory untill they being accused as witch." (Tibbul Imama Ali: 381 ). 4-Black seed/habbatus sauda , From Abu Huraira r.a., Rasulullah s.a.w. said, "This black seed is a cure for every d...

ME: I am minimalist

Hai. Did you ever heard about minimalism? What is minimalist? In my point of view, minimalist is an advocates or practices or action towards minimalism. Something like, living with less situation as possible. Yeah. Minimalist and islam?  In response to this question, i once seen a statement that... In the day of judgement, Allah will ask me what action I use on the things I have own for the reward or pahala. Then, I did some research on form of zuhd words (detachment). Specifically it tells about, opposite anger or less concerned about dhunya. According to Al Junayd,  "Zuhd is to free the heart from wanting" And Imaam Ahmad stated, "Zuhd is not to have many expectations ." Minimalist and my life?  To be honest, I started practicing about this around two years ago, four five months before going to Umrah. Because of being tied to a tight financial plan, I began to spend less and started to minimize everything. Includes foods spent, window shopping, travelling her...

Goodbye letter

Hai. I already finished my study at University of Malaya last month. Alhamdulillah. And on behalf of my classmates, i did wrote this simple goodbye letter for my beloved lecturer. Sheā€™s a good women and very intelligent. So, yeah. Enjoy. First time goes, we say, Ah no! The sudent title? Exam at every pore? Then insensitive and insane start to show. Statement to strive for gear or store back. Falling and not be okay. But you, our madame is so kind. Who's patience and devotion unconditionally. Push us, discipline us, sharper our skills too. You're truly a cheerleader without her pom poms. Madam, time stays, but we need to go. We apologise in this year round. Sincerely, you did was totally awesome! Thanks a bunch! And we all love you.

FOODS: Pokok Kl Cafe

Assalamualaikum. Yesterday, me and my friend go straight came here after my final paper at University Malaya. Just took us about seven minutes drove without any traffic. This beautiful cafĆ© name Pokok Kl CafĆ©. Cute name right. Wave it, maps it! It is located at Block B inside the Mahsa Avanue, Jalan University. Iā€™m not really sure if you can park outside and got in with any back door, duh. If you done parking inside, just walk few seconds back to the securityā€¦like going to the main entrance. But, at the middle you will see free space that show insider of the avenue. Walked through it, lucky enough if you can see Block B. If not, turn to the left and find the yellowish sign. Pokok Kl CafĆ©. So, the building is so nice with lot of ā€˜pokokā€™ surrounded it. No wonder they named it like that. They have two sites, inside the glasses building or just chilling outside. Not to forget about the water sprinkle on the roof duh. So refreshing. They decorated it very well with back to ...

Carry on.

Assalamualaikum. ā€œDo you ever lay in your prayer mat and realize how not okay you are?ā€ The image of disappointment and disrespected inside. About the big things happened in the life into the small memories. Right, direct to how broken the heart is. Getting away from everything must feel so good. Sense messed up, they mixed up. Then, All ripped into million pieces. The tears dropped. Hands in the air. How easily replaceable Iā€™m in anyone eyes. These messages in my head never quiet. ā€œThe more I thought, the more I felt like crying.ā€ I wish I could disappear, avoid everyone. Delete the distances seems fine. Then, How far I needed to run away? Iā€™m sick. My legs are too tired. The white color turns damped.   ā€œWeā€™re all trying to be a better person.ā€ Tragic. Iā€™m the only one put those waste efforts. Loaded my muscle with loneliness. Everywhere. Itā€™s painful. The reality is, Silent cry will never count. Put a smile hardly ...

'Mak cik bawang'

Assalamualaikum. I used to be a friendly and happy go lucky person. Everyday always bright and sunshiny. I played and did lots of prank with my childhood friends. Argh, the memories! Missed it. And when i entered kindergarten, im so excited because i can meet new friends and exploring more. Then one day its change everything. ... That the sky not always blue and the sun doesn't always shine. There is one boy in my class, he is always at number last in my class and he's not handsome too. As what my judgements are at that time ok. And then day by day, i accepting his existence and sometimes look at him from a far. Why he be like that? He's slow learner, and 'blur-blur' person and not mingle much. I also realised that his life is so bad and not even a rainbow accompany.  Hardly seen him smile. I pity him. I can't. And one day, i bravely approached and smile brightly at him. And he just look at me for a seconds. I stares back, there he is... Blurred. I...

Recycling your things

Assalamualaikum. Hello, hello, hello. Long time no see... At last, i got my own time to write something here as no classes and just two final papers on next week. So. What's interesting? A lot actually. I'm so happy round around with life as a student. And lots of activities. Times wasted can't be refunded right. So i used it wisely enough. First, I packed all my things which are not important anymore and sent to H&M, and left up wherever things i required much only. Need a space to breath. Also scrubbing here and there, dust please go away! This part took me about one month to go throughout everything. Even so tired but then it satisfying as i like the result. My room and the bathroom are so refreshing and bling.bling.bling. One good slot is I did my time management online course. Alhamdulillah. Everything going smoothly and I like it very much. Now practices in my daily life. Tried to make as a routine to transform becoming a habit. Tougher day by day....

ISLAM: A special story about seven years old

Hello. I really likes the picture above.... Their smile, hand in the air, dirt at trouser, green grass and bubbles everywhere-The environment is so perfect. I don't have any kid yet, but to me if one day God give me one.... I want to it looks like this. Maybe my partner has to be more though in do the washing later. Not having any children doesn't mean I can't learn anything about them, some info never be a harm right. Like, it somehow so beneficial to me in future. Like any parents out there, I want the best for my kids. S o, keep reading and try to get an idea from this post, and e njoy. Last year i had seen a YouTube video from Dr Bruce Lipton, about how we're programmed at birth. It's so interesting to watch because it's a  special story about seven years old and the development things that happen to them specifically. Called me nerd and weird, but yeah. It still amaze me. From there, I synchronize  it with my religion...Islam. I searched any special ver...

LIFE: Two more chapters.

Hai,  This semester, I felt that I want to knock out my head at the wall several times. Just to wake up my mind to make it functioning faster and better, because I really need it right now. How tougher it gets, it's always there. Like, just better face it duh. You fight or you flight... And fail? No, please.  Other things are good, bit struggled with anatomy and physiology are normal. I'm done combined three chapters in mscoskeletal, five in nervous system, and reproductive system is four. This three weeks fully with lecturer time, two week self study and scheduled for surgery practical part. Then exam session. How about next week? Next week is more crazy life, how can I survive... You tell me. Partly, I make an effort to push my self to the limit. And this is because I know I can do it. I willingly choose to fight, for my future of course. If not me, who? So, let me do it by myself. Such a good kid am I.  Next holiday time, I want spent it wisely between treating myself ...

Cranial nerves

The c ranial nerves and how to remember it: Ooh, ooh, ooo to touch and feel very good valvet. Such heaven! Functions: m, motor. s, sensory. b, both. Some say marry money but my brother say big boobs matter more. 1. Ooh. Olfactory. (some. Sensory) inhale-olfactory epithelium-bulb-tract for smell. 2. Ooh. Optic. (say. Sensory) light-retina-optic chiasm for vision. 3. Ooo. Ocumulator. (marry. Motor) for move eyes-focus object, sizes pupil to light.  4. To. Trochlear. (money. Motor) superior oblique muscle-shape ligament orbit eye-downward n inward eye. 5. Touch. Trigeminal. (but. Both) muscle use.. ophthalmic-upper face-forehead-scalp-upper eyelid blink, maxillary-middle face-cheeck-upper lip-nasal mandibular-lower face from ear-lower lip-chin for mastication. 6. And. Abducens. (my. Motor) lateral rectus muscle- outwards eye movement. 7. Feel. Facial. (brother. Both) temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical. For taste, facial expression, salivary gla...

The memory of 2018

Assalamualaikum, Seperti yang dijanjikan... About how my experienced bawa mak ayah pergi umrah. I go there April last year. Under agensi Tabung Haji. Alhamdulillah. Berjalan lancar. Actually semua yang dilalui, korang boleh seen in my previous post around awal May and the next. Satu persatu I written there. Untuk pilih agensi, and sort of barang apa nak bawa boleh cari around bulan February or March. Moga bermanfaat. I planned since mula bekerja di Sime Darby...where i got the weirdest dream in my life. Ia adalah titik permulaan segalanya. And from there, i revised everything for my future and my syurga. I also changed hospital and bernazar sangat, in at least five years kaabah is my goal. Alhamdulillah, rezeki Allah melimpah ruah. Around three years and half. I can berdiri mata kepala hati depan kaabah! Not only that, i sponsored also my mak, ayah and younger brother to tag along with my journey. Alhamdulillah again. Rasa dia memang sangat tak ternilai. Tak boleh nak...