We're: Dibot, Shodot and Dodot.

Assalamualaikum. C.V----Craziness virus attacks us! Itu yang boleh aku terjemah behalf of two of my friends. Shodot and Dodot ; ) We're like kembali pada zaman sekolah (i think at that time tak ade FB) masa chit chat on Facebook malam semalam. Jejak kasih yang dah hampir five years tak dengar kabar berita and beborak cam ginih. And bila one person started the topic.... just borak , And the rest is history. I can tell, even sampai 11 pm-yesterday night… A lot of fun daripada conservation tersebut. Happy ending. Punyalah banyak benda nak argue aku ker kau yang betul, nak ingat rindu jatuh terbalik zaman sekolah, cikgu-cikgunya lagi, nak jemput Psy, gosip yang paper je lah, nak buat konsert jelajah Feda pun der tersenarai gak… Semua cam, 'we'll on drugs, so-yeah' As a conclusion, Everyone got their new named that day. Shodot a.k.a Shuhada Hamid Dodot a.k.a Firdaus Abrahim And me? Dibot a.k.a Adibah Shahrudin. Seriously, kitao...