Recipes: Simple scramble eggs

Hello. Lately, my post is more abou food. Food. And food again. Hihi. Whatever it is, I love foods! Okay, today recipe is about eggs. We going to make a simple scramble eggs. This meal is not like a Western or European types of scramble eggs with is creamy look. No, no-this my mum recipe opposite of it. And I can said, this is my favorited childhood memories. I don't know where my mum got this recipe but it's truly delicious and so easy. Whoever which can't cook also can do it. You can make it for breakfast-suitable one or for lunch sandwich or dinner time. It's so practical everywhere and anytime. All you needs are: -Bread (as a base later on) -Margarine or you can use butter, 1 spoon. -Black or white paper, 1 tea spoon. -Salt, pinch of salt. Or not because the margarine or butter sometimes also got salt. -1 or 2 eggs, depends how much you want it. -Medium onion, chopped it. -Chili, optional if you want more spicy. -Chili sauce, mayonnaise. Steps: 1-Put a pan ...