Question: Why we must stop the panic buying?
How are you guys doing?

I pray you all the best in health and people around you too. Today, Covid 19 affecting all over the country in the world. It spread really fast from the China wet market in Wuhan around late December 2019 until now. Asian region and Italy mostly affected by it. Then, you can see lots of country started to do restricted movement law or 'lock-down' zone. Please take care of yourself, your family and people around you.
Just follow what your Goverment said, to stay at home and get the treatment if you don't feel good. Avoid all outdoor activities, and don't go to work please. I'm sure unessential company required the employee to work from home. Bare with it guys. Also if you really want to see someone, just face-time or video-call to avoid direct contact and spreading the virus. Most importantly, don't go panicking and clear out things at the supermarket.
What is panic buying? And why we must stop do the panic buying? Panic buying occur when community buy large amount of product in the market to face the next disaster or after the disaster. This is includes as what we see now; They bought many unnecessary things in the mall, buy weed, loaded the bullet for the gun, even in some country people withdraw cash from bank too. When people do this, it can cause the genuine shortage. Then lead to excessive demand in market system, later every product were sold at higher prices than normal. What? You're the one who create it, then you're the one who must facing it!
That's why government always advise don't do panic buying, stop what you're doing. Just take item as usual, keep calm and please don't fight. Even you can see some items lessen in the market due to production factory are closing but the necessary things still on. In some situation, you can planting your own sources like chilies or some other easy vegetables. This panic buying also occurred before in examples during 1979-80 oil crisis led by Japan, 2000 food problem, SARS outbreak and 2013 US gun controlled. So, don't let stupidity discriminate us, just learn from the history. OK.
#loveyourcountry #fightthecovid #notthefoods #panicbuying #stoppanicbuying