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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Welcome back stalkers.

Hello stalkers, welcome back! I forever don't like you, and I'm doing fine. Thanks for checking up on me and my blog. For your information, I even deleted my Facebook and Instagram because of you guys, and I leave no regret about it. I still thinking either to delete my blog or not. Anyhow, I will do it if it is too harm for my private life right now or in future. Obviously, I'm not joking around. I choose to have peaceful mind and pleasant day. 

The 100% statement from me for stalkers within the strangers: Don't used my name for your own drama, don't used my pictures for your own benefit, don't message me with cheap talks and create such dreadful nightmare story about me. It's annoying news and toxic environment. Those real gentleman will ask for a permission from the owner, even they surely expect a big No from me. Go stalk another person, I don't like popularity or gossip or paparazzi. 

If you think you're the one of them, please get the real life without me. 

A 100% statement from me for stalkers within my ex close members: I'm a short memory person, and I easily forget certain things but it is a beautiful memories. I thankful for it and right now I stay with no conflicts. I keeping my healthy relationship with people around me only, and no need to bait my other members. Hope you understand and be happy for me. Let me go and move on, don't be a coward or stupid to think about me. I already with different road and keep ahead. 

If you think you're the one of them, please get on with different road and ahead. 

The 100% statement from me for stalkers within my friends: Don't worry about me, I know what I'm doing. Just worry about why you worried about me and what I'm doing. I'm independent person, I surely will not asking for your help. I know who's my partner in crime is and who to put trust on. Don't throw your rubbish in my life and talk like you knew me well. I don't keep you, I don't want you and even happy to hear nothing about you, no more uninteresting news in my life. 

If you think you're the one of them, please worry another person and not me. 

I love my beautiful life and rainbow rain from family members. Ehem, I appreciate my partner and I pretty happy with great friends. I respect my supportive networking team too. They all are my super human and they knows me from the bottom until now. My circle are small but it makes the better me. I like writing and posting a good news here in my blog. But again, if it is damaging my dignity and personal space, I will say goodbye to it. Less people, less drama. 

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Allergic test in Malaysia

Are you interested in doing allergic teat in Malaysia?
Are you searching for the best hospital or clinic options?

I'm the one who's await for three years before do this, Probably because of this two year pandemic and not brave enough. I don't know what I'm afraid of exactly, but I did it anyway. Now there are few choices you can take, just search it online then make a call for appointment and don't forget asking for best prices.

I did my allergic test at Ramsey Sime Darby Ara Damansara, Shah Alam. At first I want to go for Iheal hospital but then I have a meeting at that area so plus one point. Here, you can just WhatsApp them at no 019-234 8835, and the operator will asked you to fill up details and then give you the appointment date and time. Wallah, easy!

I go there by public transport, and dropped by at Lrt Ara Damansara and took grab for only Rm 6 to the hospital. After that, scan the My Sejahtera and at the lobby turn to your right. You will seen the health screening department, registered at the counter and they will asked you the report will sent by email or willing to come after five days for consultation.
I took the email, because I need to go back to Johor and if any enquiries just called and connect to the doctors for more explanation. Then, they checked your temperature and took one tube sample. And before you go proceed for payment, they give you a booklet about allergic. I self paid total Rm 370 only and another option is Rm 240. Choose what you think and advices the best okay.

So, I will update the results later and see you in the next post! 

Saturday, April 09, 2022

First bite of the cherry: Life graft A

(latest update) 

Hai, now we're in the serious topic. 

Sit right ladies and gentlemen, comfort to the new level. Pour a mineral water and drink it politely. Get on the pen or pencil and a paper, few paper if needed. Next, turn off any Tv or devices to make a environment to the minimal noises. Alright everything set up? Because this will be an educational line minded. If you're not ready, go to next topic and I'm oh-key. Come back when you think you're in needed and surely to put one leg for this crazy ride. 

So, I want to talk about the future. I already experienced it and I want you all to the same and be there too. I only share a good topic and I hope you get well with the services. We will talk about a blurred line, to decide next 30 to 50 to 70 years old of you and even me. From my previous introduction I acknowledge about ''My Contentment Life'' project, and everyone want to know about it. Then, I took few time to post it because I want to make it easier and be remind forever. And, here there are.

My formulated for it is distributed by two factor-Main A & Main B. Its all what related and attach to my world, even included for a little things. Also, I'm a Muslim with Islamic religion and I got one topic for it. Be open minded, and you can skipped to that and make respect. Did you believe that one time I share this with my nephew and niece, it's a nice project that exposes to mature real world. There we don't play with Frozen cartoon custom, we strive to life. 

My Contentment Life-A, it is for general life spending from you born-0 until let say 80 years old. Because for me 80 and above considered life will ended soon so you don't know you're bedridden, only walk few steps, one leg on or get nutrition by feeding tube. Or your kids sent you to the home care! We didn't know the future and hope for the cool one. So, to make it the the better life me and you-get this plan A and start design our life. 

In this part take a paper and draw a long line at the upper part. Put 0, for your born and date and time, weight, and what you do for that day until 10 years old. Next one 10 for 20 to 20 until 10 times to 80 years old. Then, put on every years to the maximum details like what you do and the exciting things. Even put it down for adrenaline rush activities of yours, travelling part, and first home. Everything guys! And then you will see how productive or not you're since now. 

p/s: look like I have to life long to be there for my nephew ?? married at 80 years old since he finished all his job at 70 only!

Japan trip 2

Hai, Hari kedua Di Jepun, bangun pagi plan asal aku mahu tengok sunrise dekat Gion District. Tapi Emak aku jetlag sikit jadi aku...