
Cerita---Kerana two missed call


(Speechless)... Alhamdulillah! Lots of syukur dan du'a kepadaNya for the good news yesterday. Terima kasih ya Allah for given me the great chances!

Sharing time:
Yesterday, i forgot to bring along my phone (in my heart-hoping that nothing bad will gonna happens). Then end one day works time, go back home and i checked my phone--got two missed call from the unknown office number+one message. Tertanya-tanyalah saper plak gerangan tuan hamba yang rerajin call aku nih.

Then, i tried call back. And the company named makes me likes palpitation+++ sekejap. After give my name and some chit chat---the lady said she will called tomorrow because its already dah habes office hour. So this lovely morning, i'll waiting for the call. Alhamdulillah!

In excited-an-terlampau, i called my mum and two of my sist... After all, i cepat-cepat mandi (melekit kot balik keja) and wat solat sunat syukur. Sujud syukurku hanya untuk Mu.

Terima kasih kehadrat Allah sekali lagi..


  1. then, here it come. alhamdulillah, go again to kl. ready-an diri tok medical check up. so d probs now is---nak apply cuti..


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