

TRAVEL: Pantai Air Papan, Mersing, Johor.

On 28 October 2008, we together around six peoples go to the beach! I love beach and sandy water. It's meditating plus the wave sound. Having a happy day and great plays at there.  This place is so interesting but far from my home. And to go here from Kota Tinggi a bit challengin-make you nauseated with the roller coaster road. Whatever it is, I'm so happy. Go on! So, we created a super cute turtle sand over there, do you see it? Such a loving memories. Love you all.

QUESTION: Outstanding for value?

Hai,  I always said that I always like a good vibes-positive, encourage, love, peace and etc. And every-time my soul filled with this vibes, I turn to be a happiest person ever. And smile! It's fell brand new. Nothing harm when you so proud of yourself because no one gonna praise you than yourself. So be confident and happy for own good soul.  Then, I hope this is what you all wanted too. Please, please find your own happiness. Just be happy for yourself. If you need to get rid of toxic people-Just go with it. They are dangerous, expel them faster. They will always cling to you like no tomorrow, but in the end you're the one with last decision. If you want your own personal space, voice out and get it. It's your right!  People come and go in our life. They always be on our way. Truce for something like happy inside and outside, later your smiling face will be real. And it's real! Can you imagine that? So, don't do it tomorrow. Do it now. Write down any toxic p

PLKN: Bukan sekadar pengalaman, tetapi pengajaran.

Assalamualaikum. Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) , korang pernah dapat tak?? Okay now, aku nak bagi tau betapa kejamnya PLKN nih. Choi. Aku nak gitau cam ner experience aku sepanjang betapa over there lah. Really interesting actually. Aku ingat aku takkan dapat 'cause my two older sisters dah pergi. And maybe this time not my turn... and before SPM, i got letter panggilan. And here the stories.  First thing, aku kena daftar nama sebelum naik bus. This is first time aku jauh daripada family. Freaking three months okay. I'm alone! Aku bajet-bajet, if tak tahan. Aku larik jek. On bus, lepas ayah aku pastikan destinasi yang betul. Aku duduk kat seat paling tengah. Jadik, tak adalah orang cop aku skema yang dok depan sentiasa. And bad person, if dok paling belakang. Aku rasa semua orang asing dalam bus tuh. Kami bagai alien jumpa alien. Pelik. Ada yang nanges. Aku sedih tapi tak de la nanges. Aku naik from Terminal Kota Tinggi ke PLKN Ledang.