
Showing posts from April, 2021


My experience about braces, part 2

Hai, (con't from previous post) Okay, let me tell the story about the allergic things. I get the allergies twice, first story when the doctor decide that I need to put on screw to pull my teeth upward at one sided. So, I got the Denkan local anesthesia and then one screw applied. Go back home and nighttime is so painful, I took a painkiller and slept early.  The next morning, my gum start to swell and really red. I tried to took another painkiller, and the evening time my screw site start to show a pus. I know, it's infection or allergic dancing around. Then I called the clinic for appointment and when I got there, the doctor assess and straight away removed it.  Second incident after six to seven months from that, the doctor want to try another screw to pull my teeth. He then put a local anesthesia and applied one screw. As usual after go back home, took painkiller and straight to bed. Next morning looks okay, no gum swelling or redness. I then think that I'm fine, ...

Fashion Classy Modest Style

 Hello, How are you guys doing today? How is your life this weekend? Do you eat well? I hope you and your family be bless with health and happiness. Me, I just started my two weeks of orientation and drained energy with up and down to the executive offices. Also, I spent days mostly about adapting the change of new environment and weather here. Everyday I need to remind myself to drink a lot of water in stay hydrated. In the same time, still struggling towards skin care to make all of it as a routine. I mean, needy in apply lotion before going to sleep, use sunscreen before going out and make sure I bring my umbrella too. Protection against overdose heated sun because summer season gonna come around this month to next July!  Alright, today topic is about most-favorite-slot-the-fashion-girl. I know, it's a long time I don't talk about this kind of subject in my blog. Yeah, I noted because all of that randomly more about life. However since past year to this day, I started fell ...

Oral Health 2021

With reference from (Dentist in Eagen,  Public information: Teeth-plural vs Tooth-single.  Child-thumb sucking cause gap between teeth. First dental visit-first tooth appear in mouth/6 months old (check tooth, face and mouth for abnormalities), full set around 3 y/o.  Dental appointment-twice a year (check teeth hygiene, cavities, & gum disease)  The decay missing filled in teeth index (DMFT) used to measure dental conditions. Countries Denmark -Germany-Finland-Sweden are white & clean teeth in the world. Secret? Country provides free dental care under 18 & oral care education.  Plaques/tartar-Bacteria form &  cause cavities (decay teeth into tiny hole), gingivitis (inflammation gum), loss teeth, bleeding gum (show gum tissue not healthy).  The whitening (form of carbamide/hydrogen peroxide) need dentist care. Excessively can breakdown tooth enamel & sensitivity  Bruxism-grind/clenching of teeth can damage th...

Mee kari Rizalman 2021

Baru tadi tengok pereka fashion terkenal, Dato Rizalman buat rancangan Ramadhan Pung Pang Musim Ke 2 dekat Astro. Rasa dia campak-campak tapi cantik kejadiannya. Lauk dia tadi adalah Mee kari. Nampak menarik gila, jadi kita simpan tepi resipi ini. Untuk makluman resepi ini tidak ada sukatan, jadi pandai-pandai sendirilah ya.  Mee kari Rizalman (Halalkan ya resepi dato)  1. Letak minyak dalam periuk, tunggu hingga panas.  2. Masukkan ayam yang dipotong kecil-kecil.  3. Masukkan rempah tiga iaitu kayu manis, bunga lawang dan bunga cengkih.  4. Letak daun kari sikit.  5. Lepas itu, masuk bahan basah iaitu bawang yang dikisar dan dicampur dengan serbuk kari. Masak sampai masak, pecah minyak.  6. Masuk lada kisar, ikut kepedasan sendiri. 7. Letak garam.  8. Masukkan santan, dan sedikit air.  9. Sudah mendidih, masukkan air lagi ikut larutan yang disukai.  10. Masukkan fishball kotak yang dipotong sederhana dan bulat-bulat itu potong dua....

Resepi: Muffin Coklat Pisang

Resepi  Muffin Pisang Coklat (Bakar)  diinspirasikan dari Chef Hanieliza Bahan-bahan:- Bahan kering: - 1 cawan tepung gandum - 2 sudu besar serbuk kokok - 1/2 sudu teh soda bikarbonat - 1 sudu teh serbuk penaik - sedikit garam Bahan basah: - 3/4 cawan pisang yang sudah dilenyek - 1/2 cawan minyak jagung ( boleh diganti dengan minyak masak ) - 1/2 cawan gula perang - 1 biji telur yang dipukul sedikit - coklat chip secukupnya Cara-cara:- 1. Panaskan oven suhu 160Ā°C selama 15minit. 2. Ayakkan semua bahan kering ke dalam mangkuk. Ketepikan. 3. Campurkan semua bahan basah ke dalam mangkuk lain dan kacau rata. 4. Masukkan bahan kering yang sudah diayak ke dalam campuran bahan basah. Kacau dengan whisk sekejap sahaja. Jangan terlebih kacau nanti muffin akan keras. 5. Letakkan kertas muffin ke dalam dulang  muffin. Cedokkan adunan tadi sehingga 3/4 penuh. Taburkan coklat chip di atas adunan muffin tadi. 6. Bakar selama 20-25minit ke oven atau sehingga masak. Cucuk dengan lidi unt...

Malaysia without coins?

Back in primary school around 1995, I still remember my mother would give a pocket money of 30 sen for primary school and my sister in high school 50 sen. "Young people, give small amounts of money ah". Seems a small amount, but that was the power of the buyer in the old days. Now, buyer power is getting less with a mixture of world inflation and money politics. Do we remember the 1 sen copper brown coin? And it has been abolished, no more sellers putting Rm 0.99 on each of its items. Wink.  Again, Malaysia without coins? You said it's impossible for this to happen, but I can say ... Yes, it will in one day. Am I a good friend of the government? No, I speak as a Malaysian. In my opinion, with the determination of the government and the world to use a cashless society on all its people, it will happen that no coins will be used. No coins, or even no real paper money! It is because of digital transactions, where the magic in your hands.  Let's see which countries no lon...

My FIRE tips: At age 30's

What is FIRE? It's short form for Financial Independence, Retire Early. In the nice word, you want to get out from normal 8-5 job as early as you can. Not anyone can think about it or even achieve  this, because you really have to get out from own comfort zone. Lots of sacrifice need to be done before you really keep the fire in your hand. Can you imagine how beautiful it is to wake up in the morning without think about any kind of job demand but to do what you like? You passion about. Erm, to answer the question, yes, I'm absolutely targeting a FIRE in my future. I surely enjoy my nursing field but but I more love my own space. Instead of retire from my job at age 55 or 60 with long hours standing and do hard flexible posture, apparently I want to fully retire before age 40 maximum. Based on my plan, I will pre-test my option at age 35 to see how the process and continue to do my best for next five years. Let's say my finish line at age 70 or 80, so I have like half of my ...