
Showing posts with the label kenapaa tidal suka lipas



Assalamualaikum, Something paling aku tak suka sekali adalah pabila i seen an alive lipas. Aku repeat, an alive lipas. And it's moving. And flying!!!! Like 'f' i want to speed miles away from it. Hate it very much! Meh aku bagitau one bad stories.... One day, i met my friends at corridor. And he with some cleaner guy tengah cam carik something di balik pintu. So aku sajer kacau. Mungkin diorang jumpa pintu keluar yang best untuk escape daripada department ke kan... And he tetiba senyum kat aku and pegang lipas alive by his hand. And fast and furious i ran away masa dia tried throw that thing to me. Urgh. As my senses are strong enough, aku sempat hide in one room area situ. After that, before he grab balik that lipas. I quickly tangkap balik that lipas. Caya tak cayalah... but i did. And kejar dia balik. We ran along that corridor until he hidden in a room area situ. Cheit. Penakut jugak budak tuh. And that lipas tetiba macam merayap ka