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Saturday, August 28, 2021

My Booklist: August 2021

As expected here I come for this month booklist that I already done explored. Like I mention before I will reduced my book per month to seven minimum then I can focus on another project. And as you can see, I make it to eight best books:

1. Greenlights, Matthew McConaughey

2. Predictably irrational, Dan Ariely
3. How champions think, Bob Rotella

4. Bullshit Jobs, David Graeber 

5. Who moved my cheese? Spenser Johnson

6. Built to serve, Evan Carmichael

7. The four agreement, Don Miguel Ruiz

8. Ikigai, Hector Garcia

Above are mixture of personal development and life organising. I always like a book about fixing yourself to become better version in next day! Alright, whatever genre you're fav of just go with it because that's what nerd do. Hihhi...Bye.

Sunday, August 01, 2021

Sleep & Me


I love to fall asleep and it make me peaceful from inner to outer distraction. This is because I belief that the world will fine spinning even without me. When I don't want to think about something, rather than do something stupid and will regret later...I prefer go to my bed and close my eyes. But before that I will said to myself, stop overthink and let all go. Forgive and forget, a new day will come. 

Yup, this is how I copes in barrier and down life until now. So, when you see I took a simple nap or sleep earlier this is me. Just stay by my side and stay quiet. If not, you can go. Please if you want to talk about that, keep the discussion for later. I appreciate my space and time alone, and thank you so much for that. 

My best quality of sleep is when night time. Since kids, I'm proudly said that I'm a morning person and not late stay people. I keep this routine until now and my time of sleep reduced from 8-9 hours to 5-6 hours only. This is what my habit be trained for since three to four years ago, and, I'm happy with it. I sleep early and rise earlier.

When I open my eyes after that, I'm a full recharge battery person. I'm ready to face the line. and jus keep it coming. I'm ready!
Hasil carian imej untuk we heart it sleep

Monday, July 26, 2021

My Booklist: July 2021

Again we talk about my book list per month. Here for July I only finished around 10 books, best of the best that I can get. I started already my shift scheduled and had to adjust with the time and environment. I somehow skipped my lunch time, and took it at 5.00 pm because work frame.

So, this book summaries and review got distracted with fatigue and weak mental health. At first, let me show you the book list that I done:

1. The third door, Alex Banayan

2. How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie

3. Think and grow rich, Napoleon Hill.

4. Deep work, Cal Newport

5. The hard thing about hard things, Ben Horowitz

6. The perfect day formula, Craig Ballanytyne

7. Do the work, Steven Pressfield

8. The daily stoic, Ryan Holiday

9. Thinking fast and slow, Daniel Kahneman

10. Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Coleman

From here, I think I will starts my own parameters... Seven books per month. How is it? Sound not bad right. Maybe in a year I collect 84 books! Still more than 50 though. I still impressed with what I'm doing and yeah I can do it. The impossible always possible if we got the passion and get our own path! 

I pretty sure, with this new empty slot I go focuses on new investment, P2P peer to peer and next coming real estates subject. Wish me the best in everything. I can and I will do my best intentions and achieve it in awesomeness. 


End of 2023

 Hai, Apa khabar semua? Lama benar rasanya tidak menjengah blog ini, datang sini pun sebab rindu. Tidak langsung peduli untuk menaip dan ber...