He's going to know, my version
One day, he’s going to know. He’ll know your real name and your parents’ names, your birthday; your star sign and where you were born and some of your funny childhood stories that are not so fun to share actually. He’ll know your bored brown eyes color, your scars, and your freckles, and that how you naturally every time comfortable without make up on, the way you look after spending hours getting ready, how not in good figure you had that make you far less than perfect and how you honestly don’t really care. He’ll know your bad habit when you’re tired, your mannerisms to certain people, your stroppy pout if you’re hungry, and your laugh lines when you’re happy. He will watch all your facial expressions endlessly. The way you chew big amount of cookies, sip not in lady like, walk playfully, and sleep easily like there is no tomorrow. And why you don’t like take a picture and giving that silly face at the end. He’s going to know your secret bucket list dreams, the hyper you can be, your worries texting if they related to family things, your simple analogically wedding dream, and your fears at alive cockroaches. And mostly why goose became your favorite pets. He’ll know your strengths, weakness, laziness, energy, and your moody mixed emotions. He’ll know your favorite romance books, cartoon movie, unpredictable song list, sweet chocolate candy, and nude weird combination color. He’ll know your meals order; that Lychee is the top. He’s going to know your love for mayonnaise not yogurt, how much you hated onion, tomatoes, pickles olive and those colorful bell peppers and that you need your sandwiches prep into triangles. He’s going to know how you feel without you telling him, that you need a space from a look in your face, and that you’re crying without shedding tears. He’s going to know all of it. Everything. You, from top to bottom and inside out. From learning, from sharing, from listening, from watching. He’s going to know every single thing there is to know, and you know what? He’s still fall in love with you for your imperfections. Even somehow you afraid the way he makes you feel because you don't want to feel anything. Trust the Creator, maybe it don't take you a big life event to realize you were with 'the one' because, we created you in pairs (Surah An Naba, verse:8). And everything will make sense.
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