Welcome back stalkers.

Hello stalkers, welcome back! I forever don't like you, and I'm doing fine. Thanks for checking up on me and my blog. For your information, I even deleted my Facebook and Instagram because of you guys, and I leave no regret about it. I still thinking either to delete my blog or not. Anyhow, I will do it if it is too harm for my private life right now or in future. Obviously, I'm not joking around. I choose to have peaceful mind and pleasant day. The 100% statement from me for stalkers within the strangers: Don't used my name for your own drama, don't used my pictures for your own benefit, don't message me with cheap talks and create such dreadful nightmare story about me. It's annoying news and toxic environment. Those real gentleman will ask for a permission from the owner, even they surely expect a big No from me. Go stalk another person, I don't like popularity or gossip or paparazzi. If you think you're the one of them, please get t...