Foods: The plant based diet and Islam?
Assalamualaikum, F irst of all there are differences between veganism and plant based diet that everyone should know. A vegan diet is strictly no animal products, this includes not eat meat, dairy, eggs, or honey, and also donāt wear animal products or use certain products tested. However, plant-based diets (way of eating) means eating more plants and cutting back or reduces on animal products. In certain part, there are no restrictions about wearing or using animal products. My thoughts about plants based diet started after watches Dr Nael Bernard several videos in the YouTube few months ago. I likes how he confidently talk about this diet and smoothly transform my entire perspective about foods. This is because the next day while ate Nasi Lemak (Malaysian top dish) with fried chicken for breakfast, I magically seen my everyday consumption actually written about my body health. Let's talk how beneficial this diet are, with maintaining enough plate serving nutrition per day obvio...