
Selfie things

Hasil carian imej untuk we heart it selfie quotes


I have lots of friends who likes took their selfie.
I can said...

Boring things ever.
And it's not fun.
That's why when they want me together take a picture... my silly face i given.
Until they give up.

This people really messing around with my life.
And they knew i hate it.
Don't called me super nerdy person...
We can took many pictures, with many poses as you wish.
I can bare with these things.
I swear!
But please,
Not all things are picture time.

Just please enjoy the moments.
I need those space.
Oh key.

Really don't understand, what so interesting about posting yourself.
To show new wrinkles...
Or show off something, that you're the only happy go lucky person in this life.
Or what.
= )
Just my twenty cent comment.

Even i'm not purposely post any selfie in my Facebook or Instagram...
But here,
All pictures,
I posted in my personal blog.
My perfect social media ever!
Anything you want to know about me, here are the answer.

I know it's called personal... sorry because i don't like be a public figure.
Not my intentions.
Not also giving anyone to know what i'm doing in any seconds.
Not my types.

And others reason because why i'm not like selfie things...
I don't like to see my own face.
And that silly face i make.
I know i'm gorges enough.
So, why needs same picture?
Quite enough i can see that every morning in my rectangle mirror.

See you all in next post.

Hasil carian imej untuk we heart it selfie quotes

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