


bye, forgetting, and quotes image

Between these few months banyak benda from my surrounding yang silently attack my soul.
Emotionally than physically.
I felt so tired.
Plus practical in cardiac team, needed long hours standing until finish.
And no break until 0300 pm.
I think, i lost more weight
Something that not make me happy at all.

Then, to slot their problem in my schedule.
I just help mana yang perlu, hulur mana yang boleh.
Give them my advices.
Fews, need me to plan their future, which are nak ikut ke tak sukahati.
Their hope in me sometimes too much to take.
... This dilemma drain all my energy.

Not that i complaint about.
There are person yang i cares much.
There are my family. My friends. Or even someone which i used to know.
And i don't like they being useless or stupid for no valid reason.
Like hey, korang muda lagi ok.
Boost your energy.
Aim something.
And do your best.

Personally, cannot blame takdir.
You're not born to be like this.
Allah didn't said it, this is your like would be.
Please. You're born to shine for yourself and even for others.
Jangan malukan diri sendiri and regret later. Too late, ok.
Now is your time.
You got your own superpowers.
Find that and grab it.

A mistake still a mistake.
But why do the same mistake everyday if you have tomorrow as a promise to make it better.
Think positive.
Changes the aura.
Do something, please.
I can help you all. But you also have to help yourself.

I also a human.
I also have a bad day.
We're the same. But i don't want to be like you.
I got my aim, goals.
Either it is a simple or complicated task, to take a short or long period. I still do it.
This is how i survive my world.
Be productive.

(to be continue, how i boost my day)
Fighting guys!

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