Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Sopheas


My sister yang baru delivered by caesarian section baru nih meneruskan legasinya.
The sopheas...
So, nama anak dia adalah Aqylla Sophea.
Spelling pon boleh buat orang mabuk ketum kakakkku oi.
Anak dia, suka hati dia lah.
Meh, kita tengok peah punya adik baru.
I will called this kid, peah junior. Hahhaha...

Lebat rambut  si Peah Junior nih.
Kalah aunty dia.
Pape pon moga jadik anak yang solehah dan bahagia dunia akhirat.
Big hug from far.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Dinner Hollywood glam


My hospital menyambut secara gilang-gemilangnya their 10 years of anniversary.
Yang baru kerja tak sampai tiga tahun ni pon just tumpang sekaki dua.
Yelah, makan free.
Mana boleh let go camtu je even kan.

Actually me and my pregnant friend rasa pening-pening lalat sebab kerja pagi, petang ada talk kat institute jantung begara, IJN. Tempuh jem lagi dalam hujan.
And pastu balik kami kena hospital semula before gih dinner reramai.
Rasa tak nak pergi, tapi bila fikir balik pasal makanan semua.
Tahan, tahan. You can do it!

Ootd free. Hahhaha... Senang kerja.
Ni time kat IJN.
So, event kat Vivatel Hotel.
And my ootd. Free jubah yang i got from Losravelda mood republic fair kat PWTC masa tu.
Black and white theme.
Kena la sikit-sikit with their Hollywood glam.
Ohkeylah. Tak payah over blink-blink sangat. Or nak kena make up or nak kena rent dress.
Jangan membazir.
And not even in my life list nak buat semua tuh.

Ramai yang geram bila i not wore any make up malam tu. They want to see me in it.
And even ada yang nak paksa me pakai it. Siap volunteered. 
Duh, nasib sempat lari.
Anyway guys, janganlah camni.
Just tunggu bila nanti on my big day baru lah i conteng my face ok.
Even the contact lenses too.
Don't surprise plak time tu tengok i gojes gila debom-debom. Hahhaha...

About foods. I hate it how they prepared it outside the hall.
Dah la dok meja hujong belakang sekali.
Rasa malas nak bangun. Sebab nak tempuh orang-orang yang tak kita familiar with. Tapi merunggut pon ada la lima enam pinggan jalan.
Most liked, their curry. And cakes.

Tetiba semua bertukar jadik baik pakai kot bagai.
Sanggup gak datang even kes habis lambat. Sebab kot dah la sewa, dengar kabonya lah.

We're just enjoying the days, with great performance semua.
Part paling best, we're cheering up for our queen department untuk dress paling meletop, ketat and masuk neraka semua.
Betullah kan.
Anyways, menang gila sampai yang lelaki gih bangun dan gi depan and baling-baling napkin bagi support.
Nasib tak ada yang baling meja, kerusi.
And perempuan, we're just berdiri sama and jerit hysteria sama like tak peduli esoknya kes berlambak tengah menunggu.
Best moment ever.
And she got the crown, babe.

And for some lucky draw, yang bertuah tu.
Sama congrats lah.
Best tu.

Anyway, part paling kelakar. Bila habis nak balik. Semua meracau kat legar parking carik kereta memasing.
Hahahhaha. Gila.
Sebab parking mall kena tutup.

Ok, i'm out.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Spec baru la plak


My spectacle dah more than two years actually tak tukar.
I donno how can it happened. Busy tak bertempat agaknya.
Or maybe sebab this company tak provided yearly ophthalmic or dental checkups like my previous one.
So, tu yang sampai terlepas pandang. Agaknya lah. Hahahaa...

And, this month ada rezeki lebih. Alhamdulillah. So, I'm gonna change it on the spot.
Usually my ayah and emak or any sibling  will accompany me, more pada nak choose the frame.
New spec, new style!

But sebab dah dok Kolumpo pon sorang-sorang. Kenalah gi alone.
Nak ajak kengkawan kang kesian plak diorang kena tunggu lama. You know, procedure nak check mata, test lens, balancing and all those things.
Oh my, only spectacle people will understood.
So better tak payah susahkan sesiapa la yer.

Memandangkan gitu, i randomly pick Klcc je la. Sebab i know, my lens part will take about a week to prepare.
So lagi dekat lagi senang.
Pastu tetiba fikir yang i will away dalam masa terdekat. And someone may behalf of me untuk ambil bila siap.
Lagilah I surely nak buat kat situ.
Macam i mentioned above, tak nak susahkan sesiapa.

Then, Saturday afternoon after cake session. I took an express train to Klcc.
And jalan sana, pusing-pusing sampai sesat.
Lastly, i choose Focus Point as my usual tempat untuk my glasses daipada dulu sampai la ni.

I liked Focus Point teams. Sebab they're friendly, and always helped in choosing frame, even korang gila cerewetnya.
And paling penting they give you lot of tips about spectacle.
The distortion, reflecting and if you asked questions yang rasa diri sendiri pon annoying, diorang tetap giving most logically answer.
They respect all their customer as a special guest.

Promo tak berbayar.
Hahahaaa ...

Btw, cecah riban gak buat spectacle kali nih. Melayang lah duitnya...
Tapi bila fikir, what better for my eyes and choosing most I'm comfortable with. Bayar jelah.
Not too surprise sebab i know, my lenses power memang mahal.
Plus, frame pon dah mahal.
Ber-huhu jela.
I will snap a picture of me with my new spectacle really soon.

Good. Bye.

Sedih melihat zaman sekarang actually yang zina ada dimana-mana.
If mereka yang pada Zaman Nabi  melihat umat sekarang, geleng kepala jela.
I'm also included. That's why i tried my best to avoid much society.
They are more weird and gila.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Go travel


At the end of this month, i will go for travel.
By flight.
And this is my first flight ever.
That i wish this destination will going to Mecca land.
To consider again about domestic only.
So, i go with the flow.

So excited!
Tambah excited lagi adalah bila my flight ticket fully sponsor for free untuk pergi balik.
And the hotel too.
Best gila.
That's why i agree semua ini.
Jangan jealous oh key.
Thanks to the person yang belanja tu.
Love you lah.

And i planned to not stay bored inside the hotel room.
Flirt with room service boys. Or even i know they have a good Wifi.
Not caught my adrenaline.
But, i wish to fully explore the place there.
With i think i will go solo.
Because of some reason.
Yeah, maybe.

I already googling and make a draw about it. The maps, distance and transportation.
Which more interesting to used public transport.
But i will stand by about renting a motorbike.
Ok tak?

Even the hotel are in the town, i will consider to go outside from that.
Because this is all sort of animal and natural lover buat.
We donno when will we come back sana.
So, enjoy with the time.

Insyaallah, I will make a video footage about my travelling experienced.
Where i will post at my You tube channel or Facebook wall.
Take time somehow.
Because of editing part, duh.
If tak de tuh mungkin sebab i more enjoy my life.
Than hold a hand-phone 24 hours.

So, see you in next chapter.
Pray me the best.
= )

Fall hard about this quotes.
Share more!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Manusia kadang kala melebihi


When you asked for help from someone ... nicely.
And he or she fired you with marah-marah and merunggut.
This kind of person,
You should jauhi.
Really jauhi or be aware.

This happened to my friend.
And i stand beside her at that time.
And i felt her feeling.
She just stare at that person and terdiam.
Kami memang unexpectedly terkejut dengan apa yang keluar daripada mulut dia.
Because my respect to his or her memang all out jatuh gila.
Tak sangka she or he can talked macam tuh.
What in the world.

After a second, we pandang sesama sendiri.
And i pull her out from that room and said privately that just asked from someone else.
We can make it without her or his.
Ingat kita nih jenis akan begging tak tentu pasal.
You're wrong, you're wrong!

And my friend agree with me and we settle it down by our self.
And duh, we actually make it.

Seterusnya. The next coming Monday, she met me.
And said sorry.
About his or her behavior toward me.
That time memang dia tak ada mood and dia tahu salah sendiri.
How tak baik dia punya perilaku.
Tahu pon. Sedar pon.

I just said, it's okay.
No sweat.
Everyone have their own ketahanan pada stress or problem sendiri.
Some people will drag along the mood in one day.
Some can control it.
Manusia kadang kala melebihi.
Tapi our self yang limit kan semua itu.
Ada faham? gitulah ayatnya.

That's why, i always stay quiet and more smile.
Less talked less drama.
Less sin.
Cewah ayat.

Ehem, untuk peringatan pada diri sendiri juga...if someone asked for help,
Just do what you can, if can't make it. Just said it.
Just frankly speaking that you're not free or in rushing.
Daripada tak ikhlas menolong.
Betul tak.

Untuk control masalah yang dialami.
Apparently semua orang ada problem masing-masing.
Jangan kata masalah kita more problematic than others.
Jangan drama sangat boleh tak?
Lempang nak?
Gih ambil wuduk, bentang sejadah.
Pakai telekung.
Doa yang terbaik untuk diri sendiri every second.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Antara ikan dan ayam


When someone asked me what I'm gonna to eat today?
I just said anything.
Yeah, apa apa jer.
As long it's edible.
Menggeyangkan dan semestinya sedap.

I'm not too cerewet in makanan part.
Or, maybe.

But in between ayam or ikan.
I more prefer ikan. In any cooking style.
Except ikan keli.
Because my mother don't teach me how to ate that fish.
And also fish yang in big size.
Not my taste.

Talk about big fish, few days ago i ate kari kepala ikan.
And i said i don't like too much ikan yang in big size.
And i donno how to ate them.
That fish revenge me, and the duri stuck in between my teeth and the more i want t pull out the more it's straight to my gum.
I can't took it out.
I hope my gum not infected because of this 'lil silly duri things.

Hasil carian imej untuk kari kepala ikan

Walau bagaimana pon, diakui it's quite uncomfortable actually untuk makan fish di kedai.
Because we not sure how the cleanliness it is.
But I still choose fish.
Depends on the kedai i go.
Or paling senang.
Go to my routine order.
Simple soup.

And because of this thing tu la ni la, why not we cooked from home.
The better.
Untuk yang ni, kena tanya my mood on that day lah ye.


Thursday, March 16, 2017


Salam khamis semua!
Dhikir lah masa ada kelapangan.
Masa tengah tunggu orang ke,
Masa tengah tunggu makannan panas ke.
Tengah buat kes yang memboringkan ke.
Anytime. Anywhere.
Tak salah malah collect pahala lagi.
Thumbs up!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Alat kawalan jauh

I loved this post!

As you seen from above picture.
Mesti korang nak gelak guling guling pastu diam jap sebab drawing nih sangat berimaginasi tinggi.
That what i think when my sister sent this image.
Really smart girl you are Cik Ziqa.

She draw without an eraser and in one line.
And i donno how her brain works.
And where she jumpa this alat.
Must from my younger brother yang suka letak barang sepah-sepah.
BTW, its truly amazing!

Sebagai myself yang in medical part, this looks like a power tools where i used for drilling bone.
And i don't think if this item can be as alat kawalan jauh.
As Cik Ziqa imagination.
How can it's works.
Put on the head like kipas terbang Doraemon and Nobita?
Mesti berat.
I can't think.

If i'm going back Johor later, I want to asked lots of question about this item.
It's a must.
Sangat curious, duh.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Recipe : Bread Pudding


My department always rich with their balance bread, the last two three layer will always be forgotten and they never will search for it. Later, it become either throw away or molded by itself. So, as you know me, I don't like food be wasted kind of situation. 

This pudding cake is so tasteful, so creamy, so fluffy and delicious. Can it when breakfast, tea time or snack time with families or friends. Or for gathering time. You want to save money but still give the best and gorgeous dessert for your guest. You should try this. 

What I do to it is I make a bread pudding for their free breakfast! Wink. All the balanced breads I collect it and post it in department group chat that that either they want it or I will use it. Ask permission, meh. Then, cut it all into small four pieces each bread slice. 

*Preheat oven first-100 degree Celsius*

My ingredients: A
-Fresh milk, 2 cups.
-Sugar, half cup or less.
-Butter or margarine, 1 spoon
-Salt, one pinch.
(All in one bowl and heated or microwave until dissolved)

My ingredients: B
-Eggs, 1 or 2 to make bread stick together.
-Cinnamon powder, 1 tea spoon.
-Essen vanilla, 1 tea spoon. Reduce eggs flavored and smell. 
(All in one bowl, stir slowly)

-Raisin, optional.
-Chocolate chips, optional.
Then, combined both bowl A & B-then dip in your bread pieces and arrange it one container that cover with oil wrapper or bit butter layer. Also, in between you put optional raisin and chocolate chips. And lastly, pour the balance in bowl to the container until all bread are soaked.

Then, put it in the oven! I not pro in the setting but I can said maybe 110-130 degree Celsius for 30 minutes. Just make sure the crispy and brownish on top and fully cook like you bake cake. Here, is mine look like.

For the sauces, I'm not pro yet but you can use a vanilla ice cream on top of it. Either you melt it away or just keep it like that. Still awesome okay! Enjoy and here I also got a ''batik cake'' from my friends. I bake this, she bring me that. Happy tummy, happy me.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Meh kongsi makanan


Lately i'm quiet malas untuk masak.
That i don't enough bahan-bahan untuk ketang ketung dekat dapur.
Because all of my weekend are full house.
So, nak gih pasar time hari biasa memang tak la kan...
Just deal with it jela.
Lantak la.

Macam hari ini, Sunday.
I'm oncall.

Untuk ini. Reason yang masuk akal.
I'm fasting.
Alang-alang masih ada dream untuk bit kurus sikit gih. Hehhehheheh....
So, here i am.
Teruskan berpuasa terutama hari Isnin dan Khamis.
Best gak lama-lama practice camni.
Prep untuk coming Ramadhan gituuuu.

Alhamdulillah sepanjang berpuasa. My rezeki about foods sangat melimpah-limpah.
Ada one day tu, i bought bubur MCD.
Plan that is my food untuk buka puasa.
Then, petang sikit. My friend cakap dia ada beli me laksa for lunch.
Oh key.
Then, petang lagi. Other friend ask me to take her Pizza part.
She's on vegetarian diet.
And masa time nak buka.
One doctor belanja pulak. Mee udang and nasi goreng ayam.
I just like.... which one i'm gonna eat first?

Hasil carian imej untuk i love foods

So, i just share what i have.
I just ate any foods available... 
Because everyone love foods! No worries. Hahhahahah...
And i'm the one who like to share with you all.
Because i don't eat much.
Syuhhh, i'm on diet too.

Talk about kongsi makan nih.
Even time tak puasa pon. Or i only have that food untuk makan pon i still share with others.
Sebab again i said.
I'm on controlling my diet.
Because i'm not exercising. So this the way lah.
Nak lari sangat dalam department pon tak boleh dah.
Kaki dalam pemerhatian.
Tak boleh lari sesuka hati.
Mau terseliuh lagi plak.
Nak bagi dia betul-betul cure, baru i start run, baby, run.
= )

Okeih, start kerja lorh!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Play water

I love this picture very much. Sangat ohsem.
This when, those three kids tengah play water kat depan rumah nenek mereka.
Nenek tengah siram pokok bunga, dioarang help sama.
As upah, boleh mandi main air depan rumah.
Suka gila diorang.
Memang look fun.
Happy for them. = )

Thursday, March 09, 2017

Foods: Food allergies


''In worldwide  6-8% of children can have food allergy, and the commonest is still cow's milk, egg whites, soya and wheat. The teenager then likely more to peanuts and tree nuts like hazelnut or almonds. The reaction like rashes, itchiness, hives, vomiting's, diarrhea or abdominal cramp could happen from eating or touching. Usually, there's no fever but they can be a bit tired because of the symptoms.'' Dr Amir, Society of Allergy & Immunology (MSAI).

He also said that there's more precaution should taken from parents to their kids or adult in taking care of own drugs. People should know there are two system more affected from this incident, skin and respiratory. If this two or more other system involved it can be life-threatening. In adult, unknown cases to severe reactions happens due to food allergy is probably 30-40%. There will be some response likes below:

*Rashes and faint-The blood pressure in body start to drop, if it continue dropping someone can go to anaphylactic shock and extreme from this is actually death. 
*Allergic rhinitis and branchial spasm-The airway become narrowed and make a person hard to breath.  

In preventing from above scenario, if we're aware that we have any food allergy-please don't eat if possible. The parents must be alert for their kids sake, and if your baby allergic to cow milk not possible they also allergic to soya milk-50% they will. Dr Amir says there are two tests can be performed to check the specific IgE (Immunoglobulin E)-skin prick test (needle series trigger) or blood test (lab to analysis). Anyone who are interested in this allergies topic-please link web for more information. 

Alright, do you have any food allergic? Mine? Seafoods and new food allergy is any noodle especially kwetiau / flat noodle stir fry. When I saw my friend ate it, I just realized how long I'm not ordered this meal. Perhaps in 2017, art event at that time-can't remember. I'm still phobia to it, don't care if you have those prawn or all seafood part. I still don't wanna eat you! Please, my stomach can't accept yours. So, everyone please take care of yourself and pity your organ too.

Stay safe!

Hasil carian imej untuk keow teow

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

You think you're a hero?


My friend told me a secret few days back.
And i'm just okey with it.
And today she met me and said that someone knew that secret.
She felt so uncomfortable.

For me, I'm just annoying at the end of our discussion.
Not to her, but to the person who knew those secret.

I really donno how he knew it.
How he CIA it till found.
My advise to him,
Even you know the story behind it, why just don't you shut up. And kept that to yourself.
So annoying. Duh.

Or are you think you so hero because you knew everything?
And must be telling that to others so that they also alert about it.
That, you knew it.
Please lah... Let the time tell.
Let the person reveals.
This is how you respect others plan and secret.

Because of this, looks like you just slowly pull back my trust and so on.
You make it worst and for us,
In future, you just a friend with no benefit.
No fun.
And no manners.


Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Hubungilah yang tersayang


Today jarang dah nampak anak-anak phone call parents masing-masing.
Maybe sebab mak ayah diorang pandai dah Wahatsapp.
Sebab tu even they not talk each other,
They keep in touch each other.

But to me, a call tak salahkan.
Sebab hubungi mereka, dengar suara mereka.
Are the precious moment.
Jangan let that go.
Jangan sampai terlambat.

To me, i will make sure three days paling maximum i will called them.
Lagi-lagi my parents tak pandai Whatsapp ni semua.
Message wish birthday pon my ayah forward tahun lepas, and lepasnya.
Oh my.
So, never-mind.

Call jelah. Biasa call pagi-pagi before case start...
Sajer, nak tanya khabar.
Tanya masak apa lauk tengahri.
Tanya pokok apa yang terbaru.
Tanya hal anak sedara.

And from there, they will told you lots of gossip.
And cerita lawak lainnya.
There you built a family relationship.

Other sibling, maximum a week or month at least ada call.
Sebab our 24/7 Whatsapp cukup lah.
Macam korang.

Tapi if rajin lebih, or rindu kat diorang.
Called jelah.
Bukan kena bill bertimbun pon.


Monday, March 06, 2017

Legoland Malaysia 2017


Last week, my friends dan saya telah pergi ke Legoland Malaysia!
Yuhuuu. And,
As FYI, even I'm a Johorean... this is my first time ever pergi sini.
Yelah dah nama kerja pon dok Keyelll.
Ingat dok boleh ulang alik Legoland dengan KL?
Lempang nak.

We all gerak Friday night and sampai sana around 0230 Saturday morning.
Hotel jangan cakaplah. All full house.
One time, rasa nak bentang toto tengah jalan jer, sebab tak larat nak mencarik dah.
And Alahmdulillah.
We stayed at Retto Hotel.
The owner said the title name from a Japanese word.
I just want my bed.

Sebab penat sangat, semua basuh muka. Basuh kaki and dooommm.
Sampai pagi tuh semua terlajak tidur.
And we just had our breakfast plus lunch around 1130 at KFC near there.
Mandini Hotel side.
Janji kenyang sebab masuk sana harga semua macam harammmm... yes, we knew it.

I pick Theme Park and diorang semua setuju.
And after scan and tebus voucher semua.
Pass their security line.
We all serbu locker first.

Yes, we had a baby Nana with us.
That why we need a locker to kept all her things there.
And watch out guys, you can brings your own stroller!
Jangan jadik cam kami yang ingatkan ada stroller boleh sewa.
Memang ada, but that for kids yang dah besar.
Nasib ada orang volunteer nak care her.
Gilir-gilir lah kan.

Other tips, bring along the maps.
Very bermanfaat.
And please play all the game and have fun.
Rugi tak main wooo... mahai bayar.

For me, sebab baby Nana still underage untuk semua game.
Kami yang main on behalf of her.
And we just rembat mana-mana budak which on his/her rombongan sekolah.
To be our partner.
Trick tuh.

And silalah bawak payung sendiri.
Masa kami pergi.
Bit gerimis, and who gonna bought an umbrella for RM 99.00..
Close enough for our ticket price!
Nuh, never.
Nasib ada maps as live saver.

They have Lego Technic, Kingdoms, City, Imagination, Land of Adventure and Miniland.
Semua memang kebanyakan they kept the view in lego style.
And those lego memang ohsem kat sini.
Memang big thumbs up untuk diorang semua yang on this project.
Mesti semua mata merah jer lepas siap.

We already tried that NinjaGo,
And as a proud winner between them. I can smiled all day.
But my mood memang down terus after that Roller coaster, i naik sampai two times.
Sebab we gilir-gilir jaga baby Nana and i'm the one yang jadi orang tengah.
And never i will experience it anymore.
No, i don't want.
Rasa mau tercabut jantung.

And i also tripped dekat tangga masa nak tengok Lego show.
My kawan dua tu boleh gelak jer.
Control ayu, i pick nearest chair and tahan jer sakitnya.
Kawan baik sangatttt lah kan.

And as last tips, bring also your own mineral water bottke.
My friends said tak boleh bawa, But i still passed overal.
Maybe dia ingat that water bottle is for baby.
So, you're saving some money duh.

And to me, this Legoland part, is more interesting if you have a kids.
Between three to teenager.
Sebab ini adalah fasa mereka untuk have fun.
And they will like it very much.
Nasib badan lah if kena tapau dengan mereka.
Sebab lego yang dijual sini semua harga debom-debom.

Next time when i have a kids,
This place is in my bucket list for them.
But not the lego souvenirs, guys.

No shoes, Sorry.
But he is my boyfriends from Mars!

Thursday, March 02, 2017

This is my angsa


Pada semua yang selama ini masih blurred, I introduced you all to my the only goose.
Nama dia angsa.
Sebab dia angla lah kan.

Dia ini kita jaga since kecik cenonet.
If kucing korang boleh manja-manja, my goose lagi cute daripada itu oh key.
But in his on way la.

Ingat lagi moments bawak dia jalan petang lepas habis sekolah agama.
Teman mandi paya kat belakang rumah.
Jadi tunggul time dia makan rumput.
Part paling best, tengok dia kejar orang.
Hahhaha... kembang-kembang kepak dia.
Then buat muka garang, inagt kita takut?
Lempang nak?

Eleh...pastu biasalah jantan.
Nampak awek lagi cantik. Mengawan ar dia.
Dia kawen dengan betina lebih tua daripada dia.
Dah itu keputusan dia, nak bantah apa....
Alhamdulillah dia bahagia.
Dapat dua ekor anak lagi.

Tapi sayang, ajal tak panjang.
Sebab kelalaian.
Anak dia pon mati sama....Tragis gila hidup mereka anak beranak.

Tapi dia tetap my only goose,
The one that pernah kongsi bahulu sama-sama bawah pokok rambut.
He's the one.
And only.

I miss you very much.
Boleh bela angsa lagi ker tak ek?
Tanya jer...

Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Please stay strong uterus


Next week my sister, Maya will going for cesarean sebab dia ada placenta previa.
Type 3/4 not sure.
She now dah beberapa minggu di wad.
I can't help her,
Sebab dia admitted dekat Ipoh, Perak.
If dia admitted kat hospital i worked now.
Tiap-tiap malam boleh lepak sama.

Even dia punya caesar team pon i will join ventured.
But, kat Perak kan...
Jauh duh.
Can't do anything.

So, our family members dah aware about this.
Hopefully will Allah bless semua akan baik-baik sahaja.

If sempat i will called her update about her condition.
Buat lawak gila bagi dia cheerful sikit.
Sebab, she always complained about how bored be in the hospital.
And dia ada citer, dia jual la telekung kat staff nurse situ.
Hah, i said gi la gantung telekung, tudung kat tepi tingkap and dinding.
Buat warehouse sale kat dalam wad tuh.

Murah rezeki, tambah duit poket untuk baby baru nanti.

I had an info yang bagitau operation selalunya buat time antara 37 to 38 weeks kehamilan.
And mereka yang ada placenta previa perlu admit awai. Cam my sister la.
Ini waktu kritikal sebab nak bagi mereka nih bed rest fully.
Yelah sebab uri dah kat bawah.
Risiko besar.
Lagi-lagi bab pendarahan.
Sangat-sangat doakan dia the best!

Scary of course.
And, bagi yang baru kena diagnosis about placenta previa.
Avoid long distanced travel. Nak melancong pon pikir la seratus ke dua ratus kali.
And jangan la angkat benda berat.
Aand satu gih, kalau ada time rest.
Gih la rest.
Your baby is more important than anything else, right.

This picture below mungkin boleh membantu.

Hasil carian imej untuk placenta previa

And my nasihat lagi for all of you yang tengah on placenta previa.
Time masa admitted awai tuh,
Tak ada kerja nak buat,
Gih la baca doa and baca Quran banyak-banyak.
Lagi baguih bagi khatam.
Kill the time wisely.
Sebab nanti masa on bed operation.
We're battling and berharap hanya pada-Nya.
Kan, so be prepared.

Not make you down, but ajal maut di tangan Allah.
Kita do our best.
For the future baby and diri sendiri.
And orang yang kita sayang.

Even i'm a scrub nurse, but heard a news macam nih.
That your own sister on bed operation.
Mesti rasa anxiety amat.
Kakak sendiri tuh.
But, i only can doa for her from far.

Peah also wish her Mummy the best!