
FINANCE: Living cost in Malaysia.

 Hi Malaysian,

Let's talk about money today. How good are you now in managing your own money? Pretty well or meh, not doing so good. I may not the perfect person to talk about this, but I still got the basic about financial management. Right, in helping you to do that... Do you know what are top three our money wasted on? Probably many will said foods! Yeah, foods is one of the reason behind it. But, the truly answer are...

In the first place is housing-Yeap! This part will burden you more if you have a house. Casually mortgage payment here may around Rm 1,800-800 per month. Or I can said some will have up to Rm 2,500...Yo. Then, this are not includes all the electric and water bills, the maintenance fees, the renovation, the groceries every weekend and  etc. Even if you not bought a house, housing will take part under rent amount. It still kicking you, but in a little amount. For my observation, this percentage will affect you 50%-60% randomly.

Second place is transportation. Nowadays, a car or motorcycle likes a must for everyone. This will cost you around Rm 1,000-500 per month. If you bought a second hand car, you can get around Rm 500-300 per month. Perhaps. Besides from daily petrol consume, you also must ready for some side cash money in case any situation likes car break down, tires flat, car services or travel scheduled. All this some how around 20-40%. If you don't mind, you can decrease this percentage by taking a public transport. Just use all the train, monoreal or bus. Another option, you can try online apps-Grab, Mytaxi and etc.

Last part is under your own self care. This topic will includes all the foods, gym fees, health insurance cover, kids side, cloths shopping, books, charity project and etc. People will spend around Rm 3,000-600 per month. I can state in a percentage, 60-40% wasted. This money can be lessen in some part like shopping while on sale, re-style kids cloth, use e-books, insurance cover with saving link or use public park than go to gym. This will take own encourage to change but it's all depends on our self.

Money GIF | Gfycat

Conclusion from the above, a cost for a family side I can said around Rm 8,000-5,000 per month. A cost living for a single person rounded to Rm 3,500-2,000. And if you want to have a saving in you account...You may need more than this monthly cost. So, make sure to earn more than your expenses. Another tips, please keep track your withdrawal and waste wisely. 

Happy life ahead!


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