
Please stay strong uterus


Next week my sister, Maya will going for cesarean sebab dia ada placenta previa.
Type 3/4 not sure.
She now dah beberapa minggu di wad.
I can't help her,
Sebab dia admitted dekat Ipoh, Perak.
If dia admitted kat hospital i worked now.
Tiap-tiap malam boleh lepak sama.

Even dia punya caesar team pon i will join ventured.
But, kat Perak kan...
Jauh duh.
Can't do anything.

So, our family members dah aware about this.
Hopefully will Allah bless semua akan baik-baik sahaja.

If sempat i will called her update about her condition.
Buat lawak gila bagi dia cheerful sikit.
Sebab, she always complained about how bored be in the hospital.
And dia ada citer, dia jual la telekung kat staff nurse situ.
Hah, i said gi la gantung telekung, tudung kat tepi tingkap and dinding.
Buat warehouse sale kat dalam wad tuh.

Murah rezeki, tambah duit poket untuk baby baru nanti.

I had an info yang bagitau operation selalunya buat time antara 37 to 38 weeks kehamilan.
And mereka yang ada placenta previa perlu admit awai. Cam my sister la.
Ini waktu kritikal sebab nak bagi mereka nih bed rest fully.
Yelah sebab uri dah kat bawah.
Risiko besar.
Lagi-lagi bab pendarahan.
Sangat-sangat doakan dia the best!

Scary of course.
And, bagi yang baru kena diagnosis about placenta previa.
Avoid long distanced travel. Nak melancong pon pikir la seratus ke dua ratus kali.
And jangan la angkat benda berat.
Aand satu gih, kalau ada time rest.
Gih la rest.
Your baby is more important than anything else, right.

This picture below mungkin boleh membantu.

Hasil carian imej untuk placenta previa

And my nasihat lagi for all of you yang tengah on placenta previa.
Time masa admitted awai tuh,
Tak ada kerja nak buat,
Gih la baca doa and baca Quran banyak-banyak.
Lagi baguih bagi khatam.
Kill the time wisely.
Sebab nanti masa on bed operation.
We're battling and berharap hanya pada-Nya.
Kan, so be prepared.

Not make you down, but ajal maut di tangan Allah.
Kita do our best.
For the future baby and diri sendiri.
And orang yang kita sayang.

Even i'm a scrub nurse, but heard a news macam nih.
That your own sister on bed operation.
Mesti rasa anxiety amat.
Kakak sendiri tuh.
But, i only can doa for her from far.

Peah also wish her Mummy the best!

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