Negeriku Johor

Assalamualaikum. Salam merdeka! Happy national day, Malaysian. I think average all bloggers will post story about our country. Keep it up, bro. But not me. My focus... more my tanah tumpah tempat lahirku. Negeri Johor! Yeap. Southern portion of Malaysia yang just opposite Singapore. If korang stand up at Tambak Johor or pantai Lido, nampak la negara jiran tuh. What's so special about Johor? In my point of view? Grab a popcorn, I will bring you to a Lalala land, dear. First, Obviously because of bandar/small town.... Kota Tinggi. I was born and studied there. : ) After SPM barulah i travel. Tengok negeri orang pulak. FYI. Untill now, my parents still stayed there. On same land with new decoration house. Bia i cakap i balik kampong. That's it. Oh, my precious hometown. Second...after family... let's see the kesultanan. It's about royal legation. If you all perasan, Even though we have YB/Y...