No update

Assalamualaikum, Minggu ni and coming november month, i'm quite busy. Super tight schedule duh. No time for updating my blog like everyday... sorry guys. Can't help it. And i have no time for dating also. Sorry mate. LOL. I have to do an oncall on PH Diwali and next weekend's. Weekdays cam biasa full of duty job, And akhirat collector programs. Ini termasuklah jugak with my everyday Sunday morning charity class. With new dua orang Belanda akan mai lagi... practice there for next three month. Hope everything with going well. Minta maaf juga pada some invitation gotong royong on Friday and social community project from local university on the next day. Can't join you all. Really cannot duh. Sorry. Maybe next time. And don't know if can come to my friends wedding ceremony at end of this month or not. Really feel bad for him. Because same date i boarding to my other friends house duh. Kami plan nih dari awal lagi. Can't decide n...