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Tuesday, November 08, 2016



Something paling aku tak suka sekali adalah pabila i seen an alive lipas.
Aku repeat, an alive lipas.
And it's moving.
And flying!!!!
Like 'f' i want to speed miles away from it.
Hate it very much!

Meh aku bagitau one bad stories....
One day, i met my friends at corridor.
And he with some cleaner guy tengah cam carik something di balik pintu.
So aku sajer kacau.
Mungkin diorang jumpa pintu keluar yang best untuk escape daripada department ke kan...
And he tetiba senyum kat aku and pegang lipas alive by his hand.
And fast and furious i ran away masa dia tried throw that thing to me.
As my senses are strong enough, aku sempat hide in one room area situ.
Hasil carian imej untuk hate cocroaches

After that, before he grab balik that lipas.
I quickly tangkap balik that lipas.
Caya tak cayalah... but i did.
And kejar dia balik.
We ran along that corridor until he hidden in a room area situ.
Penakut jugak budak tuh.

And that lipas tetiba macam merayap kat my hand.
Stupid lipas.
Aku terus lepaskan benda tu and ran away...
Lantak la dia nak gih maner pon.

And time aku sambung balik buat kerja.
Tetiba my friends yang sama bukak pintu and act like he hold something.
I thought it's that a lipas again.
So i ran like Mr. Bolt in runaway Olympic games.
And maked three full round in that room.
I sempat jerit, if dia throw that thing to me. I will kill him.
I will kill him like seriously.
And aku campak mayat dia bagi jerung makan.

And after we penat lari.
Dia tetiba tengok my pocket.
The hell dia nak lentak benda tu in my pocket.
Tapi rupanya dia checking ingat i kept that thing in my pocket.
Lagilah gilo.
Terus aku bagi kick, kena tipu rupanya... penat tau aku lari...

That's the time, everyone know my secret.
I hate lipas as much i hate marshmallow.

Sorry lipas, even you're not haram like pigs or dog.
But you're my nightmare.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Makes everyone worried


Yesterday, i makes everyone worried about me.
Aku rasa bersalah bila fikir balik.
Something that yang aku anggap ianya normal but it's became a big issue to others.
It's my fault. Sorry guys.

As i cancelled my oncall to next week.
So I planned to go to my volunteered class as usual.
Then, my friend said diorang ada program lain.
And dia wanna makes appointment with me untuk hang out kat luar.
And discuss sekali penambah baikan programme kelas yang tengah kami usahakan.
Tanpa fikir panjang aku accept je la.
I think i can trust dia.

Pastu, dia cakap hang out kat tempat dia.
Uit... outside maybe better kot.
So we capai kata sepakat.
Best public place...
KL Central. Depan McDonalds at 10 am.

Then, as our first met kat luar... tetiba that morning dia cakap nak bawak kawan dia sekali.
Dia ni Germans people, tapi cakap slang indonesia.
Then... aku rasa insecure.
70 % kawan dia maybe same country.
You know what I mean.
And here, I'm alone... And alone.

So aku decided just inform my families.
Then aku whatsapp some details to my sister.
And she memang gila worried.
And aku whatsapp same details to my friends here around KL.
And she also shared same feeling.
And my friends dekat Ipoh pon dah membebel taip panjang-panjang kat whatsapp...
Oh no.

Aku sampai terpaksa screenshot a chat as a proven to my sister that someone here standby for me if anything happens.
Barulah dia ok.

As result, they make me to hold my phone every second.
Update with them every hour.
And stay in one place.
No drink or food, unless before their approval.
And stay alert.

So, i make sure i patuh all the list.
And until i finished everything and on the way home pon my friends still taip ayat panjang-panjang kat whatsapp...
She really worried about me.
Really rasa bersalah.
I swear to her that next time aku akan heret someone with me.
Even though i think I'm big enough.

And I think orang yang aku jumpa not teruk maner.
Not all Germans people are bad duh.
They all not Hitler either.
So, don't judge a book by its cover.
We have good time by the way.

And, to my sister... sorry.
I make you scare.
Sorry again.

And to my friends... sorry for all of you.
Thanks to be by my side.
I still love you all.

Sorry all, thank you all.
= )

Sunday, October 30, 2016

No update


Minggu ni and coming november month, i'm quite busy. Super tight schedule duh.
No time for updating my blog like everyday... sorry guys.
Can't help it.
And i have no time for dating also.
Sorry mate.

I have to do an oncall on PH Diwali and next weekend's.
Weekdays cam biasa full of duty job,
And akhirat collector programs.
Ini termasuklah jugak with my everyday Sunday morning charity class.
With new dua orang Belanda akan mai lagi... practice there for next three month. Hope everything with going well.

Minta maaf juga pada some invitation gotong royong on Friday and social community project from local university on the next day.
Can't join you all.
Really cannot duh.
Maybe next time.

And don't know if can come to my friends wedding ceremony at end of this month or not.
Really feel bad for him.
Because same date i boarding to my other friends house duh.
Kami plan nih dari awal lagi.
Can't decide now.

Luckily my youngest sister at Johor with my parents spent all her schools holiday.
So, i no need to worries about the kiddos.
Let her pulak yang demam jaga budak-budak nih.

Ok. Gotta go.

Japan trip 1

Hello,  Aku sebenarnya tengah vacation mood, daripada 18hb April. Memang rancang akan update, Kita kemas-kemas blog yang dah usang gila ini....