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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

One kind of friends


In our life, mesti akan ada selit-selit one kind of friend yang menjadikan all the things itu masalah.
Even includes if you have a dinner anniversaries.
Not party.
And the problems obviously, nak pakai baju apa?
She will make this small things macam a big issues.
Rasa macam...

Pakai ajelah baju apa pun, mix and match apa yang patut.
Asal sikit-sikit ikut tema.
And baju tu pentingnya dah tutup aurat.
Kept safe and comfortable.

Nanti tiba sana bukannya ada orang nak ngurat pon.
Ada pon diorang sama cuci mata.
And let the night goes.
You jugak yang akan merana dengan mekap semua. High heels bagai.
Jangan nak merungut sumpah seranah dah la.
If so, tinggal sengsorang.
Meroyanlah puas-puas.

And at the same time, i enjoying my dinner awesomely!

I know, ramai orang look me macam tak tahulah nak cakap lelaki ke perempuan.
Maybe it's part of me yang suka bersederhana and pick the simple one.

Tu belum kira yang bila bab bersiap, i'm faster than the guys duh.
Sebab i don't put make up on. I can't. Allergic bit.
And i likes flat shoes than heels.
I prefer no handbag.
Yeah. welcome to my life.

Banyak lagi yang sebenarnya. Malas nak reveal lebih-lebih.

Berbalik pada kawan jenis camtu... sometimes pelik sangat cara diorang spend money.
Pada one night yang glamour but no benefit at all, to me.
Kata orang kita punya duit kita punya sukalah.
So, i pon tak lah nak komen banyak-banyak.
Just boleh cakap, just be yourself.
Like me.

So, because of this... my life is less drama.
And more easy.
= )

P/S: About that 10th dinner anniversaries. Nak pergi ke tak, tak tahulah. If so,maybe i will just pick up my old simple black dress.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Texas Chicken: honey butter biscuits


My friend said he really likes this honey butter biscuit.
Looks like a small bun but they called it biscuit.
I donno why.
So he give me one to try out.
And i said, why not.

It's smelt good and yummy.
And at the first bite, it's lovely.
Their sweetness is just nice.
After a few minutes. The softness inside make me so boring.
Overall, i finished it all.
But, i still prefer their crunchiness at the outside.

Because of this, i think why not they make it in a bit smaller portion they what they did.
Then, it's better.
Just my comments.
Not i said all this to my friends.
Later, he don't want to treat me again.

To Texas chicken company.
Never mind. Those chicken are still my fav!
= )

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Home sweet home

I'm away for almost a week.
So, no post will be here until i'm back. Sorry.
My rules... if i'm at home. What i called truly home. No phone needed.
Because my life more interesting and awesome than all those internet!
Jeles dak. Hahahha...
Lots of things will happened. So why not I'm enjoy it. Kan.
Wait for my new update next week. Ok.
I will bring lots of pictures and stories.
I promise.
= )

Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....