
Sunday EXPRESSION: Berusaha keras untuk menjadi orang baik,


Hasil carian imej untuk weheartit

I  was not born in a rich family and go through a lot of hardness in my life to be who i'm today.
Anyone could said "like did i care?" and i replied by "like did i want?".
Everyone got their own "dark side" of each.
Same goes to me.

Sometimes i always blame fate for what happened.
Why it's not going as I planned?
Does Allah still loves me?
And then I'll cry-cry-and-cry.

Sometimes i hate people who always told me what to do.
Sometimes i hate people who always force me what to do.
If i need to change, I will make that decision.
If i need change, i alone will.

Hug me or don't show your face in front of me.
Take me or leave me alone.
Accept me or just walk away.
Be with me or please go!

That's why others always complaining,
you're not as mature as you should be.

If you think i'm too bad, you probably are.
When you gut feeling tells you that how come i can said like that!.

*Astagfirullah. Then, i took ablution and calm down. 
Whatever happens, I'm always trying hard to think positive and told myself that I can do this and Allah will with me with His blessing. I know He loves me and i believe all that happens a gold lining in future. Only prayer, du'a and effort along fix together for me to face the next day ongoing. Those moments with family and friends its a most fulfilling thing in the world. For the blessing 24/7, please forgive any crap i might do, i did and said because may be sometime i'm looks useless, rubbish and annoying. *

Special dedications:
In all the world, there's just one MUM who stands out from the rest, and just in case you're wondering, it's you MUM.
You're the best.
Having a mother like you is one of the greatest blessing in my life.
I love you Emak.

A father doesn't tell you that he loves you, he show you.
He is one of the people who always been there for loved, cared and protect me.
It doesn't matter who my father was, its matters who remember he was.
So i just wrote this to say, I love you Ayah.

Sometimes have a brother is even better than have a superhero.
You can kid the world, but not your sister.
Of all the things you share with your siblings, memories are the best!
Sticking with my brothers and sisters is what makes it a family.
Love you all.

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.
That's why friends are likes four-leaf-clovers.
Lucky to have and hard to find.
Load and loads of love to all my friends.

>>>what happens in my life's that i can take pride in.

Hehehehhe... Oh puhhleasse, hyperbole mimics 30-storey building jump stunt likes, i-don't-really-care-what-goes-around-me.

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